

  • 默认情况下其配置文件为larbin.conf,可通过参数 -c filename  设置自己的配置文件。  
  • 可通过 -scratch 参数让larbin重新开始抓取网页。




# Who are you ?
# mail of the one who launched larbin (YOUR mail)

From larbin2.6.3@unspecified.mail   #//用于http头,web服务器管理员可通过该地址联

# name of the bot (sent with http headers)
UserAgent larbin_2.6.3     #//客户端标志
# What are the inputs and ouputs of larbin
# port on which is launched the http statistic webserver
# if unset or set to 0, no webserver is launched
httpPort 8081   #//laibin有一个简单的web服务器,可通过http://localhost::8081监控其

# port on which you can submit urls to fetch
# no input is possible if you comment this line or use port 0

inputPort 1976

# parameters to adapt depending on your network
# Number of connexions in parallel (to adapt depending of your network speed)
pagesConnexions 100  #//并行获取网页的数量,该值可依据网络带宽调整
# Number of dns calls in parallel
dnsConnexions 5         #//并行解析dns的数量
# How deep do you want to go in a site
depthInSite 5             #//网页抓取深度
# do you want to follow external links
noExternalLinks         #//是否允许抓取域名外连接
# time between 2 calls on the same server (in sec) : NEVER less than 30
waitDuration 60         #//对同一个服务器获取网页的间隔时间
# Make requests through a proxy (use with care)
#proxy www 8080    #//代理地址

# now, let's customize the search

# first page to fetch (you can specify several urls)
startUrl    #//抓取网页的其实URL,可指定多值

# Do you want to limit your search to a specific domain ?
# if yes, uncomment the following line
#limitToDomain .fr .dk .uk end

# What are the extensions you surely don't want
# never forbid .html, .htm and so on : larbin needs them

.tar .gz .tgz .zip .Z .rpm .deb
.ps .dvi .pdf
.png .jpg .jpeg .bmp .smi .tiff .gif
.mov .avi .mpeg .mpg .mp3 .qt .wav .ram .rm
.jar .java .class .diff
.doc .xls .ppt .mdb .rtf .exe .pps .so .psd


posted @ 2009-09-21 18:33  不死鸟2013  阅读(394)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报