How am I, the dream ego, acting in this dream? - (Aggressive, assertive, passive, active, etc...)
1. 我就是我自己,主动。
What are the various feelings/emotions in the dream? - (Both "mine" and those of other characters...)
1. 感觉不到其他人的。
What is the context of the dream? - (What is going on in my life right now?)
1. 《24小时》看多了……
In the dream, who are the main characters?
1. 小样,美国总统,校长,其它就不记得了。
Who (or what) is the adversary?
1. 一颗核弹
Who (or what) is being wounded?
1. 美国~
Who (or what) is being healed?
1. 美国~
Who (or what) is my companion?
1. 小样
Did I dream of actual people, or imaginary people?
1. 除了小样,别的都不认识吧。
Could the characters all be different aspects of myself?
1. 我就是我啊。
What are the outstanding features or symbols in the dream? (For example: flood, animals, house, etc.)
1. 黑夜,高速公路,摩托车,广播操,危机,原子弹,电脑……
How might these features relate to my emotions, my personality, or me?
1. 呵呵,梦里也忘不了愤青一下,骂了校长还有美国总统。
How does the dream as a whole relates to my personality?
1. 就是我的做事风格啊~
What are the main actions in the dream?
1. 漆黑的夜,高速公路上,一盏一盏路灯向后滑去。我坐在小样的摩托车上。不一会的时间就到了学校了,刚好碰到学校里的人在做广播操,我说,靠,这么幼稚,于是我就没做,直接抄人群后面走去,结果刚好被校长撞个正着,然后就理论上了,最后骂的校长没话说,我就进了某个建筑,然后看到有人跟美国总统报告说,有一颗核弹被锁定到了美国的某个地方,后果将会是毁灭地球,然后我在自己电脑上调出来一看,哦,这么简单,很好破解嘛~所有的人都素手无策,然后我就去找到美国总统,将其痛骂一顿,然后说这个我可以轻松搞定。然后我就去搞这个东西了。后来就醒了。
What would I like to avoid in the dream?
1. 没什么吧。
What actions might it be suggesting that I consider?
1. 没有。
Does the dream trigger any memories?
1. 小样带我逛武汉。
Do any of the elements of the dream relate to my past?
1. 当然了。
Why might this part of my past be called to my attention now?
1. 想小样了。
Does the dream trigger any further questions?
1. 没有。
What is its positive message for me?
1. 提醒我做人不能那么狂。
Was the dream more physical, or emotional?
1. Can not tell