Kafka 进行机器扩容后的副本再平衡 和 为已有分区增加 replica 实践

今天是继续对之前 kafka 集群遗留问题的查漏补缺。



今天检查 kafka manager 发现了一个 __consumer_offsets 主题(消费者分区位移保存主题)的 leader 副本只被部署在了已有三节点中的两个节点上。并没有将三个 broker 上都平均分布上副本,具体表现为




可以发现原本是三个节点的我们,却非常不均匀的只有两个节点承担了存放该 partition 的任务。

所以我们需要重新非配这个 topic 的副本均匀的到三个节点上去。


./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper --topics-to-move-json-file ~/consumer_offsets_adjust.json --broker-list "0,1,2" --generate

这里的 consumer_offsets_adjust.json 的格式 官方给了一个格式

> cat topics-to-move.json
{"topics": [{"topic": "foo1"},
            {"topic": "foo2"}],

这里 topics 就是我们想要重新分配的 topics。


命令获得重新分配后的结构。里面的具体参数都很常见在这里不再细说,执行这个命令之后我们会获得一份 再分区前的数据情况,和再分区之后的情况。


我这里贴一份提供格式化之后的 proposed partition reaasigment 我们看下

    "version": 1,
    "partitions": [{
        "topic": "__consumer_offsets",
        "partition": 19,
        "replicas": [2],
        "log_dirs": ["any"]
        "topic": "__consumer_offsets",
        "partition": 10,
        "replicas": [2],
        "log_dirs": ["any"]
        "topic": "__consumer_offsets",
        "partition": 14,
        "replicas": [0],
        "log_dirs": ["any"]
//中间省略若干 partitions

可以看到 replicas 现在有 0 1 2 三个 broker 了。之后我们选择执行该方案,将该方案拷贝进 ~/target.json 文件中再运行:

./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper --reassignment-json-file ~/target.json --execute

就可以开始执行再分配的任务了 另外 kafka 会返回给我们消息

Current partition replica assignment


Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback
Successfully started reassignment of partitions.

提供给了我们 rollback 的方案,另外这个时候其实就已经开始 ressign 了。ressign 肯定会通知 controller 负责来做这些改变。


./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper --reassignment-json-file ~/target.json --verify

来检查 ressign 进度

Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-38 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-13 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-8 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-5 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-39 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-36 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-40 completed successfully
Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-45 completed successfully

到此位置我们可以来检查一下扩容是否已经成功,leader 副本是否已经被成功的被平均分配到了各个节点上。


首先 kafka brokers spread




可以看到我们完成了! IT WORKED!这里多提一点是,如果我们需要不让某个 broker 来存储该 topic 的副本的时候,我们同样可以使用 ressign 机制,并且在 broker list 那里去掉对应节点即可。



为已有分区增加 replica:

通过上面的截图大家可能也注意到一个问题,由于历史遗留问题,我们最最最重要的 offsets 提交分区只有一个 replica 也就是只有 leader 副本。通常情况下我们会设置三副本机制使得 broker 挂掉可以轻松切换,所以我们需要为其添加新的 replica vi ~/inc.json 。

./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper --reassignment-json-file ~/inc.json --execute


我这里只延时了调整一个 partition 的事实上我们需要调整 50个 partitions 。。。。 我就不上脚本了

调整完了之后 Replicas 会变成3副本,但是会带来一个问题就是 ISR 副本肯定需要慢慢才能跟上,还没有跟上的 Under Replicated  数也就是落后副本数肯定满载。变成 true。

但是 ISR 副本数会慢慢跟上来

[2020-01-10 12:03:52,781] INFO [Controller id=0] Updated assigned replicas for partition backend-events-21 being reassigned to 0,1,2  (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-01-10 12:03:52,784] INFO [Controller id=0] Removed partition backend-events-21 from the list of reassigned partitions in zookeeper (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-01-10 12:03:53,124] INFO [Controller id=0] 3/3 replicas have caught up with the leader for partition backend-events-36 being reassigned.Resuming partition reassignment (kafka.controller.KafkaController)




但是呢 现在的 Preferred Leader 还是异常。这里是为什么呢,因为 Replicas 的第一个副本如果是 Leader 说明这里是 Preferred Leader,我们注意上图所有是 false 的地方都违反了这个规则并非是 Replicas 的第一个副本是作为 Leader。所以一会儿会触发 kafka 的 preferred replica 选举.

020-01-10 12:07:09,735] INFO [Controller id=0] Starting preferred replica leader election for partitions backend-events-43 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-01-10 12:07:09,735] INFO [PartitionStateMachine controllerId=0] Invoking state change to OnlinePartition for partitions backend-events-43 (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine)
[2020-01-10 12:07:09,740] INFO [PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector]: Current leader 2 for partition backend-events-43 is not the preferred replica. Triggering preferred replica leader election (kafka.controller.PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector)
[2020-01-10 12:07:09,753] DEBUG [PartitionStateMachine controllerId=0] After leader election, leader cache for backend-events-43 is updated to (Leader:0,ISR:2,0,1,LeaderEpoch:3,ControllerEpoch:42) (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine)
[2020-01-10 12:07:09,753] INFO [Controller id=0] Partition backend-events-43 completed preferred replica leader election. New leader is 0 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)



可以看到这明显有问题,这是因为刚才我在设置 replica 的时候无脑写 0 1 2 ,但是因为顺序关系,第一个副本位置会被设置成 Preferred leader 导致我们 leader 严重偏移了。


auto.leader.rebalance.enable = true

执行完后 可能还需要执行一下 

./kafka-preferred-replica-election.sh --zookeeper

对 Leader 进行重分配。如果不想这样我们可以在上面增加副本的时候提前设置好 Preferred  Leader 来避免重新设置 Leader 平衡的过程。




Not Bad! 


想再分割线下面再补充一点,磁盘的周期性高 io 可能会引起 kafka 响应时间变慢从而导致 controller 认为该节点已经失效,该节点来不及回复来自 zk 的心跳检查而被踢出集群。


[2020-05-07 23:22:38,125] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,0 for partition new-play-atom-online-33. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,125] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition new-play-atom-online-33 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 0 ; ISR = List(1, 0) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,125] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,2 for partition __consumer_offsets-5. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition __consumer_offsets-5 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 2 ; ISR = List(1, 2) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 2,1 for partition maxwell_mysql_sync_user-4. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition maxwell_mysql_sync_user-4 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 1 ; ISR = List(2, 1) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 2,0 for partition __consumer_offsets-6. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition __consumer_offsets-6 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 2 ; ISR = List(2, 0) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,2,3 for partition test_sync_tidb-4. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition test_sync_tidb-4 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 1 ; ISR = List(1, 2) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,126] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,0 for partition new-atom-online-32. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,127] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition new-atom-online-32 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 0 ; ISR = List(1, 0) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,127] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 2,0 for partition double_write-0. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,127] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition double_write-0 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 2 ; ISR = List(2, 0) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,127] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,0 for partition sync_tidb-23. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,127] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition sync_tidb-23 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 0 ; ISR = List(1, 0) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,127] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 0,2 for partition new-play-atom-online-2. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,128] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition new-play-atom-online-2 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 0 ; ISR = List(0, 2) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,128] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,2,3 for partition sync_to_aliyun-12. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,131] INFO [Controller id=0] New leader and ISR for partition sync_to_aliyun-12 is {"leader":2,"leader_epoch":35,"isr":[1,2]} (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,131] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 0,1 for partition new-atom-online-39. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,131] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition new-atom-online-39 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 0 ; ISR = List(0, 1) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,131] DEBUG [Controller id=0] Removing replica 3 from ISR 1,2 for partition refresh-wjh-15. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,131] WARN [Controller id=0] Cannot remove replica 3 from ISR of partition refresh-wjh-15 since it is not in the ISR. Leader = 1 ; ISR = List(1, 2) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2020-05-07 23:22:38,147] DEBUG The stop replica request (delete = true) sent to broker 3 is  (kafka.controller.ControllerBrokerRequestBatch)

从日志可以看到各 partitions 大规模的移除 replica 3 副本。






https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38721205    KAFKA集群扩容后的数据迁移


posted @ 2020-01-09 17:49  piperck  阅读(3810)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报