摘要:Someone mentioned that APK Downgrade Extraction no longer works on Android 14, and regardless of the mobile forensic tool used, it is impossible to su
随笔分类 - Mobile Phone Forensics
摘要:With the increasing severity of cybersecurity threats on mobile devices, awareness of personal privacy protection is also growing. Consider this scena
摘要:Naver LINE has a little-known feature called 'All Albums' represented by a seemingly inconspicuous icon in the top-right corner of the chat interface.
摘要:A friend of mine Ellen she asks me to give her a hand. Couple days ago she tried to extract LINE chat history from a Samsung smartphone running Androi
摘要:Have you guys heard about "Dual Messengers" on iDevice as below pic? A friend of mine Angel she's been using "Dual Messengers" on her iPhone for a lon
摘要:Couple days ago Oxygen Forensic Detective v14 showed up as below link: https://blog.oxygen-forensic.com/android-app-downgrade/ https://www.forensicfoc
摘要:A friend of mine she told me that she's disappointed in some mobile forensic tools. Why? Because some goes wrong when running APK Downgrade Extraction
摘要:Now some mobile forensic tools take advantage of Checkra1n to jailbreak iDevices. If something goes wrong, those mobile forensic tools fail to jailbre
摘要:If you'd like to know where your sweatheart has been, no need to setup any spy GPS tracker on her/his car... All you have to do is to take a peek at h
摘要:Since I mentioned about "Second Space", let's take a look at Samsung "Secure Folder". This built-in feature for Samsung smartphones is a secret space
摘要:Have you guys heard about a pretty good feature called "Second Space"? Manufacturers like Xiaomi,Huawei... offer "Second Space" feature which allows u
摘要:Yesterday a friend of mine Kirby came to me with a smartphone and she wanted me to do her a favor. She showed me some contacts in an app called "LINE"
摘要:One cannot be in two places at once. Do you know what's "Dual Apps"? Manufactures like Xiaomi,Oppo,Huawei offer "Dual Apps" feature which allows users
摘要:Now it's more and more difficult for forensic tools to extract evidence from smartphone running Android 7 and above. Maybe you could acquire physical
摘要:近年来的安卓手机取证相较过往,可以施展的手法是愈来愈受限了,大体上可以安卓7.0做为一个分野,在安卓7.0以上的高版本明显有以下反取证的特性出现: 1. 降级(Downgrade)搭配ADB Backup的技法无法备份到App的数据,如此一来即便你知道嫌疑犯明明有用WeChat等IM,但却苦无方法可
摘要:A friend of mine she was frustarted in extracting WeChat chat messages from suspect's smartphone running Android 7.x. The situation is that no pattern
摘要:最近有则取证相关的消息,链接如下,光看标题便知道与Apple的Face ID有关. https://www.cnet.com/news/fbi-unlocked-an-iphone-x-by-forcing-the-suspect-to-use-face-id/ 看完内容之后,我不争气地笑出声来,没
摘要:取证说穿了其实就是攻防,这本是正义与邪恶的对决,亦即执法单位与嫌疑犯两者之间的事,但现实生活中要比这复杂多了. 怎么说呢?举个例子大家便理解了.取证人员费尽心思,用尽各种手法,努力地想要自手机上提取重要迹证,以还原真相,除暴安良.但此时手机厂商却跳出来了,她说为了保障个人隐私,因此她们必须致力于提升
摘要:前不久脸书执行长祖克柏在国会听证会上,被参议员杜宾问道:”你愿意和大家分享一下昨晚待的旅店名字吗?” 只见祖克柏沉默良久,缓缓吐出”不”字. 杜宾乘胜追击,再问道:”在过去这星期你曾和谁以简讯联系过呢?你是否愿意和大家分享一下他/她们的姓名呢?” 祖克柏的回答依旧是”不”. 杜宾可真的是高手中的高手
摘要:近日手机取证领域传出令人震撼的消息,知名取证大厂Cellebrite宣称可破解任何版本,任何机型的iDevice,连最新的iPhone X也逃不过. 若真属实,代表着iOS的取证又重现光明.只是不确定能维持多少时日的光明就是~ 为何这么说呢?毕竟,要视Cellebrite能做到对iDevice无所不