[学习笔记] 舞蹈链(DLX)入门
\(0x01\) 精准覆盖问题
我们思考这种简洁做法的流程,发现朴素的删除与恢复无非就是将矩阵的这一个元素由\(0\)或\(1\)赋值成\(-1\),记录一下状态回溯的时候再赋值回去,整个过程十分地漫长且繁复。而所谓所谓的”舞蹈链算法\(\rm{DLX~(Dancing-Links ~X ~Algorithm)}\)“算法则是专门用来加速这一过程。
\(0x02\) \(\text{Dancing-Links}\)
其实算法的本质就是链表,这玩意儿插入删除都是\(\Theta(1)\)的。我们考虑建立一个十字循环链表,即每个元素在链表里是四联通的,并且左右成环、上下成环,目的是方便知道某些操作该什么时候停止。本质上来讲,一个求解矩阵(此处代指上文提到的\(n\)行\(0,1\)序列)初始的\(\text{Dancing-Links}\) 共有\(\text{1+m+Count('1')}\) 个元素,其中\(Count('1')\)指矩阵中\(1\)的个数。
struct Node{
int l, r, u, d, co, ro ;
}B[MAX << 1] ;
inline void Init(){
cin >> N >> M ;
for (int i = 0 ; i <= M ; ++ i) B[i].l = i - 1, B[i].r = i + 1, B[i].u = B[i].d = i ;
B[M].r = 0, B[0].l = M, cnt = M, memset(Ro, -1, sizeof(Ro)) ;
inline void Insert(int R, int C){
Cs[C] ++, B[++ cnt].ro = R, B[cnt].co = C ;
B[cnt].u = C, B[cnt].d = B[C].d, B[C].d = B[B[C].d].u = cnt ;
if (Ro[R] < 0) Ro[R] = B[cnt].l = B[cnt].r = cnt ;
else B[cnt].l = B[Ro[R]].l, B[cnt].r = Ro[R], B[Ro[R]].l = B[B[Ro[R]].l].r = cnt ;
inline void Del(int C){
B[B[C].l].r = B[C].r, B[B[C].r].l = B[C].l ;
for (int i = B[C].d ; i != C ; i = B[i].d)
for (int j = B[i].r ; j != i ; j = B[j].r)
B[B[j].d].u = B[j].u, B[B[j].u].d = B[j].d, Cs[B[j].co] -- ;
inline void Back(int C){
for (int i = B[C].u ; i != C ; i = B[i].u)
for (int j = B[i].l ; j != i ; j = B[j].l)
B[B[j].d].u = j, B[B[j].u].d = j, Cs[B[j].co] ++ ;
B[B[C].l].r = C, B[B[C].r].l = C ;
bool dance(int step){
if (!B[0].r){ return (bool)(ans = step) ; } int now_c = B[0].r ;
for (int i = B[0].r ; i ; i = B[i].r)
now_c = Cs[i] < Cs[now_c] ? i : now_c ;
Del(now_c) ;
for (int i = B[now_c].d ; i != now_c ; i = B[i].d) {
Ans[step] = B[i].ro ; for(int j = B[i].r ; j != i ; j = B[j].r) Del(B[j].co) ;
if (dance(step + 1)) return 1 ; for(int j = B[i].l ; j != i ; j = B[j].l) Back(B[j].co) ;
Back(now_c) ; return 0 ;
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#define I_used_to_rule_the_world___Seas_would_rise_when_I_gave_the_word___Now_in_the_morning_I_sleep_alone___Sweep_the_streets_I_used_to_own Init
#define I_used_to_roll_the_dice___Feel_the_fear_in_my_enemy_s_eyes___Listen_as_the_crowd_would_sing_Now_the_old_king_is_dead__Long_live_the_king Done
#define One_minute_I_held_the_key__Next_the_walls_were_closed_on_me__And_I_discovered_that_my_castles_stand__Upon_pillars_of_salt_pillars_of_sand work
#define MAXN 520
#define MAX 30010
using namespace std ;
struct Node{
int l, r, u, d, co, ro ;
}B[MAX << 1] ; int cnt, ans ;
int N, M, Ans[MAX], Ro[MAX], Cs[MAX] ;
inline void Init(){
cin >> N >> M, memset(Ro, -1, sizeof(Ro)) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i <= M ; ++ i) B[i].l = i - 1, B[i].r = i + 1, B[i].u = B[i].d = i ;
B[M].r = 0, B[0].l = M, cnt = M ;
inline void Insert(int R, int C){
Cs[C] ++, B[++ cnt].ro = R, B[cnt].co = C ;
B[cnt].u = C, B[cnt].d = B[C].d, B[C].d = B[B[C].d].u = cnt ;
if (Ro[R] < 0) Ro[R] = B[cnt].l = B[cnt].r = cnt ;
else B[cnt].l = B[Ro[R]].l, B[cnt].r = Ro[R], B[Ro[R]].l = B[B[Ro[R]].l].r = cnt ;
inline void Del(int C){
B[B[C].l].r = B[C].r, B[B[C].r].l = B[C].l ;
for (int i = B[C].d ; i != C ; i = B[i].d)
for (int j = B[i].r ; j != i ; j = B[j].r)
B[B[j].d].u = B[j].u, B[B[j].u].d = B[j].d, Cs[B[j].co] -- ;
inline void Back(int C){
for (int i = B[C].u ; i != C ; i = B[i].u)
for (int j = B[i].l ; j != i ; j = B[j].l)
B[B[j].d].u = j, B[B[j].u].d = j, Cs[B[j].co] ++ ;
B[B[C].l].r = C, B[B[C].r].l = C ;
bool dance(int step){
if (!B[0].r){ return (bool)(ans = step) ; } int now_c = B[0].r ;
for (int i = B[0].r ; i ; i = B[i].r)
now_c = Cs[i] < Cs[now_c] ? i : now_c ;
Del(now_c) ;
for (int i = B[now_c].d ; i != now_c ; i = B[i].d) {
Ans[step] = B[i].ro ; for(int j = B[i].r ; j != i ; j = B[j].r) Del(B[j].co) ;
if (dance(step + 1)) return 1 ; for(int j = B[i].l ; j != i ; j = B[j].l) Back(B[j].co) ;
Back(now_c) ; return 0 ;
void Done(){
int i, j, k ;
for (i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++ i)
for (j = 1 ; j <= M ; ++ j)
{ cin >> k ; if (k) Insert(i, j) ;}
inline bool work(){
if (!dance(0)) return puts("No Solution!") ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < ans ; ++ i) printf("%d ", Ans[i]) ;
int main(){
I_used_to_rule_the_world___Seas_would_rise_when_I_gave_the_word___Now_in_the_morning_I_sleep_alone___Sweep_the_streets_I_used_to_own() ;
I_used_to_roll_the_dice___Feel_the_fear_in_my_enemy_s_eyes___Listen_as_the_crowd_would_sing_Now_the_old_king_is_dead__Long_live_the_king() ;
One_minute_I_held_the_key__Next_the_walls_were_closed_on_me__And_I_discovered_that_my_castles_stand__Upon_pillars_of_salt_pillars_of_sand() ;
return 0 ; /*
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain Once you know there was never'
Never an honest word That was when I ruled the world