Base_SPB16.30.000_lnx86安装记录——for unbuntu 12.04

 Cadence 'Base_SPB16.30.000_lnx86' is running properly on my ubuntu 12.04 now. The flowing is the installation I documented.


At first, csh,tcsh,ksh is needed.

you can install with apt-get:sudo apt-get install csh tcsh ksh
Now begin to install Base_SPB16.30.000_lnx86_2of5:
1.Extract all packages.(extract to /tmp is suggested)
tar -xvf Base_SPB16.30.000_lnx86_*.tar /SPB16.30.000_lnx86.Base/CDROM1 SETUP.SH:sudo ./SETUP.SH
(new folder will be created, so run it as root is prefered)
4.Question comes:Do you have InstallScape for lnx86 platform installed somewhere?n
Choose a directory by yourself, where the installer will be created but not the Cadence.
5.Once installscape installation finished, new windows will come out. 
6.Select the Source Local Directory or Media:-->select where CDROM1 is
7.Select Products manually
8.Select Install Directory-->select where you wanna cadence be installed.
9.Select Products-->select all in the list.
10.Install--> wait until finished.
11.Configure products by yourself.
12.installation finished.
crack with pubkey
1. copy the pubkey to install dir:cp pubkey /usr/cadence/
2. copy the licence file to somewhere:cp licence.dat /usr/cadence/share/license/
3. edit the first two lines of the license file:
SERVER localhost 27000 #keep the same with your settings in .bashrc
DAEMON cdslmd /usr/cadence/spb163/tools.lnx86/bin/64bit/cdslmd #where is your cadence?
run pub key as root: sudo pubkey -d cdlsmd -y
Environment variables set up
Add all bellow to ~/.bashrc
export CDS_DIR=/usr/cadence
export CDS_ROOT=/usr/cadence
export CDS_INST_DIR=/usr/cadence
export CDS_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/cadence/tools/dfII
export CDS_Netlisting_Node=Analog
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=3.2.0
export CDS_SITE=$CDS_DIR/share/local/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/opt/Cadence_SPB/tools.lnx86/lib:/opt/Cadence_SPB/tools.lnx86/mainwin520/mw/lib-linux_optimized/
export PATH=$PATH:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/jre/bin:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/bin:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/pcb/bin:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/fet/bin:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/specctra/bin/:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/plot/bin:$CDS_INST_DIR/stream_mgt/bin/:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/fet/concept/bin:$CDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/dfII/bin:$CCDS_INST_DIR/tools.lnx86/spectre/bin
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_DIR/share/license/license.dat
export CDS_LIC_FILE=27000@locahost #the port will differce depands on your settings in licensefile
*********Restart your computer, and all settings will work****************
run allegro in a terminal: ksh allegro&
Enjoy it!

More problems:

1. It run so slowly!!!  How fix it up?

2. it seems some functions still work bad, more test needed. 

posted @ 2012-05-08 10:22  Biiigfish  阅读(1632)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报