
/* Add an arc of a circle to the context's path, possibly preceded by a

   straight line segment. `(x, y)' is the center of the arc; `radius' is its

   radius; `startAngle' is the angle to the first endpoint of the arc;

   `endAngle' is the angle to the second endpoint of the arc; and

   `clockwise' is 1 if the arc is to be drawn clockwise, 0 otherwise.

   `startAngle' and `endAngle' are measured in radians. */


  “clockwise” == 1电弧是顺时针,否则为0。


 CG_EXTERN void CGContextAddArc(CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y,

  CGFloat radius, CGFloat startAngle, CGFloat endAngle, int clockwise)



 CGContextAddArc(context, x, y, 3, 0, 2*PI, 0); //添加一个圆   圆心为(x, y)半径为3 圆周为2*PI的小圆,

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