Progress Bar

Progress Bar


A progress bar is a graphical representation of a job's progress and is used extensively in the standard application. By using a progress bar, users can follow the job's progress. It is best practice to always display a progress bar during a lengthy process.

[edit]Progress Bar within a batchable class

The RunBase framework has methods which will initialize the progress bar so that you can focus on coding the process.

// progress bar Runbase demo
public void run()
    str     text;
    int     percent;
    int     counter;
    int64   progressTotal = 200; // hard coded for demo purpose (this is normally calculated)  ;   this.progressInit("Processing", progressTotal,  #AviFormLetter);
    progress.setText("Item");   for (counter = 1; counter <= progressTotal; counter ++)
        // processing happens here
        // progress bar text for the current 'item'
        percent = decRound((counter / progressTotal) * 100, 0);
        text    = strFmt("Item %1 of %2 (%3%)", counter, progressTotal, percent);
    }   progress = null;

[edit]Progress Bar within a Method

On occasion you may want to show a progress bar from a method, whether that be inside a class or just a job. You can show it as follows:

SysOperationProgress  progress = new SysOperationProgress();
progress.setAnimation(#....); // from AviFiles macro
progress.setCaption("<caption text>");   //99 Steps to perform
progress.setTotal(99);   progress.incCount();   progress.setCount(2);   progress.setCaption("<caption text>");   progress.kill();
posted @ 2012-02-15 17:50  perock  阅读(487)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报