--两张表关联 UPDATE JC_COLL_REPAY r INNER JOIN lc_lm_loan l ON r.loan_no = l.loan_no SET r.loan_typ = l.tep_cde, r.oper_center = l.bch_cde, r.chnl_cde = l.coopr_cde; --三张表关联 UPDATE JC_COLL_REPAY r INNER JOIN lc_lm_loan l ON r.loan_no = l.loan_no INNER JOIN lc_cust_info i ON l.cust_id = i.cust_id SET r.loan_typ = l.tep_cde, r.oper_center = l.bch_cde, r.chnl_cde = l.coopr_cde, r.indiv_mobile = i.indiv_mobile;
---三张表关联 update JC_COLL_REPAY r set (r.indiv_mobile,r.loan_typ,r.oper_center,r.chnl_cde) = (select c.indiv_mobile,l.tep_cde,l.bch_cde,l.coopr_cde from lc_lm_loan l,lc_cust_info c where l.cust_id = c.cust_id and l.loan_no = r.loan_no ) where exists (select 1 from lc_lm_loan l,lc_cust_info c where l.cust_id = c.cust_id and l.loan_no = r.loan_no ) ---不推荐 update JC_COLL_REPAY r set r.loan_typ=(select tep_cde from lc_lm_loan l where r.loan_no=l.loan_no), r.oper_center=(select bch_cde from lc_lm_loan l where r.loan_no=l.loan_no), r.chnl_cde=(select coopr_cde from lc_lm_loan l where r.loan_no=l.loan_no) where exists (select 1 from a where r.loan_no=l.loan_no)
还可以使用merge into
merge into TEST_RESULT r using (select * from test_major m,test_subject s where m.id = s.sb_ma) ms on (r.subject = ms.sb_name) when matched then update set r.major = ms.zymc