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More attentive users may have noticed that for some time several new models of motherboard have been turning up on the market with a new feature called RAID, meaning Redundant Array of Independent Disks. But what does this mean in practical terms and how can this feature be of use to normal users?

The RAID system consists of a set of two or more hard disks, with two basic purposes: provide a faster disk system (i. e., speed up disk data loading) through a technique called data stripping - or RAID 0 - and/or set up a safer disk system by means of a technique known as mirroring or RAID 1. These two techniques may be used either separately or jointly.

Lets have a look at data stripping first. Picture a computer equipped with two equal hard disks. In a run of the mill machine – without RAID – each disk is accessed independently from the other. With data stripping, the pair of hard disks will make up a single set, leading the computer to believe that it is dealing with a single, larger disk. If each disk has a 20 GB capacity, the computer will then believe that it is fitted with a single 40 GB disk. Upon storing a file on disk, the RAID system will split it between the pair of hard disks, writing half the file on one and the other half on the other. This takes place in a user-transparent fashion.

But what is the advantage of all this? Let us assume that you are working with a 200 KB file. In a conventional disk system, this file will have to be entirely written on a single disk, using the single existing communication channel. With data splitting, this file will be split into two 100 KB files, each written on one of the disks at the same time. Well, seeing that a 100 KB file takes half the time to be written than a 200-KB file, the disk access speed will be doubled!

To give you a clearer idea, imagine you are working on a really big file, for instance, 100 MB – quite big for normal users, but in professional audio and video editing, files this size are relatively common. If your hard disk (and motherboard) uses ATA-100 standard, it means that it theoretical transfers data at 100MB/s. We stress theoretically because this rate is lower in practice. So in our theoretical example, it will take 1 second to transfer (write or read) our file. Now, if we are using a RAID 0 system on our computer, i. e., two equal hard disks with data splitting and assuming that they are ATA-100 disks, the said file will be split into two 50 MB files and, according, it will only take 0.5 sec to write (or read) each disk. As the access rate to each disk has fallen to half the time (0.5 sec), it follows that the performance has doubled!

But the RAID system is not restricted to using two hard disks. In principle, we can set up as many disks as we want. Following the same example, if we use four equal disks instead of two, the computer will believe that all four are a single disk and will automatically split the file into four parts, multiplying fourfold the file's R/W rate. In the example, the 100 MB file will be split into four 25 MB each file and, according, it will be written at a mere 0.25 sec if we assume that ATA-100 disks are being used.

It goes without saying that the more disks we use, the more expensive our system will be. But with applications handling extensive files, such as professional audio and video editing, the system becomes really attractive seeing that the machine file R/W rate is much faster.

We stress that all this splitting takes place out of sight, and the user is not aware that his file has been split into pieces.

Mirroring – also known as RAID 1 – consists of automatically copying the entire contents of a hard disk to another one. In other words, if you equip your computer such a system, the second hard disk will be the spitting image of the first. If your main hard disk goes up in smoke, the second will automatically activate.

It is amazing: mirroring is automatic backing up via hardware, enhancing your computer's safety factor. It goes without saying that this system eliminates the need to backup (seeing it is possible that both hard disks collapse together – an extremely remote, but real probability) but it really provides a feeling of safety to people that cannot, under any circumstances whatsoever, lose data stored on their hard disks. The best thing about mirroring is that it is carried out automatically by hardware on the motherboard or controller card, not requiring any operating system set up for backing up (as the system believes that the computer has a single hard disk).

And better still: mirroring does not have to be implemented at the time you format your hard disk and install the operating system. You can take a disk with years-old data and start mirroring it. Upon configuring – done by a self set up – the contents of the main hard disk will be copied to the backup hard disk (a procedure that takes some time, of course).

Data splitting and mirroring can be set to work at the same time through a set-up usually called RAID 0+1. This set-up requires at least four hard disks. Data splitting will be used on two disks, to increase the speed, while the other two disks will provide backup the first pair. If one of the disks goes down, the system starts acting like a RAID0 system, i.e. just data stripping. Another system for putting RAID0 and RAID1 together is called RAID10. It works like RAID0+1 but if a had disk fails, the RAID10 the system becomes a RAID1 system, i.e. just mirroring.

Modern systems allows the use of RAID0+1 using just two hard disks. This setup is called JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks) and works using only half of each hard disk capacity, thus simulating four hard drives. For example, using two 40 GB hard disks with JBOD RAID configuration, the total available space will be 20 GB (the other 20 GB space will be used for backing up the data from the first half of the disk). Of course this system is slower than RAID0+1.

We've seen the basics: RAID0 means data stripping, RAID1 means mirroring and they can be joined together as RAID0+1, RAID10 or JBOD. There are more RAID options, but they are not common in IDE RAID, i.e. RAID systems available on the motherboard target to the average user. These other RAID functions are:

  • RAID2: Similar to RAID0, but with error correction scheme (ECC);
  • RAID3: Similar to RAID0, but using an extra hard disk for parity information storage, thus enhancing the system reliability;
  • RAID4: Similar to RAID3, but faster by using larger data chunks, i.e. the files are stripped into larger blocks;
  • RAID5: Similar to RAID3 and RAID4, but saving the parity information inside the data disks not on an extra disk, so you won't need an extra disk;
  • RAID53: Similar to RAID3 but using at least 5 hard disks, to enhance the system performance;
  • RAID6: Based on RAID5, it saves an extra parity information on all hard disks of the system, enhancing the system reliability;
  • RAID7: Trademark from a company called Storage Computer Corporation, it uses an extra disk to save parity information. Its main advantage is its speed, because it uses disk cache technique. It can be considered a RAID4 with disk cache.

Now that we've seen all RAID versions, let's talk about RAID implementation.

Originally, RAID systems were available only with SCSI hard disks, which are quite expensive. In the past few years, companies like HighPoint (http://www.highpoint-tech.com), Promise (http://www.promise.com), SiliconImage (http://www.siliconimage.com) and ITE (http://www.ite.com.tw) released a series of RAID chips enabling RAID systems together with IDE hard disks, the most popular kind of hard disk around.

These chips can be found on add-on cards or on the motherboard itself. So, even if your motherboard doesn't have RAID function, you can simply install an add-on card to enhance your system speed and reliability. Some chipsets have RAID function embedded on them, as it occurs with the lastest chipset from Intel (for example, on the Intel 915P, but the south bridge must be ICH6R or ICH6RW to have this feature available) and VIA (VT8237 southbridge).

On Figure 1 you can see a real example of a motherboard with on-board RAID feature. It has four regular IDE ports, two controlled by the chipset (no RAID function as it occurs with the vast majority of motherboards available at the market) and two controlled by an extra chip from ITE called GigaRAID IT8212F, and also two Serial ATA ports controlled by SiliconImage SiI3112 chip. These two ports controlled by GigaRAID chip have RAID0, RAID1 and RAID0+1 functions. So if you want to use any of these functions, your hard disks must be installed to these ports. You can also not use the RAID funtions at all and use these extra ports just as regular IDE ports.

click to enlarge
Figure 1: Detail of the extra IDE ports from Gigabyte GA-SINXP1394 motherboard.

We gave all our examples using regular IDE hard disks, but RAID is available for Serial ATA devices as well. In the example of Figure 1, the Serial Ports available on this motherboard doesn't allow RAID function as SiliconImage's chip does not support it. But there are Serial ATA chips around that supports it.

Another option is RAID thru software. Instead of a special RAID chip controlling the hard disks, it is possible to enable a RAID system using a special RAID software. The advantage is that it is cheaper to use software-based RAID solutions. On the other hand, it is less reliable than hardware-based RAID solutions.

Below you will find a table with the most common RAID chips that come with motherboards that implement on-board RAID function.





RAID Types

HighPoint HPT370

2x ATA-100

0, 1, 0+1

HighPoint HPT372

2x ATA-133

0, 1, 0+1

HighPoint HPT374

4x ATA-133

0, 1, 0+1, JBOD

Promise PDC20275

2x ATA-100

0, 1

Promise PDC20276

2x ATA-133

0, 1

Promise PDC20378

1x ATA-133, 2x SATA-150

0, 1, 0+1


2x ATA-133

0, 1, 0+1

RAID(Redundant Array of Independent Disk 独立冗余磁盘阵列)技术是加州大学伯克利分校1987年





即Data Stripping数据分条技术。RAID 0可以把多块硬盘连成一个容量更大的硬盘群,可以提高磁

盘的性能和吞吐量。RAID 0没有冗余或错误修复能力,成本低,要求至少两个磁盘,一般只是在那些对数

(1)、RAID 0最简单方式




(2)、RAID 0的另一方式

2、RAID 1
RAID 1称为磁盘镜像:把一个磁盘的数据镜像到另一个磁盘上,在不影响性能情况下最大限度的保证


关键性的重要数据的场合。RAID 1有以下特点:
(1)、RAID 1的每一个磁盘都具有一个对应的镜像盘,任何时候数据都同步镜像,系统可以从一组




(6)、RAID 1磁盘控制器的负载相当大,用多个磁盘控制器可以提高数据的安全性和可用性。




RAID 3使用一个专门的磁盘存放所有的校验数据,而在剩余的磁盘中创建带区集分散数据的读写操作

。当一个完好的RAID 3系统中读取数据,只需要在数据存储盘中找到相应的数据块进行读取操作即可。但

当向RAID 3写入数据时,必须计算与该数据块同处一个带区的所有数据块的校验值,并将新值重新写入到




的重建坏盘中的数据,整个系统的性能会受到严重的影响。RAID 3最大不足是校验盘很容易成为整个系统

的瓶颈,对于经常大量写入操作的应用会导致整个RAID系统性能的下降。RAID 3适合用于数据库和WEB服

6、 RAID4


7、 RAID5
RAID 5把校验块分散到所有的数据盘中。RAID 5使用了一种特殊的算法,可以计算出任何一个带区校


消除了产生瓶颈的可能。RAID5的读出效率很高,写入效率一般,块式的集体访问效率不错。RAID 5提高




9、 RAID7




10、 RAID10

11、 RAID53




此外还可以用2k or xp or linux系统做成软raid.
个人使用磁盘RAID主要是用RAID0、 RAID1或RAID0+1工作模式。
四、以HP XW4200 Workstation为例详述如何配置RAID(企业用)
HP XW4200 Workstation 使用了 Intel 925X Express北桥 + ICH6R南桥。


打开惠普中文网站首页 http://www.hp.com.cn/
选择Intel Application Accelerator 应用程序加速器,文件名 SP28501.EXE,文件大小 3.6MB。





进入bios设置,选择storage menu—storage option---SATA Emulation---打开RAID,存盘退出;
在机器post之后会出现按Ctrl+I进入SATA RAID设置,XW4200集成的是ICH6R的SATA RAID;


开机看到hp或COMPAQ标志时按F10,选择bios菜单中的Advanced 选项,打开Device Options,选择SATA RAID项,将Option ROM值设置为Enabled;
重新开机时按CTRL+I,即可进入RAID控制器配置选项,屏幕 会有如下显示:

create raid volume
delete raid voleme
reset disks to non-raid

最下面一行会显示出“physical disks: SATA 0 硬盘型号 SATA 1 硬盘型号”,例如:“physical disks: SATA 0
st380012as SATA 1 WDC WD800JD-60J”。

选择第一项create raid volume后,在“NAME”处输入raid名称,比如“RAID 1”,确认后将“RAID LEVEL”改为“RAID 1(MERROR)”。下面“CAPACITY”处输入要用来做RAID 1的空间大小,这里采用默认的最大值。最后在“CREAT VOLUME”处确认后创建完毕。

从光盘启动安装XP。出现按F6加载驱动提示时,按F6—>“S”确认—>插入存有raid驱动的软盘—>选择第一项“Intel 82801 FR Sata Raid Controller(Desktop ICH6R)”,之后开始安装WINDOWS XP操作系统。

安装好主板芯片组和Intel Application Accelerator 应用程序加速器后可以看到 intel RAID Contrllers--intel ®820801FR SATA RAID --Arrays Vlumes-raid1 为硬盘标为绿色符号。RAID Hard drivers看到两个硬盘 ,且在“磁盘管理”中只能看到50%的磁盘容量(即一块硬盘的容量)。


做好RAID 1 后,拔下任意一个硬盘后,可以看到RAID 1没有变化,可以顺利进入系统,但系统会提示“a raid volume is degrader”(because of missing hard drives),且在INTEL 加速工具中可以看到变化,intel RAID Contrllers--intel®820801FR SATA RAID --Arrays 0 Vlumes-RAID1 为硬盘标为黄色符号。RAID Hard drivers里只看到一个硬盘。
按CTRL+I进入RAID控制器配置选项后选择第二项delete raid voleme(即删除建立的RAID 1) 后,对任意一块硬盘中的系统都没有影响,保存的数据也不会丢失。但在“磁盘管理”里面可以显示出两块硬盘。
做完上面的第2项测试后,在“磁盘管理”中删除第二块硬盘的分区,再重新启动 。做RAID 1后,机器提示没有操作系统,即删除RAID 1后再重做RAID 1会破坏硬盘的现有数据。


做好RAID 1 后,拔下任意一个硬盘启动后,两块硬盘数据不会受到任何影响 ,在出现相关提示信息后,可以正常进入系统。
在做好RAID 1后删除RAID 1,对任意一块硬盘中的系统都没有影响。
删除RAID 1后再重做RAID 1会破坏硬盘的现有数据。

posted on 2009-02-28 17:09  plase  阅读(1321)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报