>> 百年IBM
>>Google “Me on the Web”
>>Good Book: Let Over Lambda
Starting with the fundamentals, it describes the most advanced features of the most advanced language: COMMON LISP. The point of this book is to expose you to ideas that you might otherwise never be exposed to.This book is about macros, that is programs that write programs. Macros are what make lisp the greatest programming language in the world. When used properly, macros enable amazing feats of abstraction, programmer productivity, and code efficiency and security that are unheard of elsewhere. Macros let you do things you simply cannot do in other languages.
>> PathScale宣布开源其EKOPath 4
PathScale宣布开源其EKOPath 4编译器套件,包括文档、编译器、调试器,汇编器,运行时和标准库在内的完整开发堆栈。源代码采用GPLv3许可证发布。 EKOPath 4是目前行业性能最优秀的C、C++和Fortran编译器之一。Phoronix测试了GCC 4.5.2和EKOPath /PathScale Compiler Suite 4.0.10,在所有的基准测试项目中,EKOPath都超过GCC,并且胜出很多。