所以有好事者Ries van Twisk开始做QCAD的QT4 Porting,然后就有了CADuntu。当然,Open source,那是一脉相承,支持Windows、Mac和Linux。
The project was started after Ries van Twisk, its initiator, decided to simplify his work by creating a CAM plug-in for community edition of QCad.
He soon figured out that creating something for an application based on an aging toolkit would lead him nowhere and thus started porting CADunutu to QT4 first.
可CADuntu这个名字太丑了,所以在一次投票中LibreCAD以140:20票成为了它的新名字。2011年4月,还基于GNU libreDWG开始支持DWG。
-- piaoger