

转载 :SQL Server 2005 Recursion and WITH Clause


Recursive queries have been added to T-SQL in SQL Server 2005 in the form of the WITH clause and CTE.  The books online documentation is pretty straight forward but a few people have asked me to work up a few useful samples to help get them going.  Simply copy/paste these samples into a query window and execute.

Table of Contents Hierarchy
  set nocount on
  declare @Sample1 table 
      RecordID int  Primary key NOT NULL ,
      ParentRecordID int,
      SortOrder int,
      Description nvarchar(100),
      Salary money
 /* Start loading of test data */
  insert into @Sample1 values(1,null,null,'CEO',10)
  insert into @Sample1 values(2,1,1,'Vice Pres. Marketing',9)
  insert into @Sample1 values(3,1,2,'Vice Pres. Ops-',8)
  insert into @Sample1 values(4,2,1,'Marketing Director - Direct Mail',7)
  insert into @Sample1 values(5,2,2,'Marketing Director - TV',6)
  insert into @Sample1 values(6,1,3,'Vice Pres. - Research',5)
  insert into @Sample1 values(7,4,1,'Human Resources Director',4)
  insert into @Sample1 values(8,4,2,'Some other item',3)
  insert into @Sample1 values(9,6,1,'Research Analyst',2)

  set nocount off;

 with RecursionCTE (RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,Salary,TOC)
   select RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,Salary,
          convert(varchar(100),'') TOC
      from @Sample1
      where ParentRecordID is null
   union all
   select R1.RecordID,
          case when DataLength(R2.TOC) > 0
                    then convert(varchar(100),R2.TOC + '.'
                                 + cast(R1.SortOrder as varchar(10))) 
                    else convert(varchar(100),
                                cast(R1.SortOrder as varchar(10))) 
                    end as TOC
      from @Sample1 as R1
     join RecursionCTE as R2 on R1.ParentRecordID = R2.RecordID

select * from RecursionCTE order by ParentRecordID,SortOrder asc 


RecordID    ParentRecordID SortOrder   Salary     TOC
----------- -------------- ----------- -----------------
1           NULL           NULL        10.00                 
2           1              1            9.00       1
3           1              2            8.00       2
6           1              3            5.00       3
4           2              1            7.00       1.1
5           2              2            6.00       1.2
7           4              1            4.00       1.1.1
8           4              2            3.00       1.1.2
9           6              1            2.00       3.1

Sum Up Subordinate Salaries of All Employees
set nocount on
  declare @Sample1 table 
      RecordID int  Primary key NOT NULL ,
      ParentRecordID int,
      SortOrder int,
      Description nvarchar(100),
      Salary money
 /* Start loading of test data */
  insert into @Sample1 values(1,null,null,'CEO',10)
  insert into @Sample1 values(2,1,1,'Vice Pres. Marketing',9)
  insert into @Sample1 values(3,1,2,'Vice Pres. Ops-',8)
  insert into @Sample1 values(4,2,1,'Marketing Director - Direct Mail',7)
  insert into @Sample1 values(5,2,2,'Marketing Director - TV',6)
  insert into @Sample1 values(6,1,3,'Vice Pres. - Research',5)
  insert into @Sample1 values(7,4,1,'Human Resources Director',4)
  insert into @Sample1 values(8,4,2,'Some other item',3)
  insert into @Sample1 values(9,6,1,'Research Analyst',2)

set nocount off;

 with RecursionCTE (RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,Salary)
   select RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,Salary
      from @Sample1
      where ParentRecordID is null
   union all
   select R1.RecordID,
      from @Sample1 as R1
     join RecursionCTE as R2 on R1.ParentRecordID = R2.RecordID
 select sum(R1.salary) as Salary
   from @Sample1 as R1
   JOIN RecursionCTE as R2
   on R1.RecordID = R2.RecordID



(1 row(s) affected)
Sum Up Subordinate Salaries of a Specific Employee
set nocount on
  declare @Sample1 table 
      RecordID int  Primary key NOT NULL ,
      ParentRecordID int,
      SortOrder int,
      Description nvarchar(100),
      Salary money
 /* Start loading of test data */
  insert into @Sample1 values(1,null,null,'CEO',10)
  insert into @Sample1 values(2,1,1,'Vice Pres. Marketing',9)
  insert into @Sample1 values(3,1,2,'Vice Pres. Ops-',8)
  insert into @Sample1 values(4,2,1,'Marketing Director - Direct Mail',7)
  insert into @Sample1 values(5,2,2,'Marketing Director - TV',6)
  insert into @Sample1 values(6,1,3,'Vice Pres. - Research',5)
  insert into @Sample1 values(7,4,1,'Human Resources Director',4)
  insert into @Sample1 values(8,4,2,'Some other item',3)
  insert into @Sample1 values(9,6,1,'Research Analyst',2)

set nocount off;

 with RecursionCTE (RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,Salary)
   select RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,Salary
      from @Sample1
      where ParentRecordID =2 -- specific employee id
   union all
   select R1.RecordID,
      from @Sample1 as R1
     join RecursionCTE as R2 on R1.ParentRecordID = R2.RecordID
 select sum(R1.salary) as Salary
   from @Sample1 as R1
   JOIN RecursionCTE as R2
   on R1.RecordID = R2.RecordID


Manager to Subordinate Salary Differential
set nocount on
  declare @Sample1 table 
      RecordID int  Primary key NOT NULL ,
      ParentRecordID int,
      SortOrder int,
      Description nvarchar(100),
      Salary money
 /* Start loading of test data */
  insert into @Sample1 values(1,null,null,'CEO',10)
  insert into @Sample1 values(2,1,1,'Vice Pres. Marketing',9)
  insert into @Sample1 values(3,1,2,'Vice Pres. Ops-',8)
  insert into @Sample1 values(4,2,1,'Marketing Director - Direct Mail',7)
  insert into @Sample1 values(5,2,2,'Marketing Director - TV',6)
  insert into @Sample1 values(6,1,3,'Vice Pres. - Research',5)
  insert into @Sample1 values(7,4,1,'Human Resources Director',4)
  insert into @Sample1 values(8,4,2,'Some other item',3)
  insert into @Sample1 values(9,6,1,'Research Analyst',2)

set nocount off;

 with RecursionCTE (RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,ParentSalary,Salary,Differential)
   select RecordID,ParentRecordID,SortOrder,
            convert(money,null) as ParentSalary,
            convert(money,null) as Differential
      from @Sample1
      where ParentRecordID is null
   union all
   select R1.RecordID,
            convert(money,R2.Salary) as ParentSalary,
            convert(money,R2.Salary - R1.Salary) as Differential
      from @Sample1 as R1
     join RecursionCTE as R2 on R1.ParentRecordID = R2.RecordID

select * from RecursionCTE order by ParentRecordID,SortOrder asc 

RecordID    ParentRecordID SortOrder   ParentSalary          Salary                Differential
----------- -------------- ----------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
1           NULL           NULL        NULL                  10.00                 NULL
2           1              1           10.00                 9.00                  1.00
3           1              2           10.00                 8.00                  2.00
6           1              3           10.00                 5.00                  5.00
4           2              1           9.00                  7.00                  2.00
5           2              2           9.00                  6.00                  3.00
7           4              1           7.00                  4.00                  3.00
8           4              2           7.00                  3.00                  4.00
9           6              1           5.00                  2.00                  3.00


posted on 2011-05-27 15:52  philzhou  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报