

http://bliker.github.io/cmder/ 分为两个版本:mini版和Full版






Tab manipulation

  • Ctrl + ` : Global Summon from taskbar
  • Win + Alt + p : Preferences (Or right click on title bar)
  • Ctrl + t : New tab dialog (maybe you want to open cmd as admin?)
  • Ctrl + w : Close tab
  • Shift + Alt + number : Fast new tab:
    1. 1. CMD
    2. 2. PowerShell
  • Alt + Enter : Fullscreen


  • Shift + Up : Traverse up in directory structure (lovely feature!)
  • End, Home, Ctrl : Traverse text as usual on Windows
  • Ctrl + r : History search
  • Shift + mouse : Select and copy text from buffer
  • Right click / Ctrl + Shift + v : Paste text


There is simple support for aliases. They can be created by using the aliascommand like this: alias ls=ls --color $*. They are pretty much justdoskeys in /config/aliases. One per line. And make sure to handle arguments by putting argument variables $* somewhere.

Updating + Building

There is not much going on here. But if you want to get most recent updates for Conemu just tick auto-updating in preferences. If you want to clone the repo and build it yourself, you will need Ruby, wget and 7z. When you are set on that, just run build_cmder.rb.


I have to admit here that I am not a PS guy. So do not expect any improvement or tips in that department. But if you are a PS geek, you really should start submitting some amazing tweaks.

Other documentations

If you have trouble with anything I am happy to help. But you will have much better chances to find solutions on the pages of the upstream projects. Those are:

  • Console emulator ~ Conemu
  • Cmd.exe enhancements ~ clink
  • Unix tools on windows ~ msysgit
posted on 2015-01-04 10:54  zhangxuhui  阅读(2600)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报