[AXI4 专题] response signaling AXI4中的响应信号与对应控制
[AXI4 专题] response signaling AXI4中的响应信号与对应控制
AXI4 响应信号类型
signal is 2 bit length, which is indicating ofb00
: OKAY responseb01
: EOKAY responseb10
: SLVERR responseb11
: DECERR response
OKAY response
Normal access okay indicates if a normal access has been successful. Can also indicate an exclusive access failure.
• the success of a normal access
• the failure of an exclusive access
• an exclusive access to a slave that does not support exclusive access.
EXOKAY response
indicating that either the read or write portion of an exclusive access has been successful.
which is used in when the access has reached the slave successfully, but the slave wishes to return an error condition to originating master.
• FIFO/buffer overrun or underrun condition
• unsupported transfer size attempted
• write access attempted to read-only location
• timeout condition in the slave
• access attempted to an address where no registers are present
• access attempted to a disabled or powered-down function.
decode error is generated typically by an interconnect component to indicate the there is no slave at the transaction address.
对于写响应而言,写响应信号是针对整个transaction的,是整个burst过程,不是每个data transfer 的响应。
对于读响应而言,slave可以针对transaction中的transfer给出不同的response,例如在16个burst beat中,slave可能给出15个OKAY一个SLVERR。
error response与tranfer的关系
AXI协议严格要求了,就算发生错误响应,也必须完成规定数目的transfer,也就说即便read transaction中有SLVERR,SLAVE也必须完成规定数目的burst beat,transfer不会因为错误而取消
decode error 与 transfer的关系
当出现decode error的情况下,也必须发出足够的transfer,而decode error通常是找不到对应地址的slave,而完成这些transfer的component通常是发起decode error的组件,也就是interconnect
因此AXI中,master处理支持outstanding的能力,还必须要有支持精确的错误信号响应。master必须支持在later transfer已经已经中的时候,处理早期的错误响应
default slave的作用
An implementation option is to have the default slave also record the details of decode errors for later determination of how the errors occurred. In this way, the default slave can significantly simplify the debugging process.