Does FTK index search support regular expression?

Posted on 2015-08-30 19:47  Pieces0310  阅读(932)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Some of my friends ask me a question: "Does FTK index search support regular expression?" They just participated in FTK Bootcamp last month, and they're trying to spend more time with FTK now.

The answer is "Yes". FTK index search supports regular expression, but not RegEx++. Actually its name is TR1(Technical Report1) regular expression. Let me show you how to use TR1 in dtSearch. Remember to start the expression with "##".

1.If you want to search documents about Sun SPARC m3000 or m4000..etc, the express is "m" and four digits. So the search term is "##m\d\d\d\d". The search result is as below:


2.If you want to search rick or nick or click.etc, the search term is "##.*ick". The search result is as below:


3.If you add one more search term such as "##201[0-5]", and you could find four digits combination from 2010 to 2015. The search result is as below:


4.What about search Chinese characters? You could do that of course, but the search term should be just only one character. The search result is as below:


They say no one mention about regular expression in dtSearch during fTK Bootcamp. I believe in them~ Now they know how to do index search with regular expression in FTK.

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