YoungSheldon S1E10

YoungSheldon S1E10

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ ♪ 昨天我 移了一座山 ♪
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ ♪ 我相信 我能当你的英雄 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个 了不起的小家伙 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个 了不起的小家伙 ♪
First off, I want to thank you both for coming. 首先 谢谢两位抽空过来
Yeah, yeah, what'd he do? 行了行了 他又做什 么了
Uh, he didn't do anything. 他没有做什么啊
Gosh, Tom, I want to believe you. 天啊 汤姆 我也想信你这话
Okay, the problem is, the curriculum here 好吧 问题就是 对谢尔顿来说
is not challenging enough for Sheldon. 我们的课程不够有挑战性
Now, he gets bored 现在他觉得没意思了
and maybe doesn't express himself 而且或许他没有用最有效的方式
in the most productive way. 来表达自己的意见
And so the square of sine plus cosine equals one. 所以sin2 + cos = 1
Sheldon. 谢尔顿
I don't want to embarrass you, 我不想让您难堪
so I'm going to give you a moment 所以我给您点时间
to think about what you just said. 自己想想您刚才说的话
Ms. MacElroy. 马克艾罗伊女士
What? 怎么了
I'm wondering if you read the book you assigned to us, 我很好奇您有没有读过您给我们的指定读物
because I did. 因为我读了
20 laps. 跑20圈
Cooper. 库珀
If you're going to ask us to run, 如果您要叫我们跑步
don't you think you should lead by example? 您是不是该自己带头以身作则
So you're saying he's being rude to his teachers? 你的意思是他对老师没礼貌吗
That's unacceptable. I'll-I'll give him a talkin' to. 这可不行 我们会找他谈谈
I don't know if I'd call him rude. 我不知道是不是该说他没礼貌
Well, put a word on it. 那该怎么说
Rude, let's go with rude. 没礼貌 就称为没礼 貌吧
Rude is good. 没礼貌这词就行
So what do you want us to do? 那你想我们怎么做
I want you to consider another approach to his education. 我想让你们考虑下给他换种教育方式
Okay. What does that mean? -好吧 -这是什么意 思
I recently had a nice chat with the head 我最近刚好跟
of Wilmot Academy for Gifted Children. 威尔莫特天才学院的校长谈过
Now, I told her all about Sheldon, and she seemed to think 我跟她说了谢尔顿的事 她好像觉得
he would be a perfect fit over there. 谢尔顿非常适合到他们学校就读
We already looked into private school. 我们已经看过私立学校了
We can't afford it. 我们承担不起学费
Not unless you're giving me a raise. I'm not. - 除非你给我加薪 -没这打算
Okay, just checking. 好吧 我就问问
But I can tell you this. 不过我可以告诉你们
Wilmot has been known 众所周知威尔莫特
to give children like Sheldon full scholarship. 会为像谢尔顿这样的孩子提供全额奖学金
Take a look at that. 你们看看
My goodness. No kidding. -我的天啊 -真的假 的
Yeah, just read up on it. 你们好好看看
Give it some thought. 认真考虑一下吧
Hold on. 等等
This place is in Dallas; that's three hours away. 这学校在达拉斯 离这里三小时车程呢
Well, yeah, but, uh, 是啦 不过...
what they do in cases like yours, 像你们这样的案例
they look for a local family for him to live with. 他们会帮忙找一户当地家庭给他提供寄宿
And, George, Dallas? 乔治 达拉斯呢
Dallas is certainly close enough 达拉斯的距离够近
that he can come home on the weekends. 他每周末都可以回家过啊
Look, we appreciate you going to bat for him, 我们很感谢你们为他如此费心
but he's just a wee little thing. 但他就是个小孩子
We can't ship him off to Dallas. 我们怎么能把他送去达拉斯
Shouldn't we talk about this first? 我们不应该先谈过再决定吗
What's there to talk about, George? 有什么好谈的啊 乔治
This could be a great opportunity for Sheldon. 这或许是对谢尔顿很好的机会呢
He's nine years old. 他才9岁
Oh, come on, you can't measure him in Earth years. 那又如何 他又不能用地球年算岁数
You're saying he's an alien? 你在说他是外星人吗
Well, in George's defense, 我帮乔治说句话
that idea has been tossed around... 大家也不是没这么想过...
a little bit. 就一两次啦
That's a bad joke. 烂笑话
Look, I understand this is a big decision. 我能理解这是很大的决定
If you change your mind, give me a call. 如果你们改变主意了 就打给我
I'd be more than happy to set up an interview. 我很乐意为你们去安排个面试
Uh, yeah. Thank you. You bet. -谢了 -不客气
Thank you. 谢谢
Maybe you all are the aliens. 或许你们才是外星人
I love my job. 我爱我的工作
Well, I don't understand how you could turn this down. 我不知道你们怎么舍得拒绝不去
This place looks fantastic. 那学校看起来很赞啊
It's 200 miles away, Mom. 在320公里外呢 妈
I know where Dallas is. 我知道达拉斯在哪里
I used to buy my marijuana there. 我以前都去那里买♥♥大♥麻♥
Really? 真的吗
I said "used to" 我说了"以前"
Then I got pregnant with this one 然后我怀上了这货
and all the fun stopped. 然后乐子就离我一去不复返
All I am saying is that 我的意思只是
this would be a great opportunity for Sheldon. 这或许对谢尔顿是很好的机会
I know, you're right. 我知道你说得有道理
Whoa, she's right? 她说得对吗
I said the same thing in Petersen's office, 我今天在办公室里也说了同样的话
you looked at me like I was an idiot. 你就像看傻子一样看我
Yeah, that's the look. 就是这表情
Maybe y'all are being a little selfish about this. 或许你们在这事上都有些自私了
Selfish? We're thinking of him. 自私吗 我 们是为他着想
Well, that's all well and good, 这样是很不错啊
but maybe you should be thinking about the whole world. 但或许你们该为全世界也想想
I mean, 我的意思是
what if Einstein's parents had held him back? 要是爱因斯坦的父母也阻止他的发展呢
We wouldn't even have the... 那我们就不会有...
Well, I was gonna say atomic bomb, 本来要说原♥子♥弹♥
but there's probably a better example. 但应该有别的更好的例子
Here's a crazy idea: 我有个疯狂的建议
how about we ask Sheldon what he thinks of all this? 要不我们问问谢尔顿自己的看法呢
Go ahead, but he's not gonna want to go. 问吧 但他不会想去的
This is his home, we're his family. 这里是他的家 我们是他的家人
Sheldon, can you come in here for a minute?! 谢尔顿 你能过来一下吗
Yes? 怎么了
Have a seat. We want to talk to you. All right. -过来坐 我们想跟你说件事 -好吧
So, today we found out about a school in Dallas 今天我们知道在达拉斯有家学校
for really smart kids. 是为特别聪明的孩子开设的
When can I start? 我什么时候能去就读
Hold on. Dallas is far away, 等等 达拉斯很远
so you'd have to live with another family. 你去了就得住在别人家
Do they have a dog? 他们有养狗吗
Uh, we don't know. 我们不知道
Well, can you make some calls? 那你能打电♥话♥问问吗
I guess, but wouldn't you miss your mom and dad? 可以吧 但是你不会想爸爸妈妈吗
Yes, I suppose I will. 或许会吧
So, when are you calling about the dog? 所以你什么时候能打去问狗的事
You know him so well. 你真是了解他呀
What's wrong with them? 他们是什么毛病
What are you talking about? 你是什么意思
They're so quiet. 他们好安静
Are they on medication? 他们是吃了药吗
No, they're just smart like you. 不是 他们 只是跟你一样聪明
I've been going to school in a zoo. 原来我以前是在动物园里上学啊
Not sure about these uniforms. 这制♥服♥我有点说不准啊
Kinda froufrou. 感觉有点娘
Sheldon, I've been looking over your transcripts 谢尔顿 我看了你的成绩单
and I must say, I am very impressed. 不得不说 非常出色啊
Thank you. 谢谢
What's your doctorate in? 您的博士学位是哪方面的
Noncommutative Algebraic Topology. 非交换代数拓扑
I like her. 我喜欢她
It's gonna be weird around here without Sheldon. 谢尔顿不在这里会感觉很奇怪吧
Don't you mean less weird? 应该是变不奇怪才对吧
That's not nice. 这么说太不友好了
I wasn't trying for nice. 我没有想要友好啊
You sure you're not jealous 你确定你不是在嫉妒
'cause your little brother's moving up in the world? 你弟弟更上层楼了吗
Hey, I got plans of my own. 我对自己的人生也有计划
Do tell. Soon as I graduate high school, - 愿闻其详 -等到我高中毕业
I'm gonna be a professional male model. 我就要去当一个职业男模
That is hilarious. 真是笑死人了
What? I'm good-lookin'. 怎么 我长得很帅啊
No, that you think you'll graduate high school. 不是 是你觉得你高中能毕业
The model thing was funny, too. 模特的部分也很好笑
I must tell you, 不得不说
in all the years I've been here, I have never seen 我在这里任职多年 但从没见过
such glowing letters of recommendation from a student's teachers.
Well, that's real nice to hear. Now, listen to this: -那真是太好了 -你们听听
"Putting aside his superior intellect, " 除了他超凡的智商
Sheldon is a delight to have in the class. 谢尔顿还是课堂上的一个宝
He's fun-loving, 他风趣爱笑
Easy to get along with, 平易近人
and always ready to help another student." 还总是乐于助人"
That doesn't sound like me at all. 这听起来完全不像我啊
Sure it does, sweetie. 当然像啦 宝贝
Dr. Douglas... 道格拉斯博士
Oh, no. Please call me Flora. 别 叫我弗罗拉就可 以了
Flora, I have to ask about the living arrangements. 弗罗拉 我必须得跟您请教关于住的事情
That's our main concern. 那是我们最关心的事
Well, I think I can reassure you about that. 这件事你们可以放一百个心
My husband and I have been hosting a student 我跟我丈夫一直给一名学生
for the last several years who recently graduated 提供寄宿了许多年 他最近刚毕业
and is now at Princeton. 现在去名校普林斯顿大学了
So we have a guest room available in our home. 所以我们家现在有多一间空的客房♥
That's very generous of you. 您真是太慷慨了
Does your husband work at the school also? 您丈夫也在学校里教书吗
No, he's retired. 没有 他退休了
He was an astrophysicist for NASA. 他以前是太空总署的天体物理学家
Please tell me you don't have a dog. 请告诉我你们家没养狗
No. We're both allergic. 没养 我们夫妇对狗 过敏
I'm tingling. 我心痒难耐
Meemaw? 姥姥
Meemaw. 姥姥
I know. I look great. 我知道 我特别好看
I got you a little going away gift. 我有离别礼物要送你
Come on in. 进来
This necklace has been in our family for generations. 这项链在我们家族传了许多代了
It belonged to a Comanche warrior 曾是一个科曼奇族勇士的所有物
who gave it to your great-great-great-great grandma. 他把它送给了你曾曾曾曾祖母
Why'd he give it to her? 他为什么要给她
Well, according to family lore, 根据我们的家族传说
she was, uh, a very accommodating young lady 她是个非常"好客"的姑娘
and, uh, they hit it off. 他们一拍即合
That's a bird feather. 这是鸟羽
Eagle feather. Doesn't matter. -是鹰羽 - 都无所谓
I don't like birds; birds are filthy. 我不喜欢鸟 鸟都很脏
Okay. 别说了
Fine. 行吧
One featherless family heirloom 一个无羽的传家宝
for you to take with you and keep you safe while you're away. 让你带着上路 保你平平安安
You don't actually believe this has magic powers, do you? 你不会真♥相♥信这东西有魔力吧
Oh, for God's sake, just say "thank you." 我的神啊 你就说"谢谢"就行了
Thank you. 谢谢
There's a price tag on it. 上面有标价
No, there's not. 并没有
Hello! 我来啦
Anybody home? 有人在家吗
Hi. 你来啦
Mary. 玛丽
He's gonna come home every Friday night. 他每周五晚上都会回来
I didn't think I'd have to deal with this 我一直以为得等到他上大学
till he went to college. 我才会需要面对这种事
You should thank your lucky stars 你就谢谢上天保佑
he's not in college now. 他不是现在在上大学吧
I'm still not sure that this is the right thing to do. 我还是不确定这个决定对不对
Are you worried that he won't like it 你是担心他不喜欢那里
or are you worried that he will? 还是担心他会喜欢上呢
You're not helping. 你这是帮倒忙
That's not my job. 安慰你不是我的职责
I think of myself as a speaker of truth. 我自认为是实话发表员
If you're not gonna make me feel better, go away. 如果你不打算安慰我 就走吧
I'm sorry. You are stuck with me. 真不好意思 你甩不掉我了
As you can see, 如你们所见
even as a small child, 即使在我小的时候
people cherished having me around 大家就喜爱我的陪伴
and wept over my absence. 会为我的离开而哭泣
And no one took my impending departure harder 对我即将离开 没人比我最好的朋友丹
than my best friend, Tam. 更难过了
So you leave tomorrow? 你明天就走了吗
Yes. 是的
Dallas. 达拉斯
Yes. 没错
Cool. 真棒
It was touching 我很感动
to watch Tam bravely fight back tears. 看着丹勇敢地忍♥住眼泪
Have you ever thought about making the trains go clockwise? 你有没有考虑过让火车朝顺时针方向走
No. 没有
You should. 你应该考虑一下
Brave, brave Tam. 勇敢 非常勇敢的丹
You awake? 你醒着吗
Yes. 是的
Are you gonna miss me? 你会想我吗
I haven't given it any thought. 我还没想过这件事
Well, we're just lying here. 我们躺着也没事干
Think about it. 现在想想吧
I am used to you. 我习惯了有你在
I'm used to you, too. 我也习惯了有你在
It's not the same as liking you. 这跟喜欢你不是一回事
No. 确实不是
To me, you're like string beans. 对我来说 你就像豆角
No one asks for them, 没人主动想要
no one wonders about them. 没人♥质♥疑它们的存在
They're just there on the plate. 它们就出现在盘子上
But you eat them, right? 但你会吃掉 对吧
Yes. 是的
You're gonna miss me. 你会想我的
All right, let's say grace. 好了 我们来做饭前 祷告
Guess I get to hold hands with you now. 看来现在轮到我跟你握手了
Guess so. 是的
Maybe Sheldon's mittens weren't such a bad idea. 也许谢尔顿戴手套也不是个坏主意
Thank you, God, for this food we are about 感谢上帝 赐予我们食物
to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies. 给予我们身体营养
And bless the hands that prepared it. 请保佑为我们准备食物的人
And, God, we ask that you watch over our Sheldon... 还有 上帝 请你照看我们的谢尔顿
as he begins this wonderful new... 因为他开启了一段精彩的新... he begins 因为他开启了
this wonderful new chapter in his life. 人生一段精彩的新篇章
Amen. Amen. -阿门 -阿门
Why you cryin'? 你为什么哭了
Why you stupid? 你为什么那么蠢
So how'd it go in Dallas today? 今天在达拉斯情况怎么样
Went fine. 挺顺利的
Nice people. 他们都很友善
Sheldon seemed very comfortable with the whole thing. 感觉谢尔顿对一切都感到挺自在的
Welcome! How was the drive? 欢迎 一路上顺利吗
Eh, a little traffic comin' into the city but otherwise okay. 进城时有点堵车 但除此以外都很顺畅
Sheldon, I want you to meet my husband, Elliot. 谢尔顿 来见见我丈夫 艾略特
Elliot, this is Sheldon. 艾略特 这是谢尔顿
Well, it's nice to meet you, young man. 认识你很高兴 小伙子
I've heard a lot about you. 我听说了很多关于你的事
George, that is not at all how they were. 乔治 他们根本不是这个样子
What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢
There was definitely something off about those people. 他们绝对有些不对劲
Really? 真的吗
What'd I miss? 我错过什么了
Welcome! 欢迎
How was the drive? 一路上顺利吗
Eh, a little traffic comin' into the city but otherwise okay. 进城时有点堵车 但除此以外都很顺畅
Sheldon, 谢尔顿
I want you to meet my husband, Elliot. 谢尔顿 来见见我丈夫 艾略特
Elliot, this is Sheldon. 艾略特 这是谢尔顿
Nice to meet you, young man. 认识你很高兴 小伙 子
I've heard a lot about you. 我听说了很多关于你的事
Oh, come on. 拜托
You're making it out like they were some kind of monsters. 你说得他们好像是怪物一样
Sheldon has his own room. 谢尔顿有自己的房♥间
There's books everywhere. 到处都摆满了书
Even has a big old backyard he won't play in. 还有个很大的后院 虽然他不会去玩
Aren't you forgetting somethin'? 你是不是忘了什么
What? 什么
The underground laboratory. 地下实验室
I think it's called a finished basement, honey. 我想那叫装♥修♥过的地下室 亲爱的
I know what I saw. 我知道自己看到了什么
Mary, it's been a long day. 玛丽 今天很累了
Can we just have a quiet dinner? 我们能不能就安静吃饭
Sure. 好啊
"Nice people." "他们都很友善"
Then why did we leave him there? 那我们为什么还把他留在那里
Because we love him and we want the best for him. 因为我们爱他 希望给他最好的
This is tense. 气氛好紧张
Me and the kids had a nice day. 我和孩子们今天过得很愉快
Watched a lot of football. 看了很多橄榄球赛
You know, the Dolphins' helmet has a dolphin on it. 话说 迈阿密海豚队的头盔上真有只海豚
And that dolphin is also wearing a helmet. 那只海豚也戴了一顶头盔
But his helmet doesn't have a dolphin on it-- 但这顶头盔上就没有海豚图案了
it has the letter "M." 而是印着"M"
We talked about that for an hour. 我们聊这个话题聊了一小时
All right. 好了
Dig in. 开动吧
Excuse me. 不好意思
Aren't we going to say grace? 我们不做饭前祷告吗
Uh, we don't do that in our house. 我们家不做这个
But you're welcome to do so. 但你想做可以做
That's all right. I don't believe in God. 没关系 我不信有上帝
Well, then why would you say grace? 那你为什么要做饭前祷告
Because it makes my mom happy. 因为那会让我妈妈高兴
And why are you wearing mittens? 那你为什么戴着手套
Well, I don't know where your hands have been. 因为我不知道你们的手都摸过什么
Okay. 好吧
Maybe we should just eat. 不如我们开始吃吧
Do you like string beans? 你喜欢豆角吗
No. 不喜欢
But I eat them. 但我会吃掉
Sheldon, can you hear me? 谢尔顿 能听到吗
It's your twin sister, Missy. 我是你的双胞胎姐姐 米希
Everything's all right here, 家里一切都好
but I think Mom misses you real bad. 但我觉得妈妈超想念你
All right, I can't hear you, 好吧 我听不见你的 声音
so I'm gonna hang up now. 我就挂断了
Good night. 晚安
I'm telling you, this is a terrible idea. 我告诉你 这是个坏主意
This is a terrible, terrible idea. 是个糟透了的坏主意
He's gonna be fine. You'll see. 他不会有事的 你等着瞧
I can't believe you're okay with this. 真不敢相信你对此没意见
I'm not okay with this. 我当然有意见
I'm just trying to be strong for you! 我只是为了你 努力坚强
What? You thought him leaving was a good idea. 什么 你之前觉得他离开是个好主意
Oh, I only said that because you thought it was a bad idea. 我那么说只是因为你觉得那是个坏主意
You know how it's always my nature to go the other way. 你也知道跟别人唱反调是我的天性
Say "up." 说"上"
I'll see you in a bit. 我出去一趟
Where are you off to? 你要去哪儿
I'm going to Dallas to get Sheldon. 我要去达拉斯接谢尔顿回来
Really? Yeah, really. -当真吗 -当真
What about this being a great opportunity for him? 之前说的这对他是个好机会呢
Y'all want me to go or not? 你们到底想不想我去
Yes! Go! Yes, and hurry up! -想 快去 -想啊 赶 紧的
Get a move on, Tubby. 快点 胖子
Where you going? 你要去哪儿
To get Sheldon. 去接谢尔顿
Do I get a vote in this? 这事我有表决权吗
No. 没有
Sleep didn't come easy that night, 那晚我无法轻易入睡
knowing that, at any moment, 因为我知道
I could be decapitated. 我随时可能会被斩首
And as if that wasn't bad enough, 还嫌那情况不够糟似的
the bed in my room had a dust ruffle, 我房♥间的床有防尘罩
which, to my young mind, only meant one thing: 在我幼小的头脑里 这只意味着一件事
there was dust. 这里有尘
But, eventually, I did drift off, 但最终我还是迷迷糊糊睡着了
haunted by the memory, 心神不宁
the three of us gathered around the piano 脑海里回放着我们三人围在钢琴旁
singing hippie folk music. 唱嬉皮民歌♥的画面
♪ You will not see nothin' like the mighty Quinn♪ ♪ 你不会看到没啥能比过伟大奎恩的事物 ♪
Come on. Sing along now. 来 现在一起唱
♪ Come all without ♪ ♪ 快来啊 ♪
♪ Come all within ♪ ♪ 都快来啊 ♪
♪ You will not see nothin' like the mighty Quinn. ♪ ♪ 你不会看到没啥能比过伟大奎恩的事物 ♪
"You'll not see nothin'" "你不会看到没啥"
Shame on whoever wrote that. 不管是谁写的 都丢 死人了
Dad? 爸爸
Yeah? 什么事
I'm glad you came to get me. 你来接我 我很高兴
Me, too. 我也是
♪ ...nothing like the mighty Quinn ♪ ♪ ...能比过伟大奎恩的事物 ♪
You got my message! 你感应到我的信息了
No hugging! No hugging! 不要抱抱 不要抱抱
I mean, why'd I bother becoming a teacher? 我何苦努力当上老师
He knows what I'm gonna say before I say it. 他在我开口前 就知道我要说什么
Or I say it and look like a dumbbell. 或者我说完后看起来宛如智障
Ms. Ingram, can I offer a suggestion? 英格拉姆女士 我能提个建议吗
What? 什么
Never mind. You do it your way. No, no. - 没事了 你按你方式来吧 -不 不
You tell me. Tell me how I'm wrong. 你告诉我 告诉我错哪儿了
You assumed an extra axiom of Euclidean geometry 你多假设了一个欧几里德几何的公理
without stating it. 但你没有定义它
Was he right? 他说得对吗
Course he's right. 当然对了
He's always right. 他每次都对
Tell you what I do. 告诉你我怎么做
I send him on little errands. 我让他去跑腿
Like the other day, I told him, 比如前几天 我叫他
"Go to the supply room and get me a framastan." "去材料房♥帮我拿砝码斯坦"
What's a framastan? 砝码斯坦是什么
No such thing. I made it up. 没这玩意 我编的
He was gone the whole period! 整堂课他都没回来
That's genius. 太有才了
I'm using that. 我要借用这一招
Don't use framastan. That's mine. 但别用"砝 码斯坦" 这是我的词
What's going on here? 这里是什么情况
You said he was going away. 你说过他要转学的
Liar. 骗子
It's 11:00 in the morning, guys. 才早上11点你们就开始喝酒了吗

posted @ 2020-09-05 18:08  pianling  阅读(483)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报