2005-04-03 01:29 FantasySoft 阅读(1569) 评论(5) 编辑 收藏 举报 时间跨入了2005年四月,而昨天我度过了迄今为止最伤感的愚人节,恼人的细雨与压抑的情绪充斥着昨天的每一分每一秒。还以为这样的天气会延续很久,但是早上起来却发现外面阳光灿烂,而我的心情也随之好了起来。于是,我穿着短袖到外面闲逛,感受春天的气息。来到珠江边,想起昨日的阴霾,再望望今日满眼的翠绿,我发现,阳光总在风雨后,而希望总是会在绝望中萌生。带着好心情回到家中,上网的时候竟然发现IronPython0.7.1发布了!Jim Hugunin果然没有食言,这一次版本更新的速度着实令人满意。看来,惊喜总会不约而同的到来喔,呵呵~~~
* Slicing operator parsing and runtime implementation
* Descending sequences in xrange and range
* implementation of "del", "assert" and "iter(a,b)"
* issubclass throws correct exception on invalid arguments
* multiplication of string and int (5 * 's')
* division of complex numbers
* comparison of large numbers
* iteritems on dict
* correct exception thrown when accessing dictionary with the missing key
* inheritance from classes with no public constructor
(reported as "Cannot inherit from MarshalByRefObject")
* Delegate objects can be explicitly created
* Trivial Makefile included
* The distribution unzips into the directory named "IronPython-0.7.1"