YoungSheldon S1E8

YoungSheldon S1E8

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ ♪ 昨天我移了一座山 ♪
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ ♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
I thought you didn't like taking the Lord's name in vain? 我还以为你不喜欢乱喊"神啊"
Oh, shut up. 你闭嘴啦
It's been a while, huh? 好一阵子没"做"了吧
Don't blame me. 不能怪我
You're the one who had a heart attack. 犯心脏病的人是你又不是我
Mm, the doctor did say I needed to get more exercise. 医生的确有说让我多运动
I think he meant walks around the block. 他的意思是让你多走走吧
No, he winked at me, 没 他对我使了眼色
and did this little rotation with his hips, like... 然后下半身这么扭动了几下...
Hey, we got any plans this weekend? 我们这周末有任何安排吗
I thought maybe we could get started on the vegetable garden, 我想我们能开始弄个小菜园
and then, of course, church on Sunday. 然后周日要上教堂嘛
Yeah, that does sound fun, 听起来可有趣了
but what if, instead, I was to go up to Bethy Creek 但你觉得我带着小乔治
with Georgie and do some fishing? 去克罗斯溪怎么样
How long you been waiting to spring that on me? 这话你打算拖到什么时候才跟我说
Well, not till I was done rotating my hips. 当然是要等到我"扭动"完屁♥股♥啊
You're awful. 你坏死了
So what do you say? 所以怎么样
What about Sheldon? 那谢尔顿呢
What about him? 他怎么样
George. 乔治
You can't always leave him out. 你不能总不带他啊
I'm not leaving him out. 我没有不带他啊
You know how he is about fishing. 你也知道他对钓鱼的态度
Get it away, get it away! 弄走它 弄走它
Calm down, it's an itty-bitty thing. 冷静 它就是个小东西而已
No, I'm an itty-bitty thing! 不 我才是小东西好吗
Who says you have to take him fishing? 谁说你一定得带他去钓鱼
Find something else to do with him. 找别的事跟他做嘛
Something he'd like. 他会喜欢的事
What are we gonna do? Spend the weekend sitting around, thinking? 那我们能干嘛 整个周末坐在那里沉思吗
George. 乔治
You have to make an effort. 你得做出努力啊
Young boys who don't spend time with their daddies 不跟自己父亲花时间共处的小男孩
grow up to be oddballs. 长大后会变成怪胎
Honey, I hate to tell you, but that ball is already pretty odd. 亲爱的 我不想戳破现实 但这胎已经很怪了
Please. 求求你嘛
Okay, fine. 好啦好啦
I'll talk to him. We'll think of something. 我再去跟他谈谈 想个事情做
Good. 那就好
Thank you. 谢谢你
What? 笑什么呢
I was just remembering when I took him camping. 我只是想起来以前带他去露营
Moth! Moth! 有蛾子 蛾子
Sheldon, it's just a butterfly. 谢尔顿 只是只蝴蝶而已
How is that any better? 这就有比较好吗
Butterfly, butterfly! 蝴蝶 蝴蝶
Hey, pal. 小兄弟
Playing with your rockets? 在玩你的火箭吗
I'm trying to calculate ballistic coefficients. 我是在计算弹道系数
Well, that's fun, too. 这也很有趣
Listen, I don't have to work this weekend; 是这样的 我这周末不用工作
I was wondering if you wanted to do something together. 我在想你有没有兴趣一起做点什么
Like what? 比如呢
Whatever you want. 你想做什么都行
Well, the filter on my air purifier needs to be changed. 我的空气净化机需要换滤网了
How about a trip to Sears? 一起去一趟百货公♥司♥怎么样
Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of something a little more active. 我想的是那种活动性更强的事情
Like last year, 比如去年
we went fishing... 我们去钓鱼
Mom! Dad's trying to make me go fishing! 妈 爸爸又想叫我去钓鱼
No, no, it's okay. 没 没有 没那回事
We're not going fishing. 我们没有要去钓鱼
All right, good. 好的 那就好
But seriously, 不过说真的
was fishing really that bad? 钓鱼真的有那么糟吗
Mom! Dad's trying to convince me 妈 爸又在想说服我
that fishing wasn't that bad! 钓鱼没那么糟糕
Shh. Come on! 别这样
Forget I said anything about fishing. 忘了我说的跟钓鱼有关的话
Just think about it, 你就想一想
and we'll do whatever you want. 我们就做你有兴趣的事情
Thank you. 谢谢
There is the launching of the space shuttle this weekend. 这周末有个航♥天♥飞机要发射
Space shuttle? 航♥天♥飞机
Don't they do those out of Florida? 它们不都是在佛罗里达发射的吗
Yes. Cape Canaveral. 是啊 在卡纳维拉尔角
Sheldon, that's-that's like a 12, 15 hour drive. 谢尔顿 去得开车12到15小时呢
I understand. Never mind. 我懂了 没关系
You know what? Let's do it. 这样吧 我们去吧
It'll be fun. 会很有意思的
The three Cooper boys on a little adventure. 三个库珀家男儿的冒险
Sound good? 不错吧
Sounds good. 不错
My plan was coming together. 我的计划终于要实现了
I just needed to get on the shuttle 我只需要登上航♥天♥飞机
so I could finally escape this ridiculous planet. 我就可以逃离这个可笑的星球了
Spoiler alert, I'm still here. 剧透一下 我还在这星球
So, Sheldon, me and Georgie 谢尔顿 小乔治与我
are gonna take a little road trip this weekend, 这周末要来一趟公路旅行
see the shuttle launch. 去看航♥天♥飞机升空
Looks like I don't get a vote in this. 看来我没有什么话语权
Oh, good, you're catching on. 很好 你很上道
I wonder if we'll get to meet an astronaut. 不知道能不能见到宇航员
I remember when I was a teenager, 我记得我还是少女那会儿
I had the biggest crush on John Glenn. 当年超迷恋宇航员小约翰·格伦
I would've given it up for him no problem. 我当时愿意把"那个"都给她
Mom. Given what up? -妈 -给他什么
Her allowance. Just eat. 她的零用钱 吃你的饭
So how long are you gonna be gone? 你们要去多久
Oh, we'll leave first thing Saturday morning, 我们星期六一大早就出发
stay the night in a motel, 在汽车旅馆住一晚
and see the launch bright and early on Sunday. 然后周日一大早就看升空
I can't believe we're going to see 真不敢相信我们要去看
an actual working spacecraft. 一个货真价实的航♥天♥器
Look how happy he is. 看看他多开心
Good job. 你真棒
How come I don't get to go? 为什么我不能去
'Cause you, me and Meemaw are gonna have our own fun. 因为你我姥姥三个人要一起玩
Could we shoot guns at the gun range? 我们能去靶场射击吗
Mm, you're too young to go to the gun range. 你还太小不能去靶场
Meemaw took me. 姥姥就带我去过
We pinky swore. What are you doing? 我们拉勾说好不泄密 你在干嘛
Oh, yeah. 忘了
Don't listen to me. 别听我说的
I don't know what I'm saying. 小孩子爱胡言乱语
I know you like to just keep driving, 我知道你喜欢一直开
and get where you're going, but you can't ignore 直接开到目的地 但是你不能不管
his bathroom schedule. I know. -谢尔顿的如厕时间表 -我知道
He goes number one first thing in the morning, 他早上第一件事就是要上小号♥
then again in the afternoon, once more in the late afternoon, 下午再一次 傍晚在一次
say 4:00, 4:30, depending on his juice intake, 大概4点4点半 看他喝了多少果汁
and then, a quick piddle before bedtime. 然后睡前再一小泡
"Piddle." Got it. "一小泡" 懂了
Now, number two's a little trickier. 但大号♥就比较复杂了
Mary? Relax. I can take care of my son. 玛丽 放轻松 我能照顾好我儿子
I know. 我知道
Good. 那就好
I'm just saying, 我只是想说
if he's upset or nervous, 如果他不开心或紧张
he can get all clogged up. 他就会大不出来
I won't let that happen. 我不会让这事发生的
Thank you. 谢谢
Okay, let's talk about food. 好的 接下来来说食物
No need to. 不需要
He likes his meat cooked to at least 165 degrees, 他喜欢肉至少要煮到74度以上
except for chicken, which is 180. 除了鸡肉 鸡肉得82度
The different foods can't touch each other on the plate. 盘子里的食物必须分开放
Ketchup and mustard must come out of a packet. 只吃袋装的番茄酱与芥末酱
No bottles. 瓶装的不吃
What about his issues with spaghetti? 那他对意大利面的问题呢
That's a trick question. 这是陷阱题
He likes spaghetti. 他喜欢吃意大利面
All right, I guess you got this. 好吧 我想你能搞定
Georgie. 小乔治
Up and at 'em. 起床啦
Missy, where's your brother? 米希 你的弟弟呢
Who cares? 谁管他啊
Sheldon, you in there? 谢尔顿 你在里面吗
Dad! 爸爸
Sorry, Georgie. 抱歉 小乔治
What's going on? 怎么了
I can't find Sheldon. 我找不到谢尔顿
What do you mean, you can't find him? 你说找不到他是什么意思
I mean I don't know where he is. 就是说不知道他上哪去了
Well, he's got to be somewhere. 他肯定在家里哪里吧
Maybe he got that time machine to work. 或许他的时光机终于能用了
Where the hell... 到底上哪去了
George. 乔治
I think he's ready to go. 看来他已经准备好出发了
Wait, Georgie. Where's your bag? Don't need one. -等等 小乔治 你的行李包呢 -不需要啊
Got my toothbrush right here. 我的牙刷在这里呢
What about clothes? 换洗衣物呢
A change of underwear? 换洗的内♥裤♥呢
Got it. 带了
Georgie, you're gonna be gone for two days. 小乔治 你要出门两天呢
I'll turn them inside out. 我可以反过来穿啊
Shotgun! No, no. -我要前座 -不不
Let your brother sit up front for a change. 偶尔换你弟弟坐一次前座
I actually prefer sitting in the back. 我其实比较想坐后座
It's safer. 比较安全
Oh, come on, sit up front with your daddy. 来嘛 去前座陪你♥爸♥爸
He doesn't get to spend enough time with you. 他都不够时间跟你相处
I called shotgun. 我先喊了要前座
George. 乔治
We'll flip a coin. 我们掷硬币决定
All right? Georgie, call it. 好了吧 小乔治 选边
Heads. 人头
Tails. 是字
Dang it. Sheldon, you won. -可恶 -谢尔顿 你赢了
You get to ride up front. 你坐前座
Can't we do two out of three? 不能三战两胜吗
You won. Get in the car. 你赢了 上车
What's the point in calling shotgun? 这年头先喊坐前座没意义了吗
You're a good dad. 你是个好爸爸
If I don't kill one of them before Sunday, I'm a good dad. 等他俩都活过周日再叫我好爸爸吧
Have fun. 玩得愉快
Love you guys. 爱你们
Bye! Drive safe! 再见啦 小心开车
Oh, this was a good idea, this was a good idea, 这是个好主意 这真是个好主意
this was a good idea. 是个好主意
This was a good idea. 这是个好主意
Isn't this exciting? 是不是很兴奋啊
It's just us girls, no boys in the house. 只有我们三个姑娘 家里没有臭男生
The place already smells better. 感觉家里已经香了一点呢
So what are we gonna do? 我们要一起做什么呢
How would you like 你有没有兴趣
to go to the beauty salon and get all done up? 去美容院来个全套美容
Can I have orange hair like Cyndi Lauper? 我能像女星辛蒂·罗波一样染橙发吗
I don't think so. 门都没有
Meemaw has friends with blue hair. 姥姥就有蓝头发的朋友
She's right. 的确是啊
I haven't gone there yet, 我还没到那一步
but after a certain age, it's mandatory. 但过了某个年龄 不染不行啊
Your hair's not changing color. 你别想给头发染色
Sorry, kiddo. 抱歉啦孩子
Your mom is no fun. 你妈最无聊了
Excuse me, I'm fun. 不好意思 我很有趣好吗
So I can color my hair? 那我可以染头发吗
Not a chance. 想都别想
But I'm very much fun. 但我可有趣了
Whatever you need to believe. 你想自欺就随你吧
Mein Fuhrer. 希♥特♥勒♥元首
Dad? 爸爸
Yeah? 什么事
Would you like to have a conversation? 你有兴趣进行一场对话吗
Yeah. Sure. Absolutely. 好啊 当然啦
All right, what would you like to talk about? 好的 你想聊什么
Um, well, let's see. 我想想
Uh... have you given much thought to what you want to be 你有没有想过长大以后
when you grow up? 要干哪一行
I have. 想过
Great. 很好
And what would that be? 所以是什么呢
Oh. Most likely a scientist. 很可能是科学家
Unless I stay in Texas, then I'm thinking cattle baron. 除非我留在德州 那可能是当养牛大亨
Cattle baron? 养牛大亨吗
Assuming I don't have to touch the cows. 前提是我不需要碰到牛
Goes without saying. 这还用说
Did you always want to be a football coach? 你从小就想成为橄榄球教练吗
Well, I always wanted to play. 我一直想打橄榄球
At least till I got hurt. 至少在我受伤前都是
Were you a good player? 你打得好吗
Eh, not really. 不怎么样
I was just bigger than the other kids. 我只是比其他孩子块头大
So you compensated for mediocrity by being large. 所以你的大块头弥补了你的平庸
I guess. 我想是吧
That works for cattle as well. 这在牛身上也同样适用
Oh, well, thanks for pointing that out. 谢谢你指出这点
You're welcome. 不客气
You might want to open a window. 你们最好打开窗户
Oh, boy. 要死了
My head is so hot. 我的头好热
She is such a hoot. 她真有意思
You okay? Fine. -你还好吧 -没事
Okay, don't tell me. 那好吧 别告诉我了
So hot... 超热
I don't like you making me out to be the bad guy 我不喜欢你把我塑造成坏人
just 'cause I won't let my daughter do whatever she wants. 就因为我不让我女儿随心所欲
I gave you a lot of freedom, 我以前也给了你很多自♥由♥
you turned out okay. 你现在不也挺好
You didn't give me freedom. 你才没有给我自♥由♥
You were never around. 你总是不在家
Is that so? 是吗
I guarantee I made supper for Charlene and Edward 我保证 我给莎琳和爱德华做的晚饭
more times than you ever did. 比你做的还多
I basically raised 'em. 基本上是我养大了他们
You think I was out dancing? 你以为我在外面跳舞享乐吗
I was out working two jobs so your daddy could 我是在外面打两份工
lose all our money on that damn chain of Fotomats! 结果你♥爸♥经营快照小铺 把所有钱都赔了个精光
那个小摊子每次来台风就被吹倒 通常开在郊区超♥市♥停车场或商业区
又不是爸的错 It wasn't Daddy's fault that those little things blew over
说真的 我快融化了 every time there was a storm.
死犰狳 Seriously, I'm melting.
我得三分 Dead armadillo.
这个开车游戏烂透了 That's three for me.
如果它还在抽搐 能算路毙动物吗 This is a terrible driving game.
既死又活 就像薛定谔的猫 Is it roadkill if it's still twitchin'?
我都不知道他有养猫 Huh, both alive and dead, just like Schrodinger's cat.
你听说过薛定谔吗 I didn't know he had a cat.
当然了 就是《查理·布朗》里 You've heard of Schrodinger?
弹钢琴的那个小孩 Sure. It's the kid from Charlie Brown
和查理·布朗与露茜同为《花生漫画》里的角色 who plays the piano.
Lucy's got a crush on him. 露茜暗恋他
Schrodinger's cat is a thought experiment. 薛定谔的猫是项思想实验
A cat in a box is exposed to poison, 一只猫被关在盒子里 接触放射性物质
and is both alive and dead until it is observed. 在盒子打开前 猫的状态是既生又死
So the cat's name is Schrodinger? 那只猫名叫薛定谔吗
No. 不是
Well, what's its name? 那它叫什么
Its name doesn't matter. 它的名字不重要
It does if the cat was dead. 如果猫死了就重要了
Otherwise, what are you gonna put on his tombstone? 不然它的墓碑上要刻什么名字
Not likely the cat's getting a tombstone. 这猫估计也不会有墓碑
It would in a pet cemetery. 要是葬在宠物墓地里就会有的
Fine, the cat's name is Mittens. 好吧 猫的名字叫白手套
Because he has little white feet? 因为它有奶白色的小爪子吗
Sure. 是啊
So, in this thought experiment, 那在这项思想实验里
do you think Mittens is dead or alive? 你认为小奶猫是生是死呢
There's no way of saying until you open the box. 在打开盒子前 无法确定
Oh, come on. 别卖♥♥关子嘛
Optimistically, I would choose to believe he's alive. 乐观来说 我选择相信它还活着
Yes! 好棒
Oh, thank goodness. 谢天谢地
Oh, dead crow. 死乌鸦
There ain't no doubt about that one. 这只毫无疑问是死透了
The toilet was sanitized for my protection. 这里的马桶为了我的安全 已经消毒过了
I love this place. 我超爱这地方
Dad, can we go to Reptile World? 爸爸 我们能去爬虫世界玩吗
No. 不行
They a got snake so big it can eat a whole chicken. 那里有超大条的蛇 能一口吞掉整只鸡
Oh, well, in that case, no. 这样的话 不行
Aw. Let's get some sleep. -讨厌 -我们睡觉吧
We got to get up early if we're gonna get to Cape Canaveral 我们明天得早起 才能赶到卡纳维拉尔角
in time for liftoff. 看航♥天♥飞机起飞
I'm so excited, I don't know if I can. 我太兴奋了 不知道能不能睡着
Well, buddy, you're gonna have to try, all right? 小家伙 你得努力试试 好吗
You two share that bed, I'll take this one. 你俩一起睡那张床 我睡这张
No. Nuh-uh. -不行 -没门
Come on, fellas, I'm the biggest. 别这样 小伙子们 我块头最大
It makes sense that I get a bed to myself. 我自己睡一张床才合理
No. Nuh-uh. -不行 -没门
We'll flip for it. Georgie, call it. 那我们掷硬币决定 小乔治选边
Heads. 人头
Not your day. 你今天不走运啊
Dang it. 可恶
That looked like heads. Go brush your teeth. -那看起来是人头啊 -去刷你的牙
This really works? 这样真的有用吗
Your hair will look just as pretty tomorrow. 你的头发到明天还会是一样美美的
Now, come on, let's tuck you in. 睡吧 我给你盖被子
I'm glad I don't have orange hair. 我很庆幸我没染橘色头发
Me, too, baby. 我也是 宝贝
I want to be more like Madonna. 我想像麦当娜一样
Are you trying to kill me? 你想气死我吗
'Cause if you are, good job. 如果是 那你快成功了
Why is she only like a virgin? 她为什么只像处♥女♥啊
Good night! 晚安
You ready to finish our conversation? 你准备好继续跟我谈了吗
There's nothing to finish. 没什么好谈的
I raised myself like a jungle child. 我把自己抚养成人 就像森林泰山一样
End of story. 说完了
Oh, stop being so dramatic. 别那么夸张好吗
You think I didn't feel bad 你以为我不难受吗
not being around more than I wanted to be? 我也想多陪在你们身边啊
Did you? 你真难受吗
A little bit. 有一点吧
I'm teasing, come on. Of course I did. 我在逗你呢 我当然难受了
Why else would I have begged you and George 不然我♥干♥嘛求你和乔治
to move back to Medford? 搬回梅德福
So you could be with your grandchildren. 你是为了和外孙们待在一起
And you. 还有你
Really? Yeah. -真的吗 -是啊
You're the only one of my children still talking to me. 我的孩子里就只有你还肯跟我说话了
No surprise there. 真是毫不意外
Besides, you raised yourself better than I ever could. 再说了 你把自己养得比我养得还好
You actually believe that? 你真这么想吗
No, but it would help my cause if you did. 不 但要是你相信了就能原谅我了
Your hair looks pretty. 你头发看起来很美
Enough. 够了
Dad? 爸爸
Dad? 爸爸
Dad? 爸爸
Dad. 爸爸
What? 干什么
Georgie keeps kicking me. 乔治一直踢我
Kick him back. 踢回去
I'd rather not touch him. 我不想碰到他
You want to sleep with me? 你想和我一起睡吗
Yes, thank you. 想 谢谢
Yeah. 好了
Got enough room? 位置够吗
Yes. 够了
You throw off a lot of heat. 你散发出好多热气啊
Sorry. 抱歉
That's all right. It's kind of nice. 没事 挺舒服的
Do they launch those shuttles in the rain? 下雨了他们还发射航♥天♥飞机吗
I think a light rain's okay. 小雨应该没问题
Oh, no. 糟了
It'll pass. 会雨过天晴的
Just get some sleep. 先睡觉吧
It didn't pass. 雨没过天未晴
Sheldon, I'm real sorry. 谢尔顿 我也很遗憾
Can I tell you a secret? 我跟你说个秘密好吗
I never understood how lightning works. 我一直不知道闪电是如何产生的
Didn't they teach you that in high school? 你的高中没教过吗
They probably did, 应该有吧
but I got hit in the head a lot playing football. 但我那时打橄榄球 头整天撞来撞去
Would you explain it to me? 你能解释给我听吗
Well, when positive and negative charges grow large enough, 当正负电荷积累得够多
a giant spark occurs in the cloud. 云内就会产生巨大的闪光
Ah, that-that's pretty cool. What causes the thunder? 听起来挺酷啊 那打雷是怎么回事
It's a shock wave from particles heated to 10,000 degrees. 是粒子被加热到5500摄氏度时产生的冲击波
Interesting. 真有趣
You want to know what's really interesting? 你想知道什么才真的有趣吗
Aristotle thought that the sound of thunder 亚里士多德认为打雷的响声
was due to a collision between two clouds. 是由两朵云碰撞产生的
He believed the clouds were expelling air, 他认为云朵在排出空气
in the way a log on a fire crackles... 类似火堆上的木头发出噼啪声
I didn't realize until years later 直到很多年后 我才意识到
that my father was only asking questions 我爸爸问我关于闪电和打雷的问题
about lightning and thunder to cheer me up. 只是为了让我振作起来
In fact, he would often pretend to be dumb 其实呢 他经常装傻扮蠢
just to make me feel better. 就为了让我好过些
Looks like rain. 看起来下雨了
My brother, on the other hand, 而我哥哥
didn't have to pretend. 他不用装 是真的蠢
Okay, on the count of three, we run to the car. 好了 数到三我们就跑到车那里去
Ready? One, two... Wait. -准备好了吗 一 二 -等等
I want shotgun going back. 回家路上我想坐副驾
Fine, you get shotgun. Okay, here we go. 好吧 你坐副驾 准备冲了
One, two... I still think -一 二 -我觉得
we should wait till the rain slows down. 还是应该等雨小点再走
No, we got to get home. 不行 我们得回家
I got work tomorrow, you guys got school. 我明天要上班 你们要上学
You do realize I'll get wet? 你知道我会被淋湿的吧
It's just water, Sheldon. 只是水而已 谢尔顿
All right. Just making sure you realize. 好吧 就是确认一下你知道
All right, here we go. Ready? 好了 要冲了 预备
One, two, three. 一 二 三
Buddy, I thought we had a plan. 小兄弟 我们不是计划好了吗
You had a plan. 是你计划好了
I never did get to see a launch in person, 我从没能亲眼看到航♥天♥器升空
but that was the best trip I ever had. 但那是我最快乐的一趟旅程
I wish I had told my father while he was alive. 真希望我能在他活着的时候把这话告诉他

posted @ 2020-04-26 18:51  pianling  阅读(547)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报