C++ Print ASCII Values of Characters

Print ASCII Values of Characters in C++

To print ASCII values of all the character in C++ programming, use the number from 1 to 255

and place the number in the ch variable of char type to convert the ASCII value in equivalent character to print all the ASCII values of the characters as shown here in the following program.

C++ Programming Code to Print All Characters along with its ASCII Values

Following C++ program print all the ASCII values of characters:



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
char ch;
int i;
return 0;


xfer from  https://codescracker.com/cpp/program/cpp-program-print-ascii-values.htm



Print ASCII Values in Python

To print ASCII value of all characters in python, just follow the program given below.

This python program will print all the character along with their ASCII values.

Python Programming Code to Print ASCII Values

Following python program will print all the 255 character along with their ASCII values:


# Python Program - Print ASCII Values for i in range(1, 255): ch = chr(i); print(i, "=", ch);

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