


在Scala Days 2011,Google的工程师给出了具有参考力的报告。


<< Scala Days 2011(2011.06.02 -- 2011.06..3)

Scala的同志们聚在一起开会了,有不少好的话题,我最感兴趣的就是Scala&LLVM和Scala V.S. C++/Go/Java了。

<< Loop Recognition in C++/Java/Go/Scala

有Google好事人民做的Scala/C++/Java/Go的比较,并在Scala Days发表论文,Piaoger之前就留意到这篇论文,正等着它的发表。 


Code Size in [Lines of Code]:  Scala < C++/Go < Java



Compilation Times in [Secs]: GO < Java/C++/Scala fsc << Scala Scalac


Binary and JAR File Sizes in [Byte]: Java < C++/Scala << Go

Go的文件也忒大了,比C++ Debug版本的文件都要大一倍去了,而Scala与C++不分伯仲。

Memory Footprint: C++ < Scala < Go/Java


Run-time measurements: C++ > Scala > Go > Java










Google has released a research paper [] (PDF) that suggests C++ is the best-performing language [] on the market.

No, they didn't. They compared four languages (C++, Go, Java and Scala) using a single algorithm, and two implementations (initial and improved) per language. Out of those, the optimized C++ turned out to be the fastest and the least memory hungry, whereas the improved Scala version used the least source code, and the improved Go version compiled the fastest.

None of this allows generalization to "best-performing programming language on the market".

It's not for everyone, though. They write, ' also required the most extensive tuning efforts, many of which were done at a level of sophistication that would not be available to the average programmer.'

This is a very important point. If you are Google, you probably have developers who can do this kind of tuning, and you will probably benefit from it (the developer effort is expensive, but inefficient software may well be more expensive at Google's scale).

In general, though, what you want to consider is not only the best performance that has been produced by the world on a single problem, but also the performance on different problems, the variation in performance between implementations, the average performance, and the development time.

In 2000, Erann Gatt (now Ron Garret) published a paper [] (PDF) that showed the results of comparing 16 implementations written by 14 programmers, in C or C++ (lumped together), Java, and Common Lisp or Scheme (lumped together). These results show that the fastest programs were written in C or C++, Lisp produced the fastest programs on average, and offered the least variation in performance. Lisp also offered the shortest development time on average.

Of course, this is old data. If anyone has performed a similar study more recently, or including different problems to be solved rather than a single one, I would be very interested.

Meanwhile, the Computer Language Benchmarks Game [] compares many language implementations across several different tasks, with multiple programs for each task, and shows that the results differ depending on exactly how you measure.

Apparently, if you want the fastest programs, you should go with C, C++, Ada, ATS (Fortran, Common Lisp, and Python also produced fast programs, but weren't as good on average). If you want short programs (which may be expected to correlate with short development time), you might want to go with Ruby, Python, Perl, Lua, or JavaScript. If you want short development time, but also reasonable performance, then Go, Scala, or Haskell may be good choices (or you could go the time-tested route of writing what you can in rapid development languages, and the parts that need to be fast in high-performance languages).



posted on 2011-06-09 23:24  飘行天下  阅读(3237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
