template<class TYPE> class CTArray
UINT nSize; // actual size
UINT nGrow; // grow factor
UINT nItems; // number of elements (as it appears to the user)
TYPE* pData; // pointer to array of data
// blank constructor
CTArray() { Init(); }
// copy constructor
CTArray(CTArray& Src) { Init(); Copy(Src); }
// typed copy constructor
CTArray(const TYPE* pSrc, UINT nCount = 1)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++) pData[u] = pSrc[u];
// typed initializing constructor
CTArray(UINT nCount, TYPE Src)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++) pData[u] = Src;
// operators
const TYPE& operator[](UINT nIndex) const { return pData[nIndex]; }
TYPE& operator[](UINT nIndex) { return pData[nIndex]; }
CTArray& operator=(CTArray& Src) { Copy(Src); return *this; }
// initialise
void Init() { pData = NULL; nSize = nItems = 0; nGrow = 8; }
// release data
virtual void Clear(void) { if (pData != NULL) delete [] pData; Init(); }
// copy from other
void Copy(CTArray& Src)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++) pData[u] = Src.pData[u];
// grow factor get/set
UINT GrowFactor(void) const { return nGrow; }
void SetGrowFactor(UINT nNewGrow) { nGrow = nNewGrow; if (nGrow == 0) nGrow = 1; }
// length (items) get
UINT Length(void) { return nItems; }
// set length regrow or shrink
virtual bool SetLength(UINT nLength, bool bForce = false)
if (nLength == 0)
return true;
// alloc new storage
TYPE* pNewData = NULL;
UINT nNewSize = ((nLength / nGrow) + 1) * nGrow;//新数组大小
// grow only if either the amount we need is greater than what we have
// already or if the amount is <= 1/2, whatever's smaller
if (nNewSize > nSize || nNewSize <= nSize / 2 || bForce)
if ((pNewData = new TYPE[nNewSize]) == NULL)
return false;
// now copy the old elements into the new array, up to the old
// number of items or to the user-set new length, whichever's
// smaller
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems && u < nLength; u++)
pNewData[u] = pData[u];
// update all the current info
if (pData != NULL)
delete [] pData;
pData = pNewData;
nSize = nNewSize;
nItems = nLength;
return true;
// set w/bounds check but no grow
virtual bool Set(UINT nIndex, TYPE Src) const
if (nIndex >= nItems || pData == NULL)
return false;
pData[nIndex] = Src;
return true;
// get w/bounds check but no grow
virtual bool Get(TYPE& Dst, UINT nIndex) const
if (nIndex >= nItems || pData == NULL)
return false;
Dst = pData[nIndex];
return true;
// get all elements to a typed pointer; do not forget to delete
// such pointer after no longer needed
UINT GetAll(TYPE*& pDst)
pDst = new TYPE[nItems];
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++)
pDst[u] = pData[u];
return nItems;
// get all elements to an unknown size pointer of specified size; the
// pointer must be initialized by the caller
UINT GetAll(void* pDst, int nSize)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++)
memcpy((void*)((BYTE*)pDst + u * nSize), (void*)(&pData[u]), nSize);
return nItems;
// remove element at given position
virtual bool Remove(UINT nIndex)
if (nItems == 0 || pData == NULL)
return false;
// starting with the element we are removing, work up
// copying each next value down to the current spot
for (UINT u = nIndex; u < nItems - 1 ; u++)
pData[u] = pData[u + 1];
// this will either simply change the nItems value or realloc and
// free some memory
SetLength(nItems - 1);
return true;
// insert element at given position
virtual void Insert(TYPE Src, UINT nIndex)
// first, make room
SetLength(nItems + 1);
// starting with the last element work back until we get to the one
// we are inserting at and copy forward
for (UINT u = nItems - 1; u > nIndex; u--)
pData[u] = pData[u - 1] ;
// finally insert new value
pData[nIndex] = Src;
// append element to the end of array
virtual int Append(TYPE Src)
// first, make room
SetLength(nItems + 1);
// insert new value
pData[nItems - 1] = Src;
return nItems;
// blank append
virtual int Append()
// just make room
SetLength(nItems + 1);
return nItems;
// finder with mem compare and optional start
int Find(TYPE Src, UINT nStart = 0)
for (UINT u = nStart; u < nItems; u++)
if (memcmp(&pData[u], &Src, sizeof(TYPE)) == 0)
return (int)u;
return -1;
// swap
void Swap(UINT i, UINT j)
if (i >= nItems || j >= nItems || i == j)
TYPE Tmp = pData[i];
pData[i] = pData[j];
pData[j] = Tmp;
// sort wrapper with callback and method
void Sort(int (__cdecl* compare)(const void* p1, const void* p2), int nMethod = 0)
switch (nMethod)
case 1:
// sort the array with fixed starting items, by comparing neighbors
for (UINT i = 0; i < nItems - 1; i++)
// skip a neighbor that is in order (as determined by a non-zero
// return from the compare function)
if (compare((const void*)&pData[i], (const void*)&pData[i + 1]))
// search for an item matching the last starting item
UINT j = i + 1;
while (!compare((const void*)&pData[i], (const void*)&pData[j]) && j < nItems - 1)
// swap the matching item to be right below the starting item
if (j <= nItems - 1)
Swap(i + 1, j);
qsort(pData, nItems, sizeof(TYPE), compare);
// destructor
~CTArray() { Clear(); }
UINT nSize; // actual size
UINT nGrow; // grow factor
UINT nItems; // number of elements (as it appears to the user)
TYPE* pData; // pointer to array of data
// blank constructor
CTArray() { Init(); }
// copy constructor
CTArray(CTArray& Src) { Init(); Copy(Src); }
// typed copy constructor
CTArray(const TYPE* pSrc, UINT nCount = 1)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++) pData[u] = pSrc[u];
// typed initializing constructor
CTArray(UINT nCount, TYPE Src)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++) pData[u] = Src;
// operators
const TYPE& operator[](UINT nIndex) const { return pData[nIndex]; }
TYPE& operator[](UINT nIndex) { return pData[nIndex]; }
CTArray& operator=(CTArray& Src) { Copy(Src); return *this; }
// initialise
void Init() { pData = NULL; nSize = nItems = 0; nGrow = 8; }
// release data
virtual void Clear(void) { if (pData != NULL) delete [] pData; Init(); }
// copy from other
void Copy(CTArray& Src)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++) pData[u] = Src.pData[u];
// grow factor get/set
UINT GrowFactor(void) const { return nGrow; }
void SetGrowFactor(UINT nNewGrow) { nGrow = nNewGrow; if (nGrow == 0) nGrow = 1; }
// length (items) get
UINT Length(void) { return nItems; }
// set length regrow or shrink
virtual bool SetLength(UINT nLength, bool bForce = false)
if (nLength == 0)
return true;
// alloc new storage
TYPE* pNewData = NULL;
UINT nNewSize = ((nLength / nGrow) + 1) * nGrow;//新数组大小
// grow only if either the amount we need is greater than what we have
// already or if the amount is <= 1/2, whatever's smaller
if (nNewSize > nSize || nNewSize <= nSize / 2 || bForce)
if ((pNewData = new TYPE[nNewSize]) == NULL)
return false;
// now copy the old elements into the new array, up to the old
// number of items or to the user-set new length, whichever's
// smaller
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems && u < nLength; u++)
pNewData[u] = pData[u];
// update all the current info
if (pData != NULL)
delete [] pData;
pData = pNewData;
nSize = nNewSize;
nItems = nLength;
return true;
// set w/bounds check but no grow
virtual bool Set(UINT nIndex, TYPE Src) const
if (nIndex >= nItems || pData == NULL)
return false;
pData[nIndex] = Src;
return true;
// get w/bounds check but no grow
virtual bool Get(TYPE& Dst, UINT nIndex) const
if (nIndex >= nItems || pData == NULL)
return false;
Dst = pData[nIndex];
return true;
// get all elements to a typed pointer; do not forget to delete
// such pointer after no longer needed
UINT GetAll(TYPE*& pDst)
pDst = new TYPE[nItems];
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++)
pDst[u] = pData[u];
return nItems;
// get all elements to an unknown size pointer of specified size; the
// pointer must be initialized by the caller
UINT GetAll(void* pDst, int nSize)
for (UINT u = 0; u < nItems; u++)
memcpy((void*)((BYTE*)pDst + u * nSize), (void*)(&pData[u]), nSize);
return nItems;
// remove element at given position
virtual bool Remove(UINT nIndex)
if (nItems == 0 || pData == NULL)
return false;
// starting with the element we are removing, work up
// copying each next value down to the current spot
for (UINT u = nIndex; u < nItems - 1 ; u++)
pData[u] = pData[u + 1];
// this will either simply change the nItems value or realloc and
// free some memory
SetLength(nItems - 1);
return true;
// insert element at given position
virtual void Insert(TYPE Src, UINT nIndex)
// first, make room
SetLength(nItems + 1);
// starting with the last element work back until we get to the one
// we are inserting at and copy forward
for (UINT u = nItems - 1; u > nIndex; u--)
pData[u] = pData[u - 1] ;
// finally insert new value
pData[nIndex] = Src;
// append element to the end of array
virtual int Append(TYPE Src)
// first, make room
SetLength(nItems + 1);
// insert new value
pData[nItems - 1] = Src;
return nItems;
// blank append
virtual int Append()
// just make room
SetLength(nItems + 1);
return nItems;
// finder with mem compare and optional start
int Find(TYPE Src, UINT nStart = 0)
for (UINT u = nStart; u < nItems; u++)
if (memcmp(&pData[u], &Src, sizeof(TYPE)) == 0)
return (int)u;
return -1;
// swap
void Swap(UINT i, UINT j)
if (i >= nItems || j >= nItems || i == j)
TYPE Tmp = pData[i];
pData[i] = pData[j];
pData[j] = Tmp;
// sort wrapper with callback and method
void Sort(int (__cdecl* compare)(const void* p1, const void* p2), int nMethod = 0)
switch (nMethod)
case 1:
// sort the array with fixed starting items, by comparing neighbors
for (UINT i = 0; i < nItems - 1; i++)
// skip a neighbor that is in order (as determined by a non-zero
// return from the compare function)
if (compare((const void*)&pData[i], (const void*)&pData[i + 1]))
// search for an item matching the last starting item
UINT j = i + 1;
while (!compare((const void*)&pData[i], (const void*)&pData[j]) && j < nItems - 1)
// swap the matching item to be right below the starting item
if (j <= nItems - 1)
Swap(i + 1, j);
qsort(pData, nItems, sizeof(TYPE), compare);
// destructor
~CTArray() { Clear(); }
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