



The dataset is captured via the Kinect v2 sensors from multiple viewpoints with recording ratio set as 25 fps, which collect color images, depth maps, IR sequences, and human skeleton joints synchronously.

RGB videos are recorded in the provided resolution of 1920 × 1080.

Depth maps are sequences of 2D depth values in millimeters. The resolution of each depth frame is 512 × 424.

IR sequences are also collected and stored frame by frame in the resolution of 512 × 424.



PKU-MMD contains 2 parts, for action detection tasks with increasing difficulty. Part 1 is large-margin action detection task. Part 2 is small-margin action detection task. Compared to Part I, Part II is more challenging due to short action intervals, concurrent actions and heavy occlusion.


Part I contains 1,076 untrimmed video sequences with 51 action classes performed by 66 subjects.

Part II contains 1,009 untrimmed video sequences with 41 action classes performed by 13 subjects.


Part 1 有43个单个人的动作类别,以及8个两个人互动的动作类别;

Part 2 只有41个单个人的动作类别,没有两个人的互动动作。





补充信息1 (PKU-MMD Part1)


补充信息2 (PKU-MMD Part1)


补充信息3 (PKU-MMD Part1)

把PKU-MMD Part1和Part2条长视频按照单个动作进行切割,得到各个动作的clip。下面的是一些统计信息:

Part 1:



Part 2:


上面这两组统计信息中,在action clips数目上,part 1 与下表的数字相差一点点,part 2 的与下表相等。


论文 “Skeleton-Contrastive 3D Action Representation Learning” 中关于PKU-MMD数据集action clip的统计信息:





图中的骨架各节点的连接方式是通过看原论文(PKU-MMD: A Large Scale Benchmark for Continuous Multi-Modal Human Action Understanding)而画出来的,但我最近看到另外一篇论文(A Deep Learning Approach for Human Action Recognition using Skeletal Information)的画法:



import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

file_name = '0017-M.txt'
points = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('/Users/wangpeng/Desktop/PKU_MMD/Skeleton', file_name), dtype=np.float)
row = points.shape[0]
point = (points[:, :75]).reshape(row, 25, 3)
xmax = np.max(point[:, :, 0])
xmin = np.min(point[:, :, 0])
ymax = np.max(point[:, :, 1])
ymin = np.min(point[:, :, 1])
zmax = np.max(point[:, :, 2])
zmin = np.min(point[:, :, 2])

# 读取标签
num_classes = 52   # number of classes
gt_array = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('/Users/wangpeng/Desktop/PKU_MMD/Label', file_name),, delimiter=',')
label = np.ones([row, ], * (num_classes - 1)   # 0~50th is the original ground truth. The 51st class is the background.
for i in range(gt_array.shape[0]):
    label[gt_array[i, 1]-1: gt_array[i, 2]-1] = gt_array[i, 0] - 1   # 末尾的-1是为了让标签从0开始

# 相邻各节点列表,用来画节点之间的连接线
arm = [21, 7, 6, 5, 4, 20, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23]
rightHand = [22, 7]
leftHand = [24, 11]
bodyLeg = [3, 2, 20, 1, 0, 12, 13, 14, 15]
leftLeg = [0, 16, 17, 18, 19]

# 2D展示------------------------------------------------------------------------
n = 0   # 从第n帧开始展示
m = 1   # 到第m帧结束,n<m<row
for i in range(n, m):
    plt.scatter(point[i, :, 0], point[i, :, 1], c='red', s=40.0)
    plt.plot(point[i, arm, 0], point[i, arm, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[i, rightHand, 0], point[i, rightHand, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[i, leftHand, 0], point[i, leftHand, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[i, bodyLeg, 0], point[i, bodyLeg, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[i, leftLeg, 0], point[i, leftLeg, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.2, 'frame: {}/{}'.format(i, row))
    plt.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.4, 'label: ' + str(label[i]))
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)


# 3D展示------------------------------------------------------------------------
#n = 1100   # 从第n帧开始展示
#m = 1200   # 到第m帧结束,n<m<row
#fig = plt.figure()   # 先生成一块画布,然后在画布上添加3D坐标轴
#for i in range(n, m):
#    fig.clf()
#    ax = Axes3D(fig)
#    ax.scatter(point[i, :, 0], point[i, :, 1], point[i, :, 2], c='red', s=40.0)
#    ax.plot(point[i, arm, 0], point[i, arm, 1], point[i, arm, 2], c='green', lw=2.0)
#    ax.plot(point[i, rightHand, 0], point[i, rightHand, 1], point[i, rightHand, 2], c='green', lw=2.0)
#    ax.plot(point[i, leftHand, 0], point[i, leftHand, 1], point[i, leftHand, 2], c='green', lw=2.0)
#    ax.plot(point[i, bodyLeg, 0], point[i, bodyLeg, 1], point[i, bodyLeg, 2], c='green', lw=2.0)
#    ax.plot(point[i, leftLeg, 0], point[i, leftLeg, 1], point[i, leftLeg, 2], c='green', lw=2.0)
#    ax.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.2, zmax-0.2, 'frame {}/{}'.format(i, row))
#    ax.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.4, zmax-0.4, 'label: ' + str(label[i]))
#    ax.set_xlabel("X")
#    ax.set_ylabel("Y")
#    ax.set_zlabel("Z")
#    ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
#    ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
#    ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
#    plt.pause(0.01)



posted @ 2020-10-10 17:11  Picassooo  阅读(1852)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报