[Buzz Today]2012.05.06



自然用过WinZip,也用过ZLIB,,还知道PK-ZIP,也略知WinZip与WinRAR的恩怨,但是不知道或完全没有留意过Phil Katz这个人,直到今天看了一篇文章:ZIP,一个没落天才的故事


ZIP,一个没落天才的故事,Phil Katz不愿意为一个压缩软件付钱,就索性自己写了一个更好的算法,然后无偿公开。




>> The Kudoku Sudoku Solver

The Kudoku Sudoku solver is probably the fastest Javascript solver to date. Although faster algorithms exist, they have not been ported to Javascript so far as I know. For more information on the Sudoku algorithms, see the Wiki page and my blog post.

 To use this solver, you may input multiple puzzles in the textarea or one puzzle in the 9x9 grid, and then click the `Solve' button. Alternatively, you may select text in the textarea to fill the grid or write the puzzle string in URL, for example like this. Example inputs are also provided. Note that solving `Hardest20x50' may take several to tens of seconds with Chrome, FireFox, Safari and Opera. IE6/7/8 may take far longer due to their crappy Javascript engine.




>> Google开源Ceres Solver(街景关键部分)

A Nonlinear Least Squares Minimizer

Ceres Solver 是一个可用来建模并解决大型复杂的非线性最小二乘问题的可移植的 C++ 库。

• A simple, expressive API | 简单易读的 API
• Automatic differentiation | 自动微分
• Robust loss functions | 稳健的损失函数
• Local parameterizations | 局部参数
• A threaded Jacobian evaluators and linear solvers
• Dense QR factorization (using Eigen) for small problems
• Sparse Cholesky factorization (using SuiteSparse) for large sparse problems
• Specialized solvers for problems in 3D computer vision  | 三维计算机视觉中的问题的特定解决方案
• A liberal license (New BSD)
• Scales from servers to cell phones.
在Google, Ceres Solver 来估测街景车、飞机和卫星的姿态;给 PhotoTours 建立 3D 模型;估测卫星图像传感器的特征等。


>> 通天塔导游 - 细数各种编程语言优缺点

作者热情洋溢地对C、C++、Lisp、Java、Perl、Ruby和 Python做了一把点评。


C是最靠近计算机是如何工作的语言模型,Lisp 就是最能反映计算是如何工作的模型

这些最早的牛人们在亚马逊神圣的代码库里只允许两种语言:C 和 Lisp。

You don't need to know a lot of Lisp, really. Stick with Scheme, since it's the simplest and cleanest.

Emacs 是那种你可以用 100 年的编辑器。

Eric Raymond 说过,即使你很少用 Lisp 写程序,学习 Lisp 会是意义深远的一个经历,能让你下辈子都成为一个更好的工程师。

Python 本来可以统治世界,可惜它有两个致命缺陷:空格,和冷淡。




posted on 2012-05-06 22:33  飘行天下  阅读(242)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
