这时候我们要维护2条扫描线,一左一右(应该就是two pointer)
这里的线段树是单点修改,直接查询(难得不用lazy tag,但是要用lmax,rmax)
1 var tree,lmax,rmax,maxx,c,rank:array[0..80010] of longint; 2 a:array[0..20010] of int64; 3 x,y,s:array[0..10010] of longint; 4 w,h,n,m,t,p,l,i,ans:longint; 5 6 function max(a,b:longint):longint; 7 begin 8 if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b); 9 end; 10 11 procedure swap(var a,b:longint); 12 var c:longint; 13 begin 14 c:=a; 15 a:=b; 16 b:=c; 17 end; 18 19 procedure sorty(l,r: longint); 20 var i,j: longint; 21 x,y:int64; 22 begin 23 i:=l; 24 j:=r; 25 x:=a[(l+r) shr 1]; 26 repeat 27 while a[i]<x do inc(i); 28 while x<a[j] do dec(j); 29 if not(i>j) then 30 begin 31 y:=a[i]; 32 a[i]:=a[j]; 33 a[j]:=y; 34 35 swap(c[i],c[j]); 36 inc(i); 37 j:=j-1; 38 end; 39 until i>j; 40 if l<j then sorty(l,j); 41 if i<r then sorty(i,r); 42 end; 43 44 procedure sortx(l,r: longint); 45 var i,j,z: longint; 46 begin 47 i:=l; 48 j:=r; 49 z:=x[(l+r) shr 1]; 50 repeat 51 while x[i]<z do inc(i); 52 while z<x[j] do dec(j); 53 if not(i>j) then 54 begin 55 swap(x[i],x[j]); 56 swap(y[i],y[j]); 57 swap(s[i],s[j]); 58 inc(i); 59 j:=j-1; 60 end; 61 until i>j; 62 if l<j then sortx(l,j); 63 if i<r then sortx(i,r); 64 end; 65 66 procedure work(i,l,r,x,z:longint); 67 var m:longint; 68 begin 69 if l=r then 70 begin 71 inc(tree[i],z); 72 lmax[i]:=tree[i]; 73 rmax[i]:=tree[i]; 74 maxx[i]:=tree[i]; 75 end 76 else begin 77 m:=(l+r) shr 1; 78 if x<=m then work(i*2,l,m,x,z) 79 else work(i*2+1,m+1,r,x,z); 80 inc(tree[i],z); 81 lmax[i]:=max(lmax[i*2],tree[i*2]+lmax[i*2+1]); //不多说 82 rmax[i]:=max(rmax[i*2+1],tree[i*2+1]+rmax[i*2]); 83 maxx[i]:=max(lmax[i*2+1]+rmax[i*2],max(maxx[i*2],maxx[i*2+1])); 84 end; 85 end; 86 87 begin 88 while not eof do 89 begin 90 readln(n,w,h); 91 for i:=1 to n do 92 readln(x[i],y[i],s[i]); 93 sortx(1,n); 94 //先对x排序,后面离散化y坐标对应就轻松一点 95 for i:=1 to n do 96 begin 97 a[i]:=y[i]; 98 a[i+n]:=int64(y[i])+int64(h);//当然y+h这个位置也要离散化 99 c[i]:=i; 100 c[i+n]:=i+n; 101 end; 102 t:=n*2; 103 sorty(1,t); 104 p:=1; 105 rank[c[1]]:=1; 106 for i:=2 to t do 107 begin 108 if (a[i]<>a[i-1]) then inc(p); 109 rank[c[i]]:=p; 110 end; 111 m:=p; 112 fillchar(tree,sizeof(tree),0); 113 fillchar(lmax,sizeof(lmax),0); 114 fillchar(rmax,sizeof(rmax),0); 115 fillchar(maxx,sizeof(maxx),0); 116 l:=1; 117 ans:=0; 118 for i:=1 to n do 119 begin 120 while (l<i) and (int64(x[l])+int64(w)<=x[i]) do 121 begin 122 work(1,1,m,rank[l],-s[l]); //删除左扫描线左边的点 123 work(1,1,m,rank[l+n],s[l]); 124 inc(l); 125 end; 126 work(1,1,m,rank[i+n],-s[i]); //右加入扫描线上的点 127 work(1,1,m,rank[i],s[i]); 128 ans:=max(ans,maxx[1]); 129 end; 130 writeln(ans); 131 end; 132 end.
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