JQuery UI 1.8.13发布看看有哪些变动

JQuery UI 1.8.13 已经发布了,这是第13个维护版本,该版本主要修复了UI Core、 拖放、尺寸调整、自动完成、按钮、日期选择以及滑块的相关bug。

jQuery UI 是一套 jQuery 的页面 UI 插件,包含很多种常用的页面空间,例如标签 、拉帘效果、对话框、拖放效果、日期选择、颜色选择、数据排序、窗体大小调整等等非常多的内容。二者的区别是:jQuery是一个js库,主要提供的功能是选择器,属性修改和事件绑定等等。jQuery UI则是在jQuery的基础上,利用jQuery的扩展性,设计的插件。提供了一些常用的界面元素,诸如对话框、拖动行为、改变尺寸行为等等。


UI Core
Fixed: Optimize :tabbable. (
#7257, 96f6b1a)


  • 拖放 Fixed: Nested draggables problem in IE. (#4333, 7eda94a)
    Fixed: Containment ignored when scrolling in overflow div. (#4445, a6d8fd1)
    Fixed: Load iframe shims prior to dragging. (#7270, 15b9e9d)
    Fixed: Draggable+Sortable Demo duplicates DOM Ids. (#4564, 201b5ed)
  • 尺寸调整
Fixed: Resizable autoHide Doesn't Work With Resizable's disable. (#6948, 38af07e)
Fixed: Chrome dev tools console shows GET data: undefined (undefinedMAX213CAI). (#7293, 5e095e9)


  • 自动完成 Fixed: Scrollable results don't visually update with jQuery 1.6. (#7354, 36110e0)
  • 按钮 Fixed: Disabled buttons still allow clicks. (#5945, 4c218ee)
  • 日期选择 Fixed: Minimize event binding in Datepicker initialization. (#7256,0da176b)
    Fixed: Year selector disappears after setting an option in Firefox. (#7322, 10fa7f9)
    Fixed: Display overflow when multiple datepickers have different numberOfMonths. (#6704, 870977a)
    Fixed: Problem with JavascriptPacker (Files include BOMs). MAX352CSE(#6734, 0d0adde)
    Fixed: $.datepicker.parseDate does not work for some locale date strings. (#7062, f9faa0a)
    Fixed: Incorrect day name for Slovak localization. (#7254,df7e300)
    Fixed: Incorrect dateFormat in jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js. (#7250, 06815a9)
    Fixed: Disabled datepicker should disable month and year dropdowns. (#6850, 2b84107)
    Fixed: Datepicker remains open when MMBT3904tabbing out. (#6775, 7360265)
    Fixed: Rendering problem after changing numberOfMonths option. (#6949, 870977a)
    Fixed: Typo in DatepiN80960SA16价格cker docs. (#7282)
  • 滑块
Fixed: Optimize handle creation.(#7259, 03ce9fb)

Fixed: $.effects.animateClass broken in jQuery 1.6. (
#7275, 5439940)


posted @ 2011-05-22 16:58  ph580  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报