const int Net::extract_all_blobs() const { for(int blob_idx = 0; blob_idx < blobs_.size(); blob_idx++) { shared_ptr<Blob> blob_ptr = blobs_[blob_idx]; const float *pData = blob_ptr->cpu_data(); // write to file char path[256]; char id[8]; strcpy(path, "./minicaffe_blobs_data/"); sprintf(id, "%d", blob_idx); strcat(path, id); strcat(path, ".txt"); FILE *fp = fopen(path, "w+"); if(!fp) fprintf(stderr, "error open file\n"); // header //\ value to key char blob_name[256]; for (auto iter : blob_names_index_) if (iter.second == blob_idx){ strcpy(blob_name, iter.first.c_str()); break; } fprintf(fp, blob_name); fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (int w = 0; w < blob_ptr->count(); w++) fprintf(fp, "%f\n", pData[w]); fclose(fp); } return 0; }