

The initial reason for this project was the absence of a free, clean, extensible and easily maintainable web user interface for embedded devices. While most similar configuration interfaces make heavy use of the Shell-scripting language LuCI uses the Lua programming language and splits up the interface into logical parts like models and views, uses object-oriented libraries and templating.That ensures a higher performance, smaller installation size, faster runtimes and what is even more important: better maintainability.

Meanwhile LuCI evolved from a MVC-Webframework to a collection of several libraries, applications and user interfaces with general purpose for Lua programmers while the focus still remains on the web user interface which also became an official part of OpenWrt。




uHTTPd is a web server written from scratch by OpenWrt/LuCI developers. It is aimed towards being an efficient and stable server, suitable for lightweight tasks commonly used with embedded devices and proper integration with OpenWrt's configuration framework (UCI). In particular, it is configured by default for the LuCI web interface to administer OpenWrt. In addition, it provides all the functionality expected of present day web servers.

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