


好吧,新的一年,不磨磨唧唧了,一般处理xss漏洞使用正则匹配,再次分享一个golang strings包NewReplacer的方法。


package main

import (

func main() {
    var str= strings.NewReplacer("hello", "HELLO", "鸠摩智", "老鸠")
    s1 := str.Replace("hello")
    s2 := str.Replace("鸠摩智")
    fmt.Println(s1, s2)
//输出 HELLO 老鸠


// Replacer replaces a list of strings with replacements.
// It is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type Replacer struct {
    once   sync.Once // guards buildOnce method
    r      replacer
    oldnew []string

// NewReplacer panics if given an odd number of arguments.
func NewReplacer(oldnew ...string) *Replacer {
    if len(oldnew)%2 == 1 {
        panic("strings.NewReplacer: odd argument count")
    return &Replacer{oldnew: append([]string(nil), oldnew...)}

// Replace returns a copy of s with all replacements performed.
func (r *Replacer) Replace(s string) string {
    return r.r.Replace(s)


NewReplacer() 使用提供的多组old=>new的字符串,创建并返回一个*Replacer替换程序的指针,Replace() 是返回s的所有替换进行完成后的一个拷贝。

即strings.NewReplacer()是 Golang中的函数从以前的新字符串集列表中返回了新的Replacer。


package main

import (

func main() {
    r := strings.NewReplacer("?", "?", ">", ">")
    fmt.Println(r.Replace("just do it ?, one -> two"))
    // 试下这里输出啥 fmt.Println(r.Replace("鸠摩智")) 
//原样输出 just do it ?, one -> two





package main

import (

func main() {
    var str1 = strings.NewReplacer("a", "A", "a", "B") // 前面 a->A, 后面a=>B
    s1 := str1.Replace("abc")                          // 一个个字符匹配吧
    fmt.Println(s1)                                    //Abc

    var str2 = strings.NewReplacer("a", "B", "a", "A")
    s2 := str2.Replace("abc")
    fmt.Println(s2) //Bbc

    var str3 = strings.NewReplacer("李莫愁", "小李", "李莫愁", "小李子")
    s3 := str3.Replace("你莫愁啊,不是李莫愁,像是李莫愁")

通过上面的测试实例,大家应该发现GO在处理过程中会按照第一次的替换规则为准,也就是匹配规则不覆盖。为了确定 我们看下GO相关部分的源码:

func (b *Replacer) build() replacer {
    oldnew := b.oldnew
    if len(oldnew) == 2 && len(oldnew[0]) > 1 {
        return makeSingleStringReplacer(oldnew[0], oldnew[1])

    allNewBytes := true
    for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
        if len(oldnew[i]) != 1 {
            return makeGenericReplacer(oldnew)
        if len(oldnew[i+1]) != 1 {
            allNewBytes = false
    if allNewBytes {
        r := byteReplacer{}
        for i := range r {
            r[i] = byte(i)
        // The first occurrence of old->new map takes precedence
        // over the others with the same old string.
        for i := len(oldnew) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 {
            o := oldnew[i][0]
            n := oldnew[i+1][0]
            r[o] = n
        return &r

    r := byteStringReplacer{toReplace: make([]string, 0, len(oldnew)/2)}
    // The first occurrence of old->new map takes precedence
    // over the others with the same old string.
    for i := len(oldnew) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 {
        o := oldnew[i][0]
        n := oldnew[i+1]
        // To avoid counting repetitions multiple times.
        if r.replacements[o] == nil {
            // We need to use string([]byte{o}) instead of string(o),
            // to avoid utf8 encoding of o.
            // E. g. byte(150) produces string of length 2.
            r.toReplace = append(r.toReplace, string([]byte{o}))
        r.replacements[o] = []byte(n)

    return &r





posted @ 2022-01-22 23:15  周伯通之草堂  阅读(365)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报