Tuple An immutable data value that contains related elements. Tuples are used to group together related data, such as a person's name, their age, and their gender.
Heterogeneous(异构) can be composed of elements of different types.
year_born = ("Paris Hilton", 1981)
students = [
("John", ["CompSci", "Physics"]),
("Vusi", ["Maths", "CompSci", "Stats"]),
("Jess", ["CompSci", "Accounting", "Economics", "Management"]),
("Sarah", ["InfSys", "Accounting", "Economics", "CommLaw"]),
("Zuki", ["Sociology", "Economics", "Law", "Stats", "Music"])]
Packing & Un-Packing
Reference:<How to Think Like a Computer Scientist>
posted on 2015-10-02 11:33 vczh_tonyc 阅读(160) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报