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 1 var a,b:array[0..40] of longint;
 2     x,n,i,j,k,t,m,ans:longint;
 3     fl:boolean;
 4     s:string;
 5     ch:char;
 7 procedure doit(x:longint);
 8   begin
 9     fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);
10     m:=0;
11     while x<>0 do
12     begin
13       inc(m);
14       b[m]:=x mod 2;
15       x:=x shr 1;
16     end;
17   end;
19 begin
20   readln(n,k);
21   t:=31;
22   for i:=1 to 31 do
23     a[i]:=1;
24   for i:=1 to n do
25   begin
26     s:='';
27     read(ch);
28     while ch<>' ' do
29     begin
30       s:=s+ch;
31       read(ch);
32     end;
33     readln(x);
34     doit(x);
35     if s='OR' then  //2表示这一位取什么值都能使ans这位上取1,-1表示去什么都不可以,1表示取1才可以,0表示取0才可以
36     begin
37       for j:=1 to 31 do
38         if b[j]=1 then a[j]:=2;  
39     end
40     else if s='AND' then
41     begin
42       for j:=1 to 31 do
43         if b[j]=0 then a[j]:=-1;
44     end
45     else begin
46       for j:=1 to 31 do
47         if b[j]=1 then
48         begin
49           if a[j]=-1 then a[j]:=2
50           else if a[j]=2 then a[j]:=-1
51           else if a[j]=1 then a[j]:=0
52           else if a[j]=0 then a[j]:=1;
53         end;
54     end;
55   end;
56   doit(k);
57   ans:=0;
58   fl:=false;  //fl判断高位是否已经严格小于了
59   for i:=31 downto 1 do
60     if fl then
61     begin
62       if a[i]<>-1 then
63         ans:=ans+1 shl (i-1);
64     end
65     else begin
66       if (b[i]=0) and ((a[i]=2) or (a[i]=0)) then ans:=ans+1 shl (i-1);
67       if (b[i]=1) then
68       begin
69         if (a[i]=2) or (a[i]=0) then
70         begin
71           fl:=true;
72           ans:=ans+1 shl (i-1);
73         end
74         else if a[i]=-1 then fl:=true
75         else ans:=ans+1 shl (i-1);
76       end;
77     end;
79   writeln(ans);
80 end.
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