if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name=N'master..test')
drop database test
create database test
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=N'proc_name' and type='p')
drop proc proc_name
create proc proc_name
select * from table_name
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'dbo.proc_name') and objectproperty(id,N'isprocedure')=1) --id是当前数据库中某个对象(表、存储过程.)的ID
--or:if exists (select * from sysobjects where and objectproperty(object_id(N'dbo.proc_name'),N'isprocedure')=1)
drop proc proc_name
create proc proc_name
select * from table_name
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=N'table_name')
drop table table_name
create table table_name
_id int,
_name char(10)
insert into table_name select 1,'zhang' union all
select 2,'zhu' union all
select 3,'liuchunmei'
if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'table_name') and objectproperty(id,N'istable')=1)
--or:if exists(select * from sysobjects where objectproperty(object_id(N'table_name'),N'istable')=1)
drop table table_name
create table table_name
_id int,
_name char(10)
insert into table_name select 1,'zhang' union all
select 2,'zhu' union all
select 3,'liuchunmei'
if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name=N'master..test')
drop database test
create database test
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=N'proc_name' and type='p')
drop proc proc_name
create proc proc_name
select * from table_name
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'dbo.proc_name') and objectproperty(id,N'isprocedure')=1) --id是当前数据库中某个对象(表、存储过程.)的ID
--or:if exists (select * from sysobjects where and objectproperty(object_id(N'dbo.proc_name'),N'isprocedure')=1)
drop proc proc_name
create proc proc_name
select * from table_name
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=N'table_name')
drop table table_name
create table table_name
_id int,
_name char(10)
insert into table_name select 1,'zhang' union all
select 2,'zhu' union all
select 3,'liuchunmei'
if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'table_name') and objectproperty(id,N'istable')=1)
--or:if exists(select * from sysobjects where objectproperty(object_id(N'table_name'),N'istable')=1)
drop table table_name
create table table_name
_id int,
_name char(10)
insert into table_name select 1,'zhang' union all
select 2,'zhu' union all
select 3,'liuchunmei'
OBJECTPROPERTY ( id , property )
一个表达式,包含当前数据库中某个对象(表、存储过程…)的 ID。id 的数据类型是 int。
一个表达式,包含针对由 id 指定的对象将要返回的信息。Property 可以是下面这些值中的一个。
说明:除非加以注释,否则,如果 property 是无效的属性名,则返回 NULL。
具体property属性请参考SQL Server 联机丛书