Kernel Modules and System Calls
Kernel Modules and System Calls
Creating a "Syscalls" module by John Brodie Creating a module for your system calls allows you to make quick changes to your syscalls, without the need to rebuild any of the kernel, and without the need to install/reboot your new kernel version. However, adding new syscalls via a module is not something supported by the kernel although you can intercept and override existing syscalls (, not personally tested). Enter function pointers... 1. Create your "wrapper" syscall: - Use a new file (or not):
#include <linux/linkage.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/module.h> long (*STUB_mygetpid)(void) = NULL; EXPORT_SYMBOL(STUB_mygetpid); asmlinkage long sys_mygetpid(void) { if(STUB_mygetpid) return STUB_mygetpid(); else return -ENOSYS; }
The above code creates a null function pointer, exports it for later use, and adds a syscall that will call the function pointer if it has been set. 2. Create your module:
#include <linux/module.h> /* Needed by all modules */ #include <linux/kernel.h> /* Needed for KERN_INFO */ #include <linux/init.h> /* Needed for the macros */ #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/linkage.h> extern long (*STUB_mygetpid)(void); // Get our function pointer long mygetpid(void); static int __init init_custom_syscalls(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "Syscalls module loaded...\n"); STUB_mygetpid=&(mygetpid); // Point to our new syscall on load. return 0; } static void __exit cleanup_custom_syscalls(void) { STUB_mygetpid=NULL; // Clean up after ourselves. printk(KERN_INFO "Syscalls module unloaded...\n"); } long mygetpid(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "mygetpid called.\n"); return current->tgid; } /* Declare init/exit functions for module. */ module_init(init_custom_syscalls); module_exit(cleanup_custom_syscalls);
The above creates a module that gets our function pointer, and points it to our newly created pseudo-syscall function on init. 3. Create Makefile for your new files:
obj-m += syscalls.o obj-y += export_syscalls.o all: make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules clean: make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
4. Add your wrapper syscall to syscall_table.S, unistd.h, and syscall.h, the same as you would for a normal syscall. 5. Recompile your kernel with `make`, installing it as normal. From now on, you only need to touch/recompile your module. 6. As root, use `insmod syscalls.ko` to load your module, and `rmmod syscalls` to remove it. You can tail dmesg to check that it has loaded.
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