

一、 Magento后台功能定制化实例测试:根据数据库表创建Grid

    1. 为Grid创建后台控制器,该Grid以subscription实体为基础,控制器文件为SubscriptionController.php,路径/YEMA/Admindev/controllers/Adminhtml/Admindev;

1 SubscriptionController.php,路径/YEMA/Admindev/controllers/Adminhtml/Admindev;
2 class YEMA_Admindev_Adminhtml_Admindev_SubscriptionController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action {
3     public function indexAction() {
4         $this->loadLayout ();
5         $this->_addContent ( $this->getLayout ()->createBlock ( 'admindev/adminhtml_subscription' ) );
6         $this->renderLayout ();
7     }
8 }


    2. 为控制器创建目录,编辑adminhtml.xml文件;

 1     <menu>
 2         <customer>
 3             <children>
 4                 <subscription translate="title" module="admindev">
 5                     <title>AdminDev Subscription</title>
 6                     <sort_order>10</sort_order>
 7                     <action>adminhtml/admindev_subscription</action>
 8                 </subscription>
 9             </children>
10         </customer>
11     </menu>


    3. 为控制器的动作创建ACL,编辑adminhtml.xml文件;

 1     <acl>
 2         <resources>
 3             <all>
 4                 <title>Allow Everything</title>
 5             </all>
 6             <admin>
 7                 <children>
 8                     <customer>
 9                         <children>
10                             <subscription>
11                                 <title>AdminDev Subscription</title>
12                                 <sort_order>10</sort_order>
13                             </subscription>
14                         </children>
15                     </customer>
16                 </children>
17             </admin>
18         </resources>
19     </acl>


    4. 创建对应的Block,/Admindev/Block/Adminhtml/Subscription.php;

 1 class YEMA_Admindev_Block_Adminhtml_Subscription extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container {
 2     public function __construct() {
 3         $this->_headerText = Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Admindev subscriptions' );
 4         $this->_blockGroup = 'admindev';
 5         $this->_controller = 'adminhtml_subscription';
 6         $this->_headerText = 'Manage Subscriptions';
 7         parent::__construct ();
 8     }
10     protected function _prepareLayout() {
11         $this->_removeButton('add');
12         return parent::_prepareLayout();
13     }
14 }



    4. 创建Grid,/Admindev/Block/Adminhtml/Subscription/Grid.php;

 1 <?php
 2 class YEMA_Admindev_Block_Adminhtml_Subscription_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid {
 3     public function __construct() {
 4         parent::__construct ();
 6         $this->setId ( 'subscription_grid' );
 7         $this->setDefaultSort ( 'subscription_id' );
 8         $this->setDefaultDir ( 'DESC' );
 9     }    
10     protected function _prepareCollection() {
11         $collection = Mage::getModel ( 'admindev/subscription' )->getCollection ();
12         $this->setCollection ( $collection );
13         return parent::_prepareCollection ();
14     }
15     protected function _prepareColumns() {
16         $this->addColumn ( 'subscription_id', array (
17                 'index' => 'subscription_id',
18                 'header' => Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Subscription id' ),
19                 'type' => 'number',
20                 'sortable' => true,
21                 'width' => '100px' 
22         ) );
24         $this->addColumn ( 'firstname', array (
25                 'index' => 'firstname',
26                 'header' => Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Firstname' ),
27                 'sortable' => false 
28         ) );
30         $this->addColumn ( 'lastname', array (
31                 'index' => 'lastname',
32                 'header' => Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Lastname' ),
33                 'sortable' => false 
34         ) );
36         $this->addColumn ( 'email', array (
37                 'index' => 'email',
38                 'header' => Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Email' ),
39                 'sortable' => false 
40         ) );
42         return parent::_prepareColumns ();
43     }
44     public function getGridUrl() {
45         return $this->getUrl ( '*/*/grid', array (
46                 '_current' => true 
47         ) );
48     }
49 }


    5. 创建index控制器,/Admindev/controllers/Adminhtml/Admindev/IndexController.php;

1 class YEMA_Admindev_Adminhtml_Admindev_IndexController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action {
2     public function indexAction() {
3         $this->loadLayout ();
4         $this->renderLayout ();
5     }
6 }

    6. 增加页面标题,编辑/Block/Adminhtml/Subscription.php文件的__construct();

1         $this->_headerText = 'Manage Subscriptions';


    7. 在Grid中增加些内容,Grid.php中增加两个字段;

 1         $this->addColumn ( 'create_at', array (
 2                 'index' => 'create_at',
 3                 'header' => Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Create At' ),
 4                 'type' => 'datetime',
 5                 'sortable' => true,
 6                 'width' => '150px' 
 7         ) );
 9         $this->addColumn ( 'status', array (
10                 'index' => 'status',
11                 'header' => Mage::helper ( 'admindev' )->__ ( 'Status' ),
12                 'sortable' => true,
13                 'frame_callback' => array (
14                         $this,
15                         'prepareStatusLayout' 
16                 ),
17                 'width' => '150px' 
18         ) );


 1     public function prepareStatusLayout($value) {
 2         $class = '';
 3         switch ($value) {
 4             case 'pending':
 5                 $class = 'grid-severity-notice';
 6                 break;
 7             case 'approved':
 8                 $class='grid-severity-major';
 9                 break;
10             case 'declined':
11                 $class = 'grid-severity-critical';
12                 break;
13         }
14         return '<span class="'.$class.'"><span>'.$value.'</span></span>';
15     }


    后台常用widgets有:Grid、Form和Tab Left Menu。



  • header(列头);
  • index(该列在数据库表中的列名);
  • sortable(是否可搜索);


  • width(列显示的宽度);
  • frame_callback(调用方法处理列值);
  • type(列数据类型,如number、datetime和options);
  • options(当类型是options时,定义数据源Model);


二、 Magento后台功能定制化实例测试:增加自定义属性

    1. 创建install脚本,增加数据库表字段;

 1 $installer = $this;
 2 $installer->startSetup ();
 4 // Create the attribute "loyaltynumber" for the customer entity
 5 $installer->addAttribute ( 'customer', 'loyaltynumber', array (
 6         'type' => 'varchar',
 7         'input' => 'text',
 8         'required' => false,
 9         'label' => 'Loyaltynumber',
10         'visible' => true,
11         'adminhtml_only' => true,
12         'user_defined' => true 
13 ) );
15 $installer->endSetup();


    2. 在后台将增加新增字段增加到customer的Form中管理;

1 //Add the attribute to the backend forms
2 //@todo
3 $loyaltyAttribute = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')
4     ->getAttribute('customer', 'loyaltynumber');
5 $loyaltyAttribute->setData('used_in_forms', array('adminhtml_customer'));
6 $loyaltyAttribute->save();



posted @ 2016-03-15 20:54  爱偷懒的程序员pisTol  阅读(309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报