#include <string>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>

* \ingroup CommonClasses
* Base class for the registry classes.
class CRegBase

public: //methods

* Removes the whole registry key including all values. So if you set the registry
* entry to be HKCU\Software\Company\Product\key\value there will only be
* HKCU\Software\Company\Product key in the registry.
* \return ERROR_SUCCESS or an nonzero errorcode. Use FormatMessage() to get an error description.

DWORD removeKey()
{ RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, KEY_WRITE, &m_hKey); return SHDeleteKey(m_base, (LPCTSTR)m_path); }

* Removes the value of the registry object. If you set the registry entry to
* be HKCU\Software\Company\Product\key\value there will only be
* HKCU\Software\Company\Product\key\ in the registry.
* \return ERROR_SUCCESS or an nonzero errorcode. Use FormatMessage() to get an error description.

LONG removeValue()
{ RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, KEY_WRITE, &m_hKey); return RegDeleteValue(m_hKey, (LPCTSTR)m_key); }

public: //members

HKEY m_base; /**////< handle to the registry base
HKEY m_hKey; ///< handle to the open registry key
CString m_key; ///< the name of the value
CString m_path; ///< the path to the key

class CRegDWORD : public CRegBase


* Constructor.
* \param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* \param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* \param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* \param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegDWORD(CString key, DWORD def = 0, BOOL force = FALSE, HKEY base = HKEY_CURRENT_USER);

* reads the assigned value from the registry. Use this method only if you think the registry
* value could have been altered without using the CRegDWORD object.
* \return the read value

DWORD read(); /**////< reads the value from the registry
void write(); ///< writes the value to the registry

operator DWORD();
CRegDWORD& operator=(DWORD d);

CRegDWORD& operator+=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this + d;}

CRegDWORD& operator-=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this - d;}

CRegDWORD& operator*=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this * d;}

CRegDWORD& operator/=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this / d;}

CRegDWORD& operator%=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this % d;}

CRegDWORD& operator<<=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this << d;}

CRegDWORD& operator>>=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this >> d;}

CRegDWORD& operator&=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this & d;}

CRegDWORD& operator|=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this | d;}

CRegDWORD& operator^=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this ^ d;}

DWORD m_value; /**////< the cached value of the registry
DWORD m_defaultvalue; ///< the default value to use
BOOL m_read; ///< indicates if the value has already been read from the registry
BOOL m_force; ///< indicates if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from registry

class CRegString : public CRegBase


* Constructor.
* \param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* \param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* \param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* \param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegString(CString key, CString def = _T(""), BOOL force = FALSE, HKEY base = HKEY_CURRENT_USER);

CString read(); /**////< reads the value from the registry
void write(); ///< writes the value to the registry
operator CString();
CRegString& operator=(CString s);

CRegString& operator+=(CString s)
{ return *this = (CString)*this + s; }

CString m_value; /**////< the cached value of the registry
CString m_defaultvalue; ///< the default value to use
BOOL m_read; ///< indicates if the value has already been read from the registry
BOOL m_force; ///< indicates if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from registry

class CRegRect : public CRegBase


* Constructor.
* \param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* \param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* \param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* \param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegRect(CString key, CRect def = CRect(), BOOL force = FALSE, HKEY base = HKEY_CURRENT_USER);

CRect read(); /**////< reads the value from the registry
void write(); ///< writes the value to the registry
operator CRect();

operator LPCRECT()
{ return (LPCRECT)(CRect)*this; }

operator LPRECT()
{ return (LPRECT)(CRect)*this; }
CRegRect& operator=(CRect r);

CRegRect& operator+=(POINT r)
{ return *this = (CRect)*this + r;}

CRegRect& operator+=(SIZE r)
{ return *this = (CRect)*this + r;}

CRegRect& operator+=(LPCRECT r)
{ return *this = (CRect)*this + r;}

CRegRect& operator-=(POINT r)
{ return *this = (CRect)*this - r;}

CRegRect& operator-=(SIZE r)
{ return *this = (CRect)*this - r;}

CRegRect& operator-=(LPCRECT r)
{ return *this = (CRect)*this - r;}

CRegRect& operator&=(CRect r)
{ return *this = r & *this;}

CRegRect& operator|=(CRect r)
{ return *this = r | *this;}

CRect m_value; /**////< the cached value of the registry
CRect m_defaultvalue; ///< the default value to use
BOOL m_read; ///< indicates if the value has already been read from the registry
BOOL m_force; ///< indicates if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from registry

class CRegPoint : public CRegBase


* Constructor.
* \param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* \param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* \param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* \param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegPoint(CString key, CPoint def = CPoint(), BOOL force = FALSE, HKEY base = HKEY_CURRENT_USER);
CPoint read();

void write(); /**////< writes the value to the registry
operator CPoint();
CRegPoint& operator=(CPoint p);

CRegPoint& operator+=(CPoint p)
{ return *this = p + *this; }

CRegPoint& operator-=(CPoint p)
{ return *this = p - *this; }

CPoint m_value; /**////< the cached value of the registry
CPoint m_defaultvalue; ///< the default value to use
BOOL m_read; ///< indicates if the value has already been read from the registry
BOOL m_force; ///< indicates if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from registry


typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> stdstring;

class CRegStdBase

public: //methods

* Removes the whole registry key including all values. So if you set the registry
* entry to be HKCU\Software\Company\Product\key\value there will only be
* HKCU\Software\Company\Product key in the registry.
* \return ERROR_SUCCESS or an nonzero errorcode. Use FormatMessage() to get an error description.

DWORD removeKey()
{ RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path.c_str(), 0, KEY_WRITE, &m_hKey); return SHDeleteKey(m_base, m_path.c_str()); }

* Removes the value of the registry object. If you set the registry entry to
* be HKCU\Software\Company\Product\key\value there will only be
* HKCU\Software\Company\Product\key\ in the registry.
* \return ERROR_SUCCESS or an nonzero errorcode. Use FormatMessage() to get an error description.

LONG removeValue()
{ RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path.c_str(), 0, KEY_WRITE, &m_hKey); return RegDeleteValue(m_hKey, m_key.c_str()); }

public: //members

HKEY m_base; /**////< handle to the registry base
HKEY m_hKey; ///< handle to the open registry key
stdstring m_key; ///< the name of the value
stdstring m_path; ///< the path to the key

class CRegStdString : public CRegStdBase


* Constructor.
* \param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* \param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* \param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* \param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegStdString(stdstring key, stdstring def = _T(""), BOOL force = FALSE, HKEY base = HKEY_CURRENT_USER);

stdstring read(); /**////< reads the value from the registry
void write(); ///< writes the value to the registry
operator stdstring();
CRegStdString& operator=(stdstring s);

CRegStdString& operator+=(stdstring s)
{ return *this = (stdstring)*this + s; }
operator LPCTSTR();

stdstring m_value; /**////< the cached value of the registry
stdstring m_defaultvalue; ///< the default value to use
BOOL m_read; ///< indicates if the value has already been read from the registry
BOOL m_force; ///< indicates if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from registry

class CRegStdWORD : public CRegStdBase


* Constructor.
* \param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* \param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* \param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* \param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegStdWORD(stdstring key, DWORD def = 0, BOOL force = FALSE, HKEY base = HKEY_CURRENT_USER);

DWORD read(); /**////< reads the value from the registry
void write(); ///< writes the value to the registry
operator DWORD();
CRegStdWORD& operator=(DWORD d);

CRegStdWORD& operator+=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this + d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator-=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this - d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator*=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this * d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator/=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this / d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator%=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this % d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator<<=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this << d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator>>=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this >> d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator&=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this & d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator|=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this | d;}

CRegStdWORD& operator^=(DWORD d)
{ return *this = *this ^ d;}

DWORD m_value; /**////< the cached value of the registry
DWORD m_defaultvalue; ///< the default value to use
BOOL m_read; ///< indicates if the value has already been read from the registry
BOOL m_force; ///< indicates if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from registry

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "registry.h"


m_value = 0;
m_defaultvalue = 0;
m_key = "";
m_read = FALSE;
m_force = FALSE;

* Constructor.
* @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegDWORD::CRegDWORD(CString key, DWORD def, BOOL force, HKEY base)

m_value = 0;
m_defaultvalue = def;
m_force = force;
m_base = base;
m_read = FALSE;
m_path = key.Left(key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));
m_key = key.Right(key.GetLength() - key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));




ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
if (RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &m_hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

int size = sizeof(m_value);
DWORD type;
if (RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, (BYTE*) &m_value,(LPDWORD) &size)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;
return m_value;

return m_defaultvalue;
return m_defaultvalue;

void CRegDWORD::write()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
DWORD disp;
if (RegCreateKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &m_hKey, &disp)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)

if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, 0, REG_DWORD,(const BYTE*) &m_value, sizeof(m_value))==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;

CRegDWORD::operator DWORD()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value;

return read();

CRegDWORD& CRegDWORD::operator =(DWORD d)

if ((d==m_value)&&(!m_force))

//no write to the registry required, its the same value
return *this;
m_value = d;
return *this;



m_value = _T("");
m_defaultvalue = _T("");
m_key = _T("");
m_read = FALSE;
m_force = FALSE;

* Constructor.
* @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegString::CRegString(CString key, CString def, BOOL force, HKEY base)

m_value = "";
m_defaultvalue = def;
m_force = force;
m_base = base;
m_read = FALSE;
m_path = key.Left(key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));
m_key = key.Right(key.GetLength() - key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));



CString CRegString::read()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
if (RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &m_hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

int size = 0;
DWORD type;
RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, NULL, (LPDWORD) &size);
TCHAR* pStr = new TCHAR[size];
if (RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, (BYTE*) pStr,(LPDWORD) &size)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_value = CString(pStr);
delete [] pStr;
m_read = TRUE;
return m_value;

delete [] pStr;
return m_defaultvalue;
return m_defaultvalue;

void CRegString::write()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
DWORD disp;
if (RegCreateKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &m_hKey, &disp)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)

#ifdef _UNICODE
if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)(LPCTSTR)m_value, (m_value.GetLength()+1)*2)==ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)(LPCTSTR)m_value, m_value.GetLength()+1)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;

CRegString::operator CString()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value;

return read();

CRegString& CRegString::operator =(CString s)

if ((s==m_value)&&(!m_force))

//no write to the registry required, its the same value
return *this;
m_value = s;
return *this;



m_value = CRect(0,0,0,0);
m_defaultvalue = CRect(0,0,0,0);
m_key = _T("");
m_read = FALSE;
m_force = FALSE;

* Constructor.
* @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegRect::CRegRect(CString key, CRect def, BOOL force, HKEY base)

m_value = CRect(0,0,0,0);
m_defaultvalue = def;
m_force = force;
m_base = base;
m_read = FALSE;
m_path = key.Left(key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));
m_key = key.Right(key.GetLength() - key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));



CRect CRegRect::read()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
if (RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &m_hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

int size = 0;
DWORD type;
RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, NULL, (LPDWORD) &size);
LPRECT pRect = (LPRECT)new char[size];
if (RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, (BYTE*) pRect,(LPDWORD) &size)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_value = CRect(pRect);
delete [] pRect;
m_read = TRUE;
return m_value;

delete [] pRect;
return m_defaultvalue;
return m_defaultvalue;

void CRegRect::write()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
DWORD disp;
if (RegCreateKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &m_hKey, &disp)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)

if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)(LPRECT)m_value, sizeof(m_value))==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;

CRegRect::operator CRect()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value;

return read();

CRegRect& CRegRect::operator =(CRect s)

if ((s==m_value)&&(!m_force))

//no write to the registry required, its the same value
return *this;
m_value = s;
return *this;



m_value = CPoint(0,0);
m_defaultvalue = CPoint(0,0);
m_key = "";
m_read = FALSE;
m_force = FALSE;

* Constructor.
* @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegPoint::CRegPoint(CString key, CPoint def, BOOL force, HKEY base)

m_value = CPoint(0,0);
m_defaultvalue = def;
m_force = force;
m_base = base;
m_read = FALSE;
m_path = key.Left(key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));
m_key = key.Right(key.GetLength() - key.ReverseFind(_T('\\')));



CPoint CRegPoint::read()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
if (RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &m_hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

int size = 0;
DWORD type;
RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, NULL, (LPDWORD) &size);
POINT* pPoint = (POINT *)new char[size];
if (RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, NULL, &type, (BYTE*) pPoint,(LPDWORD) &size)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_value = CPoint(*pPoint);
delete [] pPoint;
m_read = TRUE;
return m_value;

delete [] pPoint;
return m_defaultvalue;
return m_defaultvalue;

void CRegPoint::write()

ASSERT(m_key != _T(""));
DWORD disp;
if (RegCreateKeyEx(m_base, m_path, 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &m_hKey, &disp)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)

if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key, 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)(POINT *)&m_value, sizeof(m_value))==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;

CRegPoint::operator CPoint()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value;

return read();

CRegPoint& CRegPoint::operator =(CPoint s)

if ((s==m_value)&&(!m_force))

//no write to the registry required, its the same value
return *this;
m_value = s;
return *this;




m_value = _T("");
m_defaultvalue = _T("");
m_key = _T("");
m_read = FALSE;
m_force = FALSE;

* Constructor.
* @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegStdString::CRegStdString(stdstring key, stdstring def, BOOL force, HKEY base)

m_value = _T("");
m_defaultvalue = def;
m_force = force;
m_base = base;
m_read = FALSE;

stdstring::size_type pos = key.find_last_of(_T('\\'));
m_path = key.substr(0, pos);
m_key = key.substr(pos + 1);



stdstring CRegStdString::read()

if (RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path.c_str(), 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &m_hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

int size = 0;
DWORD type;
RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key.c_str(), NULL, &type, NULL, (LPDWORD) &size);
TCHAR* pStr = new TCHAR[size];
if (RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key.c_str(), NULL, &type, (BYTE*) pStr,(LPDWORD) &size)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

delete [] pStr;
m_read = TRUE;
return m_value;

delete [] pStr;
return m_defaultvalue;
return m_defaultvalue;

void CRegStdString::write()

DWORD disp;
if (RegCreateKeyEx(m_base, m_path.c_str(), 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &m_hKey, &disp)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)

if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key.c_str(), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)m_value.c_str(), (DWORD)m_value.size()+1)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;

CRegStdString::operator LPCTSTR()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value.c_str();
return read().c_str();

CRegStdString::operator stdstring()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value;

return read();

CRegStdString& CRegStdString::operator =(stdstring s)

if ((s==m_value)&&(!m_force))

//no write to the registry required, its the same value
return *this;
m_value = s;
return *this;



m_value = 0;
m_defaultvalue = 0;
m_key = _T("");
m_read = FALSE;
m_force = FALSE;

* Constructor.
* @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
* @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
* @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
* @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegStdWORD::CRegStdWORD(stdstring key, DWORD def, BOOL force, HKEY base)

m_value = 0;
m_defaultvalue = def;
m_force = force;
m_base = base;
m_read = FALSE;

stdstring::size_type pos = key.find_last_of(_T('\\'));
m_path = key.substr(0, pos);
m_key = key.substr(pos + 1);



DWORD CRegStdWORD::read()

if (RegOpenKeyEx(m_base, m_path.c_str(), 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &m_hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

int size = sizeof(m_value);
DWORD type;
if (RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, m_key.c_str(), NULL, &type, (BYTE*) &m_value,(LPDWORD) &size)==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;
return m_value;

return m_defaultvalue;
return m_defaultvalue;

void CRegStdWORD::write()

DWORD disp;
if (RegCreateKeyEx(m_base, m_path.c_str(), 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &m_hKey, &disp)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)

if (RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, m_key.c_str(), 0, REG_DWORD,(const BYTE*) &m_value, sizeof(m_value))==ERROR_SUCCESS)

m_read = TRUE;

CRegStdWORD::operator DWORD()

if ((m_read)&&(!m_force))
return m_value;

return read();

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