2-28 实现一个简单的菜单程序,运行时显示"Menu:A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select one:"提示用户输入。A表示增加,D表示删除,S表示排序,Q表示退出。出入为A,D,S时分别提示"数据已增加、删除、排序。",输入Q时程序结束。
(1)要求使用if…else 语句进行判断,用break,continue控制程序流程。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char c; cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; cin>>c; while(c!='Q') { if(c=='A') { cout<<"Data has Added"<<endl; cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; } else if (c=='D') { cout<<"Data has Deleted"<<endl; cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; } else if(c=='S') { cout<<"Data has Sorted"<<endl; cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; } else { cout<<"no such choise,please select again."<<endl; cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; } cin>>c; } return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ char c; cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; cin>>c; while(c!='Q') { switch(c) { case 'A': {cout<<"Data has Added."<<endl;break;} case 'D': {cout<<"Data has Deleted."<<endl;break;} case 'S': {cout<<"Data has Sort."<<endl;break;} default : {cout<<"no choice, please select again."<<endl;break;} } cout<<"Menu: A(dd) D(elete) S(ort) Q(uit),Select One:"<<endl; cin>>c; } return 0; }
2-29 用穷举法找出1~100间的质数并显示出来。分别使用 while,do-while,for循环语句实现。
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main( ) { int j,i=2,flag,t=0; while(i<=100) {flag=1;j=2; while(j<=sqrt(i)) { if(i%j==0) {flag=0; break; } j++; } if (flag==1) {t++; cout<<i<<" "; if(t%5==0) cout<<"\n"<<endl; } i++; } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main( ) { int j,i=2,flag,t=0; do {flag=1;j=2; while(j<=sqrt(i)) { if(i%j==0) {flag=0; break; } j++; } if (flag==1) {t++; cout<<i<<" "; if(t%5==0) cout<<"\n"<<endl; } i++; } while(i<100); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main( ) { int j,i=2,flag,t=0; while(i<=100) {flag=1; for(j=2;j<=sqrt(i);j++) { if(i%j==0) {flag=0; break; } } if (flag==1) {t++; cout<<i<<" "; if(t%5==0) cout<<"\n"<<endl; } i++; } return 0; }
2-32 在程序中定义一个整形变量,赋予1~100的值。要求用户猜这个数,比较两个数的大小,把结果显示给用户,直到猜对为止。分别使用while,do-while语句实现循环。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { int a=17; int n; while(1) {cout<<"guess this number:"<<endl; cin>>n; if(a==n) {cout<<"Congratulations!"<<endl; break; } else if(a<n) {cout<<"bigger than the number."<<endl;} else if(a>n) {cout<<"smaller than the number."<<endl;} } return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { int a=17; int n; do {cout<<"guess this number:"<<endl; cin>>n; if(a==n) {cout<<"Congratulations!"<<endl; break; } else if(a<n) {cout<<"bigger than the number."<<endl;} else if(a>n) {cout<<"smaller than the number."<<endl;} } while(1); return 0; }
2-34 口袋中有红、黄、蓝、白、黑种颜色的球若干个。每次从口袋中取出3个不同颜色的球,请问有多少种取法?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {int i,j,k,a=0;//1:红,2:黄,3:蓝,4:白,5:黑 for(i=1;i<=5;i++) {for(j=i+1;j<=5;j++) {for(k=j+1;k<=5;k++) {cout<<i<<j<<k<<endl; a++; } } } cout<<"total:"<<a<<endl; return 0; }
2-28 第一个程序我用的很傻,大多都是复制粘贴,我尝试改了之后,发现运行有问题,最后放弃了。
2-29 质数一开始用的j<=i-1;后来发现有重复,所以加了个头文件从#include <cmath> 用sqrt函数做。
3-32 中的while(1)进入死循环我一开始没想到,然后参考了一下百度,通过 if 函数退出死循环。
3-34 这题的枚举法是真的不会,然后我去问了学长,还是没弄明白,我就用了最简单的数字代表球的颜色,列出取法。