Alternatives of extracting chat messages of certain App

Posted on 2024-05-05 22:02  Pieces0310  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

A friend of mine Anita, she attempted to extract Naver LINE from a smartphone running Android 13, but all the mobile forensic tools at her disposal failed, even attempting APK Downgrade extraction. She is at her wits' end and asks me to give her a hand.

I come up with a good idea. Since the phone is unlocked, we can use adb uiautomator to dump chat messages of certain App on the top of screen.

But there are lots of chat messages in the chat room. How can we retrieve all of them? We'll need to utilize the scrolling function for that.

Fortunately, by combining the aforementioned commands, we were able to retrieve all the chat messages without fail. This also helped Anita successfully uncover important clues from the chat messages of Naver LINE.


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