





1.搭建ftp server或sftp server

2.光交能正常ping通ftp server



SNS2224:root> supportsave

This command collects RASLOG, TRACE, supportShow, core file, FFDC data

and then transfer them to a FTP/SCP/SFTP server or a USB device.

This operation can take several minutes.

NOTE: supportSave will transfer existing trace dump file first, then

automatically generate and transfer latest one. There will be two trace dump

files transferred after this command.

OK to proceed? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y


Host IP or Host Name: x.x.x.x    ftp server IP

User Name:xxx  fpt server用户名

Password: ftp用户密码

Protocol (ftp | scp | sftp): sftp 选择传输协议

Remote Directory:xxx   ftp server目录名称(保存目录)


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:RAS...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CTRACE_OLD...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CTRACE_OLD_MNT...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CTRACE_NEW...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:FABRIC...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:DIAG...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:RTE...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:IF_TREE...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:ISCSID_DBG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:AGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:AGWWNS...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:AGWWN_CFG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:VPWWN_CFG...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_PLOG...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_OS...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_EX...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_FABRIC...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_SERVICE...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_SEC...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_NET...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_SYS...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_FICON...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_ISWITCH...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_ISCSI...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_ASICDB...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_AG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_APM...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_CRYP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_FCIP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_PORT...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_DCEHSL...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:SSHOW_FLOW...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CEEDEBUG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CEETECHSUPPORT...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:FCOESUPPORT...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:C2REGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:C1REGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:PBREGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:BLSREGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:AVREGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:C3REGDUMP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CRYP...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:FCIP...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:VFABRIC...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:MAPS...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:FABRIC_WATCH...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:DM_FTR_FFDC...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:PSDUMP...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:CORE_FFDC...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:ENC_LOGGER...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:AN_DEBUG...


Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:AMS_MAPS_LOG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:FLOW_VISION_LOG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:MP_LOG...

Saving support information for switch:SNS2224, module:RAS_POST...




SupportSave completed.


收集完成后,在ftp server保存目录能看到所有的日志压缩包


posted @ 2022-10-23 21:11  pipci  阅读(1358)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报