log4j2是log4j 1.x和logback的改进版,据说采用了一些新技术(无锁异步、等等),使得日志的吞吐量、性能比log4j 1.x提高10倍,并解决了一些死锁的bug,而且配置更加简单灵活
<!--log4j2核心包--> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j-api</artifactId> <version>2.9.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j-core</artifactId> <version>2.9.1</version> </dependency> <!-- Web项目需添加 --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j-web</artifactId> <version>2.9.1</version> </dependency> <!--用于与slf4j保持桥接--> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j-slf4j-impl</artifactId> <version>2.9.1</version> </dependency> <!-- slf4j核心包--> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId> <version>1.7.25</version>
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-log4j2</artifactId> </dependency>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--日志级别以及优先级排序: OFF > FATAL > ERROR > WARN > INFO > DEBUG > TRACE > ALL --> <!--Configuration后面的status,这个用于设置log4j2自身内部的信息输出,可以不设置,当设置成trace时,你会看到log4j2内部各种详细输出--> <!--monitorInterval:Log4j能够自动检测修改配置文件和重新配置本身,设置间隔秒数--> <configuration status="WARN" monitorInterval="30"> <properties> <property name="server.port"></property> </properties> <!--先定义所有的appender--> <appenders> <!--这个输出控制台的配置--> <console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT"> <!--输出日志的格式--> <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%thread] %p %m%n"/> </console> <!-- 这个会打印出所有的info及以下级别的信息 --> <RollingFile name="RollingFile" filePattern="/data/log/tomcat${sys:server.port}/catalina.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log"> <!--控制台只输出level及以上级别的信息(onMatch),其他的直接拒绝(onMismatch)--> <ThresholdFilter level="info" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/> <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%thread] %p %m%n"/> <Policies> <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true"/> </Policies> <DirectWriteRolloverStrategy/> </RollingFile> </appenders> <!--然后定义logger,只有定义了logger并引入的appender,appender才会生效--> <loggers> <!--过滤掉spring和mybatis的一些无用的DEBUG信息--> <logger name="org.springframework" level="INFO"></logger> <logger name="org.mybatis" level="INFO"></logger> <root level="INFO"> <appender-ref ref="Console"/> <appender-ref ref="RollingFile"/> </root> </loggers> </configuration>
LoggerContext在Logging System中扮演了锚点的角色。根据情况的不同,一个应用可能同时存在于多个有效的LoggerContext中。在同一LoggerContext下,log system是互通的。如:Standalone Application、Web Applications、Java EE Applications、”Shared” Web Applications 和REST Service Containers,就是不同广度范围的log上下文环境。
Loggers 是通过调用LogManager.getLogger方法获得的。Logger对象本身并不实行任何实际的动作。它只是拥有一个name 以及与一个LoggerConfig相关联。它继承了AbstractLogger类并实现了所需的方法。当Configuration改变时,Logger将会与另外的LoggerConfig相关联,从而改变这个Logger的行为。
public final class StaticLoggerBinder implements LoggerFactoryBinder { private static final StaticLoggerBinder SINGLETON = new StaticLoggerBinder(); private final ILoggerFactory loggerFactory; /** * Private constructor to prevent instantiation */ private StaticLoggerBinder() { loggerFactory = new Log4jLoggerFactory(); } /** * Returns the singleton of this class. * * @return the StaticLoggerBinder singleton */ public static StaticLoggerBinder getSingleton() { return SINGLETON; } /** * Returns the factory. * @return the factor. */ @Override public ILoggerFactory getLoggerFactory() { return loggerFactory; } }
- 1、通过getSingleton()获取该类的单例
- 2、通过构造函数新建了Log4jLoggerFactory实例,
- 3、通过getLoggerFactory()方法返回该实例
@Override public L getLogger(final String name) { final LoggerContext context = getContext(); final ConcurrentMap<String, L> loggers = getLoggersInContext(context); final L logger = loggers.get(name); if (logger != null) { return logger; } loggers.putIfAbsent(name, newLogger(name, context)); return loggers.get(name); }
3、如果没有则调用newLogger(name, context)方法新建logger
Log4jLoggerFactory只有两个方法,就是上面说的getContext()和newLogger(name, context)。下面分两节分别讲下这两个方法
public class Log4jLoggerFactory extends AbstractLoggerAdapter<Logger> implements ILoggerFactory { private static final String FQCN = Log4jLoggerFactory.class.getName(); private static final String PACKAGE = "org.slf4j"; @Override protected Logger newLogger(final String name, final LoggerContext context) { final String key = Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME.equals(name) ? LogManager.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME : name; return new Log4jLogger(context.getLogger(key), name); } @Override protected LoggerContext getContext() { final Class<?> anchor = StackLocatorUtil.getCallerClass(FQCN, PACKAGE); return anchor == null ? LogManager.getContext() : getContext(StackLocatorUtil.getCallerClass(anchor)); } }
2.1 getContext()
public static LoggerContext getContext() { try { return factory.getContext(FQCN, null, null, true); } catch (final IllegalStateException ex) { LOGGER.warn(ex.getMessage() + " Using SimpleLogger"); return new SimpleLoggerContextFactory().getContext(FQCN, null, null, true); } }
factory实在LoggerContext静态代码块中初始化的,继续进入factory.getContext(FQCN, null, null, true)方法中,进入实现类Log4jContextFactory中
@Override public LoggerContext getContext(final String fqcn, final ClassLoader loader, final Object externalContext, final boolean currentContext) { final LoggerContext ctx = selector.getContext(fqcn, loader, currentContext); if (externalContext != null && ctx.getExternalContext() == null) { ctx.setExternalContext(externalContext); } if (ctx.getState() == LifeCycle.State.INITIALIZED) { ctx.start(); } return ctx; }
LoggerContext是从selector.getContext(fqcn, loader, currentContext)中获取的,此时判断ctx.getState()是否等于LifeCycle.State.INITIALIZED,第一次调用getlogger()时,会进入此方法,我们看下ctx.start();
public void start() { LOGGER.debug("Starting LoggerContext[name={}, {}]...", getName(), this); if (PropertiesUtil.getProperties().getBooleanProperty("log4j.LoggerContext.stacktrace.on.start", false)) { LOGGER.debug("Stack trace to locate invoker", new Exception("Not a real error, showing stack trace to locate invoker")); } if (configLock.tryLock()) { try { if (this.isInitialized() || this.isStopped()) { this.setStarting(); reconfigure(); if (this.configuration.isShutdownHookEnabled()) { setUpShutdownHook(); } this.setStarted(); } } finally { configLock.unlock(); } } LOGGER.debug("LoggerContext[name={}, {}] started OK.", getName(), this); }
private void reconfigure(final URI configURI) { final ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.class.isInstance(externalContext) ? (ClassLoader) externalContext : null; LOGGER.debug("Reconfiguration started for context[name={}] at URI {} ({}) with optional ClassLoader: {}", contextName, configURI, this, cl); final Configuration instance = ConfigurationFactory.getInstance().getConfiguration(this, contextName, configURI, cl); if (instance == null) { LOGGER.error("Reconfiguration failed: No configuration found for '{}' at '{}' in '{}'", contextName, configURI, cl); } else { setConfiguration(instance); /* * instance.start(); Configuration old = setConfiguration(instance); updateLoggers(); if (old != null) { * old.stop(); } */ final String location = configuration == null ? "?" : String.valueOf(configuration.getConfigurationSource()); LOGGER.debug("Reconfiguration complete for context[name={}] at URI {} ({}) with optional ClassLoader: {}", contextName, location, this, cl); } }
我们的配置文件log4j2.xml就是该函数中实现的,ConfigurationFactory.getInstance().getConfiguration(this, contextName, configURI, cl)得到了配置文件,并解析成Configuration。进入setConfiguration(instance)方法,启动当前的configuration,并启动该配置下的所有appender,logger和root。
public Configuration setConfiguration(final Configuration config) { if (config == null) { LOGGER.error("No configuration found for context '{}'.", contextName); // No change, return the current configuration. return this.configuration; } configLock.lock(); try { final Configuration prev = this.configuration; config.addListener(this); final ConcurrentMap<String, String> map = config.getComponent(Configuration.CONTEXT_PROPERTIES); try { // LOG4J2-719 network access may throw android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException map.putIfAbsent("hostName", NetUtils.getLocalHostname()); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug("Ignoring {}, setting hostName to 'unknown'", ex.toString()); map.putIfAbsent("hostName", "unknown"); } map.putIfAbsent("contextName", contextName); config.start(); this.configuration = config; updateLoggers(); if (prev != null) { prev.removeListener(this); prev.stop(); } firePropertyChangeEvent(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, PROPERTY_CONFIG, prev, config)); try { Server.reregisterMBeansAfterReconfigure(); } catch (final LinkageError | Exception e) { // LOG4J2-716: Android has no java.lang.management LOGGER.error("Could not reconfigure JMX", e); } // AsyncLoggers update their nanoClock when the configuration changes Log4jLogEvent.setNanoClock(configuration.getNanoClock()); return prev; } finally { configLock.unlock(); } }
2.2 newLogger(name, context)
protected Logger newLogger(final String name, final LoggerContext context) { final String key = Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME.equals(name) ? LogManager.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME : name; return new Log4jLogger(context.getLogger(key), name); }
@Override public Logger getLogger(final String name) { return getLogger(name, null); } @Override public Logger getLogger(final String name, final MessageFactory messageFactory) { // Note: This is the only method where we add entries to the 'loggerRegistry' ivar. Logger logger = loggerRegistry.getLogger(name, messageFactory); if (logger != null) { AbstractLogger.checkMessageFactory(logger, messageFactory); return logger; } logger = newInstance(this, name, messageFactory); loggerRegistry.putIfAbsent(name, messageFactory, logger); return loggerRegistry.getLogger(name, messageFactory); }
进入newInstance(this, name, messageFactory)方法
protected Logger newInstance(final LoggerContext ctx, final String name, final MessageFactory messageFactory) { return new Logger(ctx, name, messageFactory); }
protected Logger(final LoggerContext context, final String name, final MessageFactory messageFactory) { super(name, messageFactory); this.context = context; privateConfig = new PrivateConfig(context.getConfiguration(), this); }
public PrivateConfig(final Configuration config, final Logger logger) { this.config = config; this.loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(getName()); this.loggerConfigLevel = this.loggerConfig.getLevel(); this.intLevel = this.loggerConfigLevel.intLevel(); this.logger = logger; }
public LoggerConfig getLoggerConfig(final String loggerName) { LoggerConfig loggerConfig = loggerConfigs.get(loggerName); if (loggerConfig != null) { return loggerConfig; } String substr = loggerName; while ((substr = NameUtil.getSubName(substr)) != null) { loggerConfig = loggerConfigs.get(substr); if (loggerConfig != null) { return loggerConfig; } } return root; }
public void info(final String format) { logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.INFO, null, format); }
@Override public void logIfEnabled(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final String message) { if (isEnabled(level, marker, message)) { logMessage(fqcn, level, marker, message); } } public boolean isEnabled(final Level level, final Marker marker, final String message) { return privateConfig.filter(level, marker, message); } protected void logMessage(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final String message) { final Message msg = messageFactory.newMessage(message); logMessageSafely(fqcn, level, marker, msg, msg.getThrowable()); }
protected void logMessage(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final String message) { final Message msg = messageFactory.newMessage(message); logMessageSafely(fqcn, level, marker, msg, msg.getThrowable()); } private void logMessageSafely(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable throwable) { try { logMessageTrackRecursion(fqcn, level, marker, msg, throwable); } finally { // LOG4J2-1583 prevent scrambled logs when logging calls are nested (logging in toString()) ReusableMessageFactory.release(msg); } } private void logMessageTrackRecursion(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable throwable) { try { incrementRecursionDepth(); // LOG4J2-1518, LOG4J2-2031 tryLogMessage(fqcn, level, marker, msg, throwable); } finally { decrementRecursionDepth(); } }
private void tryLogMessage(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable throwable) { try { logMessage(fqcn, level, marker, msg, throwable); } catch (final Exception e) { // LOG4J2-1990 Log4j2 suppresses all exceptions that occur once application called the logger handleLogMessageException(e, fqcn, msg); } }
public void logMessage(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final Message message, final Throwable t) { final Message msg = message == null ? new SimpleMessage(Strings.EMPTY) : message; final ReliabilityStrategy strategy = privateConfig.loggerConfig.getReliabilityStrategy(); strategy.log(this, getName(), fqcn, marker, level, msg, t); }
public void log(final Supplier<LoggerConfig> reconfigured, final String loggerName, final String fqcn, final Marker marker, final Level level, final Message data, final Throwable t) { loggerConfig.log(loggerName, fqcn, marker, level, data, t); }
public void log(final String loggerName, final String fqcn, final Marker marker, final Level level, final Message data, final Throwable t) { List<Property> props = null; if (!propertiesRequireLookup) { props = properties; } else { if (properties != null) { props = new ArrayList<>(properties.size()); final LogEvent event = Log4jLogEvent.newBuilder() .setMessage(data) .setMarker(marker) .setLevel(level) .setLoggerName(loggerName) .setLoggerFqcn(fqcn) .setThrown(t) .build(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { final Property prop = properties.get(i); final String value = prop.isValueNeedsLookup() // since LOG4J2-1575 ? config.getStrSubstitutor().replace(event, prop.getValue()) // : prop.getValue(); props.add(Property.createProperty(prop.getName(), value)); } } } final LogEvent logEvent = logEventFactory.createEvent(loggerName, marker, fqcn, level, data, props, t); try { log(logEvent, LoggerConfigPredicate.ALL); } finally { // LOG4J2-1583 prevent scrambled logs when logging calls are nested (logging in toString()) ReusableLogEventFactory.release(logEvent); } }
protected void log(final LogEvent event, final LoggerConfigPredicate predicate) { if (!isFiltered(event)) { processLogEvent(event, predicate); } }
private void processLogEvent(final LogEvent event, final LoggerConfigPredicate predicate) { event.setIncludeLocation(isIncludeLocation()); if (predicate.allow(this)) { callAppenders(event); } logParent(event, predicate); } protected void callAppenders(final LogEvent event) { final AppenderControl[] controls = appenders.get(); //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) { controls[i].callAppender(event); } }
public void append(final LogEvent event) { getManager().checkRollover(event); super.append(event); }
private void tryAppend(final LogEvent event) { if (Constants.ENABLE_DIRECT_ENCODERS) { directEncodeEvent(event); } else { writeByteArrayToManager(event); } } protected void directEncodeEvent(final LogEvent event) { getLayout().encode(event, manager); if (this.immediateFlush || event.isEndOfBatch()) { manager.flush(); } }
public void encode(final StringBuilder source, final ByteBufferDestination destination) { try { final Object[] threadLocalState = getThreadLocalState(); final CharsetEncoder charsetEncoder = (CharsetEncoder) threadLocalState[0]; final CharBuffer charBuffer = (CharBuffer) threadLocalState[1]; final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = (ByteBuffer) threadLocalState[2]; TextEncoderHelper.encodeText(charsetEncoder, charBuffer, byteBuffer, source, destination); } catch (final Exception ex) { logEncodeTextException(ex, source, destination); TextEncoderHelper.encodeTextFallBack(charset, source, destination); } }
public class LoggerHolder { //加个前缀防止配置的name正好是我们某个类名,导致使用的日志路径使用了类名的路径 private static final String PREFIX = "logger_"; /** * 支持生成写大数据文件的logger * * @param name logger name * @return Logger */ public static Logger getLogger(String name) { String loggerName = PREFIX + name; Log4jLoggerFactory loggerFactory = (Log4jLoggerFactory) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(); //如果未加载过该logger,则新建一个 if (loggerFactory.getLoggersInContext(context).get(loggerName) == null) { buildLogger(name); } // return loggerFactory.getLogger(loggerName); } /** * 包装了Loggerfactory,和LoggerFactory.getLogger(T.class)功能一致 * * @param clazz * @return */ public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz) { Log4jLoggerFactory loggerFactory = (Log4jLoggerFactory) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); return loggerFactory.getLogger(clazz.getName()); } /** * @param name logger name */ private static void buildLogger(String name) { String loggerName = PREFIX + name; LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(); Configuration configuration = context.getConfiguration(); //配置PatternLayout输出格式 PatternLayout layout = PatternLayout.newBuilder() .withCharset(UTF_8) .withPattern("%msg%n") .build(); //配置基于时间的滚动策略 TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy policy = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy.newBuilder() .withInterval(24) .build(); //配置同类型日志策略 DirectWriteRolloverStrategy strategy = DirectWriteRolloverStrategy.newBuilder() .withConfig(configuration) .build(); //配置appender RollingFileAppender appender = RollingFileAppender.newBuilder() .setName(loggerName) .withFilePattern("/data/bigdata/" + name + "/" + name + ".%d{yyyyMMdd}.log") .setLayout(layout) .withPolicy(policy) .withStrategy(strategy) .withAppend(true) .build(); //改变appender状态 appender.start(); //新建logger LoggerConfig loggerConfig = new LoggerConfig(loggerName, Level.INFO, false); loggerConfig.addAppender(appender, Level.INFO, null); configuration.addLogger(loggerName, loggerConfig); context.updateLoggers(); } }