2004-09-17 20:50 FantasySoft 阅读(1153) 评论(7) 编辑 收藏 举报1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...... + 1/n怎么计算?
后来,我用Google搜索了一下,期待能够找到解答,可是能够找到的就是:这样的数列称为Harmonic Series。以下摘录一些关于Harmonic Series的信息:
The harmonic series is this:
Some infinite series sum to real numbers .These 9 terms sum to 2.829. 100 terms sum to 5.187. 1000 terms sum to 7.4854. And 1,000,000 terms sum to 14.384. Just what does the infinite series add up to? The answer to that is that the sum blows up to infinity. It gets there very slowly, doesn't it? There is actually a simple proof that it sums to infinity:
Consider this series:
T<S for any finite number of terms.
T=1+1/2+1/2+1/2+... which is infinite for infinitely many terms.
So S must also be infinite.
It turns out that there is a relatively simple estimate of the sum of n terms:
S(n) is approximately ln(n)+.5772156649...
It gets closer, the larger n is. The number .5772156649... is known as Euler's constant.
哪位朋友知道如何解答的,还请不吝赐教了。 //Bow