
Gets: (Parse) The number of lookups for objects of the namespace
Pins: (Execution) The number of reads or executions of the objects of the namespace
Reloads: (Reparse) The number of library cache misses on the execution step,causing implicit reparsing of the statement and block

当一个sql语句传给oracle之后,oracle首先要到share pool中找有没有相同的语句存在,如果没有就进行硬解析;

rwq_ 质疑:

看看hard parse要做些什么:
the parse step must complete the following tasks:
 1.Check the statement for syntactic correctness.
 2.Perform object resolution where the names and structures of the referenced objects are checked against the data dictionary.
 3.Gather statistics regarding the objects referenced in the query by examining the data dictionary.
 4.Prepare and select an execution plan from among the available plans,including the determination of whether Stored Outlines or Materialized Views are relevant.
 5.Determine the security for the objects referenced in the query by examining the data dictionary.
 6.Generate a compiled version of the statement (calledP-Code).

--摘自Sybex 的《Oracle9i Performance Tuning Study Guide》 


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