The first glance at Python
最近准备学习JavaScript,干脆把The first glance at Python和The first glance at Scala也搬过来,一次看个够。
>> Python Basic
# ''' is docstring which is used for documenting. moduleName = 'The first glance at Python: Python_Basic'
print 'multiple',\
# ------------------------------------------------------------- # How to use if-elif-else # ------------------------------------------------------------- def TryIF(a, b): ''' ----Function : How to use if-elif-else----''' if a > b : print a, 'is bigger' elif a == b: print a, 'equals', b else: print b, ' is bigger' #print TryIF.__doc__ #TryIF(3, 'a') #TryIF(3, 3) #TryIF(5, 3) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # How to use while # Please notice that we can add a else case for while.. # ------------------------------------------------------------- def TryWhile(): ''' ---Function : How to use while----''' number = 100 running = True while running: guessValue = int(raw_input('Enter a integer:')) if guessValue == number: running = False elif guessValue == 1234: print 'Quit' break elif guessValue == 555: print '555 is input, let\'s continue' continue else: print 'continue' else: print 'Right! Jump out of while scope' #TryWhile()
# ------------------------------------------------------------- # How to use for # for in Python is more like foreach # Also, we need to notice that we can add a else case for it.
# ------------------------------------------------------------- def TryFor(): ''' ----Function : How to use for----''' kickNum = 36 step = 2 number = 100 for i in range(0, step * 10): number = i * step print '\tcurrent number is', number, '\n' if number == kickNum: print 'Quit if number = ', kickNum break for i in range(0, 10): print 'for loop:', i else: print 'Out of range:', i #TryFor() # ------------------------------------------------------------- # How to use global variable # ------------------------------------------------------------- def TryGlobalVariable(changedValue = 6789): ''' --- Function : How to use Global Value ---''' global gValue print 'Current Value = ', gValue gValue = changedValue print 'gValue is changed to', gValue return gValue #gValue = 32 #print 'Global Value Test \n', TryGlobalVariable() == 6789 # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Show Document help for above functions # ------------------------------------------------------------- #help(TryIF) #help(TryWhile) #help(TryFor) #help(TryGlobalVariable) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Show all methods in a python lib: math # -------------------------------------------------------------
import math #help(math)
sys module and Import our module
# ------------------------------------------------------------- # How to use SYS module and my own module # ------------------------------------------------------------- import sys #help(sys) print 'The command line arguments are :' for i in sys.argv: print i print '\n The System Path is : ' , sys.path print 'File System Encoding = ', sys.getfilesystemencoding() print 'Windows OS version = ', sys.getwindowsversion() print 'Major Version = ', sys.version #using import Python_Basic print 'Imported Module Name :', Python_Basic.moduleName print '\nFunctions, Classes, Variables in sys module: \n', dir(sys) print '\nFunctions, Classes, Variables in Python_Basic module: \n', dir(Python_Basic)
>> Python Data Structures
# ------------------------------------------------------------- # Data Structure in Python # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Before all, we need to know that even int is a class in python. #help(int) # list class print '\n\nBegin to study list class' #help(list) teamMember = ['Bike', 'Bush', 'Xiao'] print 'Index of \'Bush\' is:', teamMember.count('Bush') #index of list starts from 0 teamMember.append(8888) print 'New object ', teamMember[3],'is added. Now, memeber count is', len(teamMember) del teamMember[2] print 'The 3th Object is:', teamMember[2] print 'Pre-Sorted Members:' for i in range(0, 3): print teamMember[i] teamMember.sort() print 'Sorted Members:' for i in range(0, 3): print teamMember[i] print 'using sliceing to list some members', teamMember[0:3] # tuple class print '\n\nBegin to study tuple' #help(tuple) subTuple = ('Mike', 'Monkey', 'Carl') parentTuple = ('Tuple1', 'Tuple2', subTuple) print 'Both methods should return Carl, sure?' print subTuple[2] print parentTuple[2][2] print parentTuple[2] print 'using sliceing to list some members', parentTuple[0:3] #we need to use 3 here, why? # String class print '\n\nBegin to study string' #help(str) myString = 'Piaoger is a good man..' print 'To Upper: ', myString[0:10].upper() # dictionary(dict) class print '\n\nBegin to study dictionary' #help(dict) directory = { 'Piaoger' : '139', 'Mike' : '123', 'Bush' : 'dsfsfd' } print 'list all members in the directory\n' for name, address in directory.items(): print 'Name: %s\tValue: %s' % (name, address) directory['Piaoger'] = '12345' print 'Value of Piaoger is changed to ',directory['Piaoger'] if 'Sophia' not in directory: directory['Sophia'] = '888' print 'Failing to find Sophia in the directory' if directory.has_key('Sophia'): print 'Sophia is in the directory now..' print 'Value of Sophia is ',directory['Sophia'] # reference V.s. copy for sequence classes: tuple, list, string... # This Example tells us not to use reference for copy values in list.. origin=['Mike', 'Monkey', 'Carl'] originRef = origin originCopy= origin[:] del origin[2] print 'After change:' print '\'originRef == origin\' = ', originRef == origin, '\t\'originCopy == origin\' = ',originCopy== origin
>> Python in OO paradigm
# My first class with multiple inheritance: Markup class Markup: '''This class is used to process markups.''' def __init__(self, fileName): '''Constructor''' self.fileName = fileName def __del__(self): '''Destructor''' print 'Byebye, Markup' def GetType(self): return 'Unknown' def Load(self): '''Method to load Markups''' print '%s file %s is loading' % (self.GetType() , self.fileName) def Save(self, bSaveCopyAs = False): '''Save Markups''' if bSaveCopyAs == True: print 'Dialog will be presented..' else: print 'Document is saved' def Action(self, strActionName, strActionContent): '''Process all action items.''' print 'Action Name = %s Content = %s' % (strActionName, strActionContent) class Language: def GetLanguage(self): print 'Language ID is Chinese' class PDFMarkup(Markup, Language): def GetType(self): '''Overloaded GetType for PDF Markup''' return 'PDF Markup' help(Markup) print 'Load a general markup file..' markup = Markup("c:\\temp\\my.txt") markup.Load() markup.Action('My Action', 'To many action items....') markup.Save() del markup #it's better to do that by our own. help(PDFMarkup) print '\nLoad a PDF markup file..' pdfMarkup = PDFMarkup("c:\\temp\\myfile.pdf") pdfMarkup.GetLanguage() pdfMarkup.Load() pdfMarkup.Action('Look into PDF file', '[It\'s so complicated]') pdfMarkup.Save(True) del pdfMarkup
>> Other
#help(file) print 'Begin to study File IO' strContent = 'd' myFile = file('C:\\temp\\users\\NAME1', 'r') strContent = print strContent myFile.close() myFile = file('C:\\temp\\users\\NAME1', 'a') myFile.write('sssssssssssssssssssssssssss') myFile.close() # os Module print 'Begin to study os module' import os help(os) print ' = ', print 'os.getcwd() = ', os.getcwd() print 'path = ', os.getenv('path') os.putenv('MyEnv', 'No') print 'MyEnv =',os.getenv('MyEnv') paths = os.listdir('c:\\windows\\Fonts') #list all font files print 'dir count = ',len(paths) #for i in range(0, len(paths)): # print '%s'% paths[i] filePath = os.path.split('C:\\temp\\users\\NAME1') print 'File Name = ', filePath[1] #shell scripting # import os #os.system('notepad C:\\temp\\users\\NAME1') #using os.system # we need to download win32all from import win32api #help(win32api) #using ShellExecute(hwnd, op , file , params , dir , bShow ) #win32api.ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'notepad.exe', 'C:\\temp\\users\\NAME1','',1) #win32api.ShellExecute(0, 'open', '', '','',1) # Registry Operation # Environmnt Variables # #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment # import win32api import win32con key = win32api.RegOpenKey( win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment",0,win32con.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) print 'path = \n',str(win32api.RegQueryValueEx(key, "Path")[0]) win32api.RegSetValueEx(key, "\nPythonStudy", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, "GoodLanguage") print 'Key = PythonStudy, value = ', str(win32api.RegQueryValueEx(key, "PythonStudy")[0]) win32api.RegCloseKey(key)
>> More Materials
, The first Glance
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