

2005-04-15 00:29  FantasySoft  阅读(2018)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报

        IronPython这次又给我们带来了惊喜,IronPython0.7.2发布了!这距上一个版本的发布只有十天时间,速度真的让人吃惊!这主要得益于广大程序员对IronPython的关注,从workspace上的active bugs在不断的增多就可见一斑了。我相信问题发现得越多,则完善得越快,1.0版本也就越完美,越值得期待。
        * Indexing .Net arrays, both single- and multi-dimensional 
        * Correct exception thrown on division by zero (ZeroDivisionError) 
        * string constant parsing fixed to handle unrecognized escape sequences correctly 
        * Complex slicing scenarios fixed
        * issubclass(class, instance) fixed to raise correct exception
        * chr(x) raises ValueError on invalid values
        * callable() implemented
        * object.__delattr__ implemented
        * Exception.args can now be accessed from Python code (this relates to the .Net array access)
        * str(None) is now handled correctly
        * Call with keyword args is fixed 
        * Invoking .Net properties with parameters (indexers) is now supported
        * .Net classes with static constructor can now be subclassed
        * max() and min() fixed to work on lists and support correct arguments
        * open file overloads are now implemented
        * complex() second argument is optional fixed
        * Implementation of long integer division. This enables us to run Parrotbench again.