(一) 关于配置travis-ci持续集成python pytest测试的相关记录




这里首先介绍了需要集成测试的语言指定方面的问题。travis-ci的所有配置都集中在一个叫做 .travis.yml 的文件下面。这个文件告诉travis-ci

  • What programming language your project uses
  • What commands or scripts you want to be executed before each build (for example, to install or clone your project’s dependencies)
  • What command is used to run your test suite
  • Emails, Campfire and IRC rooms to notify about build failures



1. 安装:安装依赖和需求

2. 脚本:运行编写的脚本文件




You can perform additional steps when your build succeeds or fails using the after_success (such as building documentation, or deploying to a custom server) or after_failure (such as uploading log files) options. In both after_failure and after_success, you can access the build result using the $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT environment variable.

The complete build lifecycle, including three optional deployment steps and after checking out the git repository and changing to the repository directory, is:

  1. before_install
  2. install
  3. before_script
  4. script
  5. after_success or after_failure
  6. OPTIONAL before_deploy
  7. OPTIONAL deploy
  8. OPTIONAL after_deploy
  9. after_script

如果步需要第一步安装的话 可以直接设置 install: true


posted @ 2016-01-08 02:52  piperck  阅读(1213)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报