
用 vim 打开没有写权限的文件而忘记用 sudo 时,文件变成 read-only
这时候用 :w!SHIFT+ZZ,或者 qw! 都无法保存

:w !sudo tee %

:w : Write a file.可以将文件写入,文件仍然是只读模式,通过 :q! 退出

  • !sudo : Call shell sudo command.
  • tee : The output of the vi/vim write command is redirected using tee.
  • % : Triggers the use of the current filename.

Simply put, the ‘tee’ command is run as sudo and follows the vi/vim command on the current filename given.




posted @ 2016-11-02 19:53  圆旭  阅读(19354)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报