MailKit组件的支持的客户端类型比较多,例如SMTP客户端、POP3客户端、IMAP4客户端。该组件是一个跨平台的Email组件,该组件支持.NET 4.0,.NET 4.5,Xamarin.Android,Xamarin.iOS,Windows Phone 8.1等等平台。
该组件在安全性的还是比较高的,处理安全的方式较多,SASL认证、支持S / MIME v3.2、支持OpenPGP、支持DKIM签名等等方式。Mailkit组件可以通过CancellationToken取消对应的操作,CancellationToken传播应取消操作的通知,一个的CancellationToken使线程,线程池工作项目之间,或取消合作任务的对象。过实例化CancellationTokenSource对象来创建取消令牌,该对象管理从其CancellationTokenSource.Token属性检索的取消令牌。然后,将取消令牌传递到应该收到取消通知的任意数量的线程,任务或操作。令牌不能用于启动取消。
/// <summary> /// 邮件服务API /// </summary> public static class MailServiceApi { /// <summary> /// 发送邮件 /// </summary> /// <param name="mailBodyEntity">邮件基础信息</param> /// <param name="sendServerConfiguration">发件人基础信息</param> public static SendResultEntity SendMail(MailBodyEntity mailBodyEntity, SendServerConfigurationEntity sendServerConfiguration) { if (sendServerConfiguration == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (sendServerConfiguration == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } var sendResultEntity = new SendResultEntity(); using (var client = new SmtpClient(new ProtocolLogger(CreateMailLog()))) { client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true; Connection(mailBodyEntity, sendServerConfiguration, client, sendResultEntity); if (sendResultEntity.ResultStatus == false) { return sendResultEntity; } SmtpClientBaseMessage(client); Authenticate(mailBodyEntity, sendServerConfiguration, client, sendResultEntity); if (sendResultEntity.ResultStatus == false) { return sendResultEntity; } Send(mailBodyEntity, sendServerConfiguration, client, sendResultEntity); if (sendResultEntity.ResultStatus == false) { return sendResultEntity; } client.Disconnect(true); } return sendResultEntity; } /// <summary> /// 连接服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="mailBodyEntity">邮件内容</param> /// <param name="sendServerConfiguration">发送配置</param> /// <param name="client">客户端对象</param> /// <param name="sendResultEntity">发送结果</param> public static void Connection(MailBodyEntity mailBodyEntity, SendServerConfigurationEntity sendServerConfiguration, SmtpClient client, SendResultEntity sendResultEntity) { try { client.Connect(sendServerConfiguration.SmtpHost, sendServerConfiguration.SmtpPort); } catch (SmtpCommandException ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"尝试连接时出错:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (SmtpProtocolException ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"尝试连接时的协议错误:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (Exception ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"服务器连接错误:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } } /// <summary> /// 账户认证 /// </summary> /// <param name="mailBodyEntity">邮件内容</param> /// <param name="sendServerConfiguration">发送配置</param> /// <param name="client">客户端对象</param> /// <param name="sendResultEntity">发送结果</param> public static void Authenticate(MailBodyEntity mailBodyEntity, SendServerConfigurationEntity sendServerConfiguration, SmtpClient client, SendResultEntity sendResultEntity) { try { client.Authenticate(sendServerConfiguration.SenderAccount, sendServerConfiguration.SenderPassword); } catch (AuthenticationException ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"无效的用户名或密码:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (SmtpCommandException ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"尝试验证错误:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (SmtpProtocolException ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"尝试验证时的协议错误:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (Exception ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"账户认证错误:{0}" + ex.Message; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } } /// <summary> /// 发送邮件 /// </summary> /// <param name="mailBodyEntity">邮件内容</param> /// <param name="sendServerConfiguration">发送配置</param> /// <param name="client">客户端对象</param> /// <param name="sendResultEntity">发送结果</param> public static void Send(MailBodyEntity mailBodyEntity, SendServerConfigurationEntity sendServerConfiguration, SmtpClient client, SendResultEntity sendResultEntity) { try { client.Send(MailMessage.AssemblyMailMessage(mailBodyEntity)); } catch (SmtpCommandException ex) { switch (ex.ErrorCode) { case SmtpErrorCode.RecipientNotAccepted: sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"收件人未被接受:{ex.Message}"; break; case SmtpErrorCode.SenderNotAccepted: sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"发件人未被接受:{ex.Message}"; break; case SmtpErrorCode.MessageNotAccepted: sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"消息未被接受:{ex.Message}"; break; } sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (SmtpProtocolException ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"发送消息时的协议错误:{ex.Message}"; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } catch (Exception ex) { sendResultEntity.ResultInformation = $"邮件接收失败:{ex.Message}"; sendResultEntity.ResultStatus = false; } } /// <summary> /// 获取SMTP基础信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="client">客户端对象</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MailServerInformation SmtpClientBaseMessage(SmtpClient client) { var mailServerInformation = new MailServerInformation { Authentication = client.Capabilities.HasFlag(SmtpCapabilities.Authentication), BinaryMime = client.Capabilities.HasFlag(SmtpCapabilities.BinaryMime), Dsn = client.Capabilities.HasFlag(SmtpCapabilities.Dsn), EightBitMime = client.Capabilities.HasFlag(SmtpCapabilities.EightBitMime), Size = client.MaxSize }; return mailServerInformation; } /// <summary> /// 创建邮件日志文件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string CreateMailLog() { var logPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/DocumentLog/" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; if (File.Exists(logPath)) return logPath; var fs = File.Create(logPath); fs.Close(); return logPath; } }
/// <summary> /// 邮件信息 /// </summary> public static class MailMessage { /// <summary> /// 组装邮件文本/附件邮件信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="mailBodyEntity">邮件消息实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MimeMessage AssemblyMailMessage(MailBodyEntity mailBodyEntity) { if (mailBodyEntity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mailBodyEntity)); } var message = new MimeMessage(); //设置邮件基本信息 SetMailBaseMessage(message, mailBodyEntity); var multipart = new Multipart("mixed"); //插入文本消息 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailBodyEntity.MailTextBody) == false) { var alternative = new MultipartAlternative { AssemblyMailTextMessage(mailBodyEntity.MailTextBody, mailBodyEntity.MailBodyType) }; multipart.Add(alternative); } //插入附件 if (mailBodyEntity.MailFilePath != null && File.Exists(mailBodyEntity.MailFilePath) == false) { var mimePart = AssemblyMailAttachmentMessage(mailBodyEntity.MailFileType, mailBodyEntity.MailFileSubType, mailBodyEntity.MailFilePath); multipart.Add(mimePart); } //组合邮件内容 message.Body = multipart; return message; } /// <summary> /// 设置邮件基础信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="minMessag"></param> /// <param name="mailBodyEntity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static MimeMessage SetMailBaseMessage(MimeMessage minMessag, MailBodyEntity mailBodyEntity) { if (minMessag == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (mailBodyEntity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } //插入发件人 minMessag.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(mailBodyEntity.Sender, mailBodyEntity.SenderAddress)); //插入收件人 foreach (var recipients in mailBodyEntity.Recipients) { minMessag.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(recipients)); } //插入抄送人 foreach (var cC in mailBodyEntity.Cc) { minMessag.Cc.Add(new MailboxAddress(cC)); } //插入主题 minMessag.Subject = mailBodyEntity.Subject; return minMessag; } /// <summary> /// 组装邮件文本信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="mailBody">邮件文本内容</param> /// <param name="textPartType">邮件文本类型(plain,html,rtf,xml)</param> /// <returns></returns> public static TextPart AssemblyMailTextMessage(string mailBody, string textPartType) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailBody)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textPartType)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } var textBody = new TextPart(textPartType) { Text = mailBody }; return textBody; } /// <summary> /// 组装邮件附件信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileAttachmentType">附件类型(image,application)</param> /// <param name="fileAttachmentSubType">附件子类型 </param> /// <param name="fileAttachmentPath">附件路径</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MimePart AssemblyMailAttachmentMessage(string fileAttachmentType, string fileAttachmentSubType, string fileAttachmentPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileAttachmentSubType)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileAttachmentType)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileAttachmentPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } var attachment = new MimePart(fileAttachmentType, fileAttachmentSubType) { Content = new MimeContent(File.OpenRead(fileAttachmentPath)), ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(ContentDisposition.Attachment), ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64, FileName = Path.GetFileName(fileAttachmentPath) }; return attachment; } }
/// <summary> /// 邮件内容实体 /// </summary> public class MailBodyEntity { /// <summary> /// 邮件文本内容 /// </summary> public string MailTextBody { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件内容类型 /// </summary> public string MailBodyType { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件附件文件类型 /// </summary> public string MailFileType { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件附件文件子类型 /// </summary> public string MailFileSubType { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件附件文件路径 /// </summary> public string MailFilePath { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 收件人 /// </summary> public List<string> Recipients { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 抄送 /// </summary> public List<string> Cc { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 发件人 /// </summary> public string Sender { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 发件人地址 /// </summary> public string SenderAddress { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件主题 /// </summary> public string Subject { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件内容 /// </summary> public string Body { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// 邮件服务器基础信息 /// </summary> public class MailServerInformation { /// <summary> /// SMTP服务器支持SASL机制类型 /// </summary> public bool Authentication { get; set; } /// <summary> /// SMTP服务器对消息的大小 /// </summary> public uint Size { get; set; } /// <summary> /// SMTP服务器支持传递状态通知 /// </summary> public bool Dsn { get; set; } /// <summary> /// SMTP服务器支持Content-Transfer-Encoding /// </summary> public bool EightBitMime { get; set; } /// <summary> /// SMTP服务器支持Content-Transfer-Encoding /// </summary> public bool BinaryMime { get; set; } /// <summary> /// SMTP服务器在消息头中支持UTF-8 /// </summary> public string UTF8 { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// 邮件发送结果 /// </summary> public class SendResultEntity { /// <summary> /// 结果信息 /// </summary> public string ResultInformation { get; set; } = "发送成功!"; /// <summary> /// 结果状态 /// </summary> public bool ResultStatus { get; set; } = true; } /// <summary> /// 邮件发送服务器配置 /// </summary> public class SendServerConfigurationEntity { /// <summary> /// 邮箱SMTP服务器地址 /// </summary> public string SmtpHost { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮箱SMTP服务器端口 /// </summary> public int SmtpPort { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 是否启用IsSsl /// </summary> public bool IsSsl { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 邮件编码 /// </summary> public string MailEncoding { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 发件人账号 /// </summary> public string SenderAccount { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 发件人密码 /// </summary> public string SenderPassword { get; set; } }
/// <summary> /// 跟投邮件服务API /// </summary> public static class ReceiveEmailServiceApi { /// <summary> /// 设置发件人信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static SendServerConfigurationEntity SetSendMessage() { var sendServerConfiguration = new SendServerConfigurationEntity { SmtpHost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpServer"], SmtpPort = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpPort"]), IsSsl = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsSsl"]), MailEncoding = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailEncoding"], SenderAccount = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SenderAccount"], SenderPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SenderPassword"] }; return sendServerConfiguration; } /// <summary> /// 接收邮件 /// </summary> public static void ReceiveEmail() { var sendServerConfiguration = SetSendMessage(); if (sendServerConfiguration == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } using (var client = new ImapClient(new ProtocolLogger(CreateMailLog()))) { client.Connect(sendServerConfiguration.SmtpHost, sendServerConfiguration.SmtpPort, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect); client.Authenticate(sendServerConfiguration.SenderAccount, sendServerConfiguration.SenderPassword); client.Inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadOnly); var uids = client.Inbox.Search(SearchQuery.All); foreach (var uid in uids) { var message = client.Inbox.GetMessage(uid); message.WriteTo($"{uid}.eml"); } client.Disconnect(true); } } /// <summary> /// 下载邮件内容 /// </summary> public static void DownloadBodyParts() { var sendServerConfiguration = SetSendMessage(); using (var client = new ImapClient()) { client.Connect(sendServerConfiguration.SmtpHost, sendServerConfiguration.SmtpPort, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect); client.Authenticate(sendServerConfiguration.SenderAccount, sendServerConfiguration.SenderPassword); client.Inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadOnly); // 搜索Subject标题包含“MimeKit”或“MailKit”的邮件 var query = SearchQuery.SubjectContains("MimeKit").Or(SearchQuery.SubjectContains("MailKit")); var uids = client.Inbox.Search(query); // 获取搜索结果的摘要信息(我们需要UID和BODYSTRUCTURE每条消息,以便我们可以提取文本正文和附件) var items = client.Inbox.Fetch(uids, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure); foreach (var item in items) { // 确定一个目录来保存内容 var directory = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/MailBody", item.UniqueId.ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); // IMessageSummary.TextBody是一个便利的属性,可以为我们找到“文本/纯文本”的正文部分 var bodyPart = item.TextBody; // 下载'text / plain'正文部分 var body = (TextPart) client.Inbox.GetBodyPart(item.UniqueId, bodyPart); // TextPart.Text是一个便利的属性,它解码内容并将结果转换为我们的字符串 var text = body.Text; File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(directory, "body.txt"), text); // 现在遍历所有附件并将其保存到磁盘 foreach (var attachment in item.Attachments) { // 像我们对内容所做的那样下载附件 var entity = client.Inbox.GetBodyPart(item.UniqueId, attachment); // 附件可以是message / rfc822部件或常规MIME部件 var messagePart = entity as MessagePart; if (messagePart != null) { var rfc822 = messagePart; var path = Path.Combine(directory, attachment.PartSpecifier + ".eml"); rfc822.Message.WriteTo(path); } else { var part = (MimePart) entity; // 注意:这可能是空的,但大多数会指定一个文件名 var fileName = part.FileName; var path = Path.Combine(directory, fileName); // decode and save the content to a file using (var stream = File.Create(path)) part.Content.DecodeTo(stream); } } } client.Disconnect(true); } } /// <summary> /// 创建邮件日志文件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string CreateMailLog() { var logPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/DocumentLog/" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".txt"; if (File.Exists(logPath)) return logPath; var fs = File.Create(logPath); fs.Close(); return logPath; } }
使用过邮件功能的项目 都会有困扰,客户端与邮件服务器的连接是否成功,以及邮件是否发送成功状态没有办法很快的获取,只能根据邮件服务器返回的一场状态进行判断。但是MailKit提供对应的方法和异常类,对邮件服务器返回的异常信息进行解析,客户端可以根据这些异常类获取邮件状态。
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