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论文:Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator-阅读总结

Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator-阅读总结



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Show and Tell:
A Neural Image Caption Generator
Oriol Vinyals
Samy Bengio
Dumitru Erhan
Google Brain
Google Brain
CVPR 2015


了解image caption 的较为早期的神经网络相关的研究成果。


scene: computer vision and natural language processing, natural image.

problem: automatically describing the content of an image using properly formed English sentences.


present a single joint model that is more accurate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and it just takes an image I as input, and is trained to maximize the likelihood p(S|I) of producing a target sequences of words \(S={\{S_1,S_2,...\}}\) where each word \(S_t\) comes from a given dictionary, that describes the image adequately.


Main inspiration:

Recent advances in machine translation---to transform a sentence S written in a source language, into its translation T in the target language, by maximizing \(p(T|S)\). An "encoder" RNN reads the source sentence and transforms it into a rich fixed-length vector representation, which in turn in used as the initial hidden state of a "decoder" RNN that generates the target sentence.

Main innovation:

Replacing the encoder RNN by a deep CNN(using a CNN as an image "encoder"). CNNs can produce a rich representation of the input image by embedding it to a fixed-length vector. By pre-training the CNN for an image classification task and using the last hidden layer as an input to the RNN decoder that generates sentences.

Using stochastic gradient decent.

Model name:

An end-to-end system: Neural Image Caption--NIC.


\1.Directly maximize the probability of the correct description given the image by using formulation:

\[\theta^*=arg\mathop{max}\limits_{\theta}\sum_{(I,S)}log\,p(S|I;\theta) \]

\(\theta\) are the parameters of the model, \(I\) is an image, \(S\) is its correct transcription.

\(N\) is the length of the sentence: \(log\, p(S|I)=\sum_\limits{t=0}^N log\,p(S_t|I,S_0,...,S_{t-1})\)

\2.Model \(p(S_t|I,S_0,...,S_{t-1})\) with a RNN, the variable number of words which we condition upon up to \(t-1\) is expressed by a fixed length hidden state or memory \(h_t\). The \(h_t\) is updated after seeing a new input \(x_t\) by using a non-linear function \(f\) : \(h_{t+1}=f(h_t,x_t)\).

\3.CNN uses a novel approachto batch normalization and yields the current best performance on the ILSVRC 2014 classification competition. \(f\) is a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) net.

\4.Implementation details of LSTM model:


The unrolling procedure:

\[x_{-1}=CNN(I)\\ x_t=W_eS_t,\quad t\in {0...N-1}\\ p_{t+1}=LSTM(x_t),\quad t\in{0...N-1} \]

\1.each word is represented as a one-hot vector \(S_t\) of dimension equal to the size of the dictionary.

\2.\(S_0\) is a special denoted start word and \(S_N\) is a special denoted stop word which designates the start and end of the sentence.

\3.both the iamge and the words are mapped to the same space, the image by using a vision CNN, the words by using word embedding \(W_e\).

\4.The image is only input once, at \(t=-1\), to inform the LSTM about the image contents.

\5.the loss is the sum of the negative log likelihood of the correct word at each step:\(L(I,S)=-\sum_\limits{t=1}^Nlog\, p_t(S_t)\).

\6.two sentence generation approaches:

the first one: Sampling-just sample the first word according to \(p_1\), then provide the corresponding embedding as input and sample \(p_2\), continuing like this until we sample the special end-of-sentence token or some maximum length.

the second one: BeamSearch-iteratively consider the set of the k best sentences up to time \(t\) as candidates to generate sentences of size \(t+1\), and keep only the resulting best k of them. This better approximates \(S=arg\,max_{S'}\,p(S'|I)\).

this paper used the BeamSearch approach in the experimens, beam size is 20 and it's verified that beam size of 1 did degrade the results by 2 BLEU points on average.


\1.Amazon Mechanical Turk: The most reliable metrics-ask for raters to give a subjective score on the usefulness of each description given the iamge-each image was rated by 2 workers, in case of disagreement, just simply average the scores.

\2.Automatically computed metrics: BLEU score, METEOR, Cider



Training Details:

\1.Overfitting: high quality datasets have less than 100000 images

--initialize the weights of the CNN component of the system to a pretrained model.

--initialize the \(W_e\), the word embeddings from a large news corpus but no significant gains were observed, so just leave them uninitialized for simplicity.

--some model level overfitting-avoiding techniques: dropout, ensembling models, exploring the size of the model by trading off number of hidden units versus depth.(dropout and ensembling gave a few BLEU points improvement)

--using 512 dimensions for the embeddings and the size of the LSTM memory.


Question 1:

whether we could transfer a model to a different dataset, and how much the mismatch in domain would be compensated with e.g. higer quality labels or more training data.

transfer learning -- data size:

\1.Flickr30k and Flickr8k (30k is about 4 times more training data than 8k): Flickr30k results obtained 4 BLEU points better.

\2.MSCOCO and Flickr30k (MSCOCO has 5 times more training data than 30k): more differences in vocabulary and a larger mismatch, all the BLEU scores degrade by 10 points.

\3.PASCAL - transfer learning from Flickr30k, yielded worse results - BLEU-1 at 53 (cf. 59).

\4.SBU (i.e., the labels were captions and not human generated descriptions): task is much harder with a much larger and noiser vocabulary, transfer MSCOCO model on SBU - performance degrades from 28 down to 16.

Question 2:

whther the model generates novel captions, and whether the generated captions are both diverse and high quality.

\1.agreement in BLEU score between the top 15 genetated sentences is 58 .

\2.80% of the best candidates are present in the training set, beacuse of the small amount of training data.

\3.half of the times, we can see a completely novel description when analyze the top 15 generated sentences.

Question 3:

how the learned representations have captured some semantic from the statistics of the language.

hypothesis: a few examples of a class (e.g., "unicorn"), its proximity to other word embeddings (e.g., "horse") should provide a lot more information that would be completely lost with more traditional bag-of-words based approaches.

posted @ 2020-02-20 12:35  凤☆尘  阅读(1223)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报