

2009-12-08 09:23  FantasySoft  阅读(1010)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Tony在《Ethically made in China》中简单有力的诘问让我想起了一个近年来广为流行的词汇——企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,简称CSR)。我们从这里可以了解到CSR的具体含义:企业在其商业运作里对其利害关系人应付的责任。而其中的利害关系人就包括了企业员工。Ethically made in China的出现恰恰印证了越来越多企业开始关注CSR。

在CSR方面,来自美国的著名制鞋公司Timberland可谓是表率。早在2006年初,Timberland就开始在鞋盒贴上“营养标签”(Nutritional Label)(见下图,要看得清楚些?点这里),以便让消费者了解所购买的鞋子包含了多少环保成分。除了在产品上体现了其应当承担的社会责任,Timberland还在能源、工作场所以及服务上设定了自己的CSR战略,并且每个季度都会发布CSR报告,从而让股东们能够更早的参与进来。



We love the outdoors. Making outdoor boots, shoes and gear is what we do for a living. No more outdoors means no more living. For us - or anyone else. Of course, we realize that by making our products we're part of the problem. We believe it's time for companies like ours to take a look at how the way they do business affects the environment and do something about it. Earthkeepers is one way we're trying to do exactly that – with the mission to inform, inspire and engage one million Earthkeepers.
