这里主要是对paper的笔记,和一些将访问模式应用到实际video CDN系统设计的考虑

【Key new observations】

  • with 77-79%of media sessions being less than 10 min long, 7-12% of the sessions being 10-30 min, and 6-13% ofsessions continued for more than 30 min.

对于对象的cache有两种选择:全部缓存,和部分缓存。部分缓存比完整对象复杂得多,但是看看它能够带来的好处: 有不少的session都是很短的,这里10分钟以下的session达到了77%以上,这样,对于影片之类的大对象的部分缓存,就意味着更加的节省cache资源,而且使用有限的空间,可以得到更高的命中率

  • Most of the incomplete sessions (i.e. terminated by clients before the video was fnished) are accessing the initial segments of media file.


  • high locality of accesses: 14-30% of the files accessed on the server account for 90% of the media sessions


  • there is a significant number of files that are rarely accessed (16% to 19% of the files are accessed only once)


  • Zipf Like distribution



  • Accesses to the new files constitute most of the accesses in any given month


  • For both workloads, 51-52% of accesses to media files occur during the first week of their introduction.



  • 访问时长

  • Zipf统计图

  • New Files 访问占一个月访问的比例



菊子曰 本文用菊子曰发布
 posted on 2011-02-06 18:30  加菲猫  阅读(373)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报