IronPython0.9 release
2005-08-03 23:59 FantasySoft 阅读(1244) 评论(5) 编辑 收藏 举报 晚上上网Check Mail,很意外也很开心的发现IronPython0.9发布了!当我看到EMail的title的时候,我着实有点惊讶,怎么是0.9,而不是0.7.7或者0.8呢?原来是因为新版本的开发比预期的时间多了两个星期,而与此同时,O'Reilly Open Source Convention又临近了,因此IronPython Team决定再奋战多一个星期,直接越过0.8发布0.9。以下是IronPython0.9的更新:
* The implementation of subclassing .Net classes and method overriding.
* Improved overloaded method resolution.
* Much better COM interop support
* IronPython test suite is now part of the release
* New example is included - Embedding IronPython
* Multi-line import statement support: from x import ( ..., ... )
* Very simple support for tab-completion in the console window
* Bug fixes